Chickpeas, also referred to as Turkish or mutton peas, were recently perceived by buyers as an oriental exotic product. Today, it can be found on the shelves next to the “bean” in many stores. Despite belonging to the same family and some external resemblance, chickpeas differ from ordinary peas, starting from the area of ​​​​growth to the method of preparation.

Chickpeas and peas: what is the difference, what is healthier, what is better

Both types of legumes differ in taste, nutritional value and chemical composition.

What is the difference between peas and chickpeas

Common peas and chickpeas are representatives of the same family, but the second one has a significant superiority over its legume “relative” in terms of qualitative composition. At the same time, it is inferior in terms of the amount of protein content.


Visually, chickpeas are very different from ordinary peas. It is larger, the average diameter of a dry pea can reach up to 1 cm. The surface is tuberculate, uneven. Dry chickpeas are much harder than peas, so they require preparatory manipulations before cooking (long soaking). In finished form, its pulp is soft-velvety, pleasant, with a nutty flavor.

Chickpeas themselves are annual plants that form small pods with 2-4 grains inside. It reaches a height of 70 cm, has an erect stem with unpaired foliage.

Attention! Depending on the place of growth, the color of chickpea grains can vary from yellow to green-brown. Only the variety with white seeds is suitable for food.

Ordinary peas also belong to annual plants, but the pods are formed longer, with the number of grains in them from four to ten pieces. The stem is branched, can reach 2,5 m. The leaves are pinnate, complex in shape, with short tendrils at the ends to maintain the bush in an upright position.

Standard peas are round and green in color, but they may vary slightly depending on where they are grown.

Chickpeas and peas: what is the difference, what is healthier, what is better

Young peas are very tender and soft, they can be eaten raw, unlike chickpeas.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition between chickpeas and regular peas also has a difference. And if we proceed from average indicators, then in the unspoken competition he wins first. It is famous for its high content of vegetable protein, which makes it perfectly digestible for the body. Chickpeas also contain vitamins A, C, E, K, group B and beta-carotene. Together, they make mutton peas very useful for humans. Such a product is also rich in macro- and microelements: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese. A similar list of useful substances can be assigned to ordinary peas, but the difference will be in their quantity.

Vitamins and minerals




15 μg

2 μg

Vitamin B group

V1 – 0,08 mg, V2 – 0,212 mg, V4 – 95 mg, V5 – 1,58 mg, V6 – 0,535 mg, V9 – 557 mg

V1 – 0,81 mg, V2 – 0,15 mg, V4 – 200 mg, V5 – 2,2 mg, V6 – 0,27 mg, V9 – 16 mg


4 μg

0,8 μg

Potassium (K)

968 mg

873 mg

Calcium (Ca)

193 mg

115 mg

Magnesium (Mg)

126 mg

107 mg

Iron (Fe)

2,6 mg

6,8 mg

Caloric value

The calorie content of chickpeas is only 364 kcal. According to this indicator, ordinary peas are “lighter”, because it contains only 100 kcal per 297 g. Both types of legumes are valued for the fact that they contain a lot of vegetable protein, while its amount according to the BJU table in chickpeas and peas is almost the same – approximately 19-20 g. According to these indicators, they are equated to poultry meat.

The amount of carbohydrates, like proteins, has a slight difference. In 100 g of chickpeas they contain about 60 g, in peas – 50 g.

The calorie content of chickpeas is higher than peas due to the high content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. That is why mutton peas are more valuable for healthy lifestyle adherents and vegetarians.

Methods and duration of preparation

Chickpeas and common peas are increasingly used in cooking for both simple and more complex dishes. Legumes are boiled, stewed, garnished and added to soups. Also baked, fried and pureed. Some housewives grind chickpeas and peas to a state of flour to use for baking.

But, regardless of the method of preparation, chickpeas and peas necessarily need preliminary preparation. For each of these types, there is a specific method:

  1. Peas are very hard, so they need to be soaked for a long time before cooking, often 5-6 hours is enough for the cooking time to be 30-40 minutes.
  2. Chickpeas also require soaking before cooking, but unlike peas, this takes less time, as it absorbs water, and this can affect the final taste of the product. Soaking for 3-4 hours is optimal, cooking time after will be 30-40 minutes.
Chickpeas and peas: what is the difference, what is healthier, what is better

If you cook dry chickpeas, then it will take 90 minutes to fully cook, and for dry peas – 60 minutes

Useful Properties

Due to their high protein content, chickpeas and peas are considered among the healthiest foods. These legumes can replace beef, which is why many nutritionists recommend including them in the diet. Also, the positive effects on the body include:

  • reduce cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure;
  • regulate the work of the digestive tract;
  • contribute to the improvement of the condition of bones and muscle tissue;
  • control the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • positively affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  • reduce the risk of becoming overweight.
Attention! A number of studies have proven that eating chickpeas slows down the aging process of the body, makes the skin smooth and supple.

Due to the wide range of useful properties, chickpeas and peas are used as one of the main components of the therapeutic diet. In addition, these legumes are quite satisfying, so they do not contribute to overeating.


Almost all representatives of legumes increase gas formation in the body, therefore it is undesirable for people with a weak gastrointestinal tract to use chickpeas and peas, as well as for those who suffer from gout, bladder ulcers, thrombophlebitis. At the same time, ordinary peas lead to more bloating, unlike chickpeas.

Turkish and ordinary peas provoke an increase in the level of uric acid and contribute to the accumulation of salts, therefore, with reduced intestinal tone, diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, their use can lead to complications or relapses.

Attention! Peas due to increased gas formation should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women. Chickpeas are allowed during lactation, as they contribute to the addition of milk and the enrichment of the body with iron.

Growing regions

Mostly chickpea grows in the tropics and subtropics, often found in Australia. Its homeland is Central Asia, but this crop is also cultivated in India, Eastern Europe and Africa, and even in America. Many gardeners who live in the warm regions of the country grow chickpeas on their plots.

Common peas grow mainly in India, China, and the USA. In the production of dried peas, Canada is considered the leader. On an industrial scale, as well as for their own use, it is also cultivated in Our Country. The birthplace of this culture is the Middle East.

What is healthier: peas or chickpeas

It is impossible to say exactly what is more useful, chickpeas or peas. After all, each product affects differently. In addition, the utility effect lies in the individual reaction of the human body. This may be due to taste preferences, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal microflora and other features.

For example, peas lead in the amount of vegetable protein, so it is not recommended for people with poor absorption of the substance and those who have bladder diseases. If we talk about chickpeas, then it is less preferable for those who are trying to follow their figure, because its calorie content is higher.

Chickpeas and peas: what is the difference, what is healthier, what is better

When used properly, chickpeas and peas are equally useful, so the choice should be made based on your own preferences.

Where are applied

Legumes have found their application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. After all, the beneficial properties of these cultures allow you to maintain the correct functioning of many body systems.

In cooking

Turkish and common legumes have only recently been an ingredient in Oriental cuisine, but today they are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes in many countries around the world. They make side dishes and snacks. Legumes are gaining particular popularity in the diet of vegetarians, replacing meat.

The most popular chickpea dish is hummus (mashed chickpeas with spices and butter). Soups also taste good. For example, the first course with tomatoes is prepared with chickpeas, and peas are used to prepare the first course with smoked meats.

In cosmetology

Fans of natural cosmetics have long mastered the use of legumes. Peas and chickpeas are excellent anti-aging aids, they improve skin color and reduce inflammation. For this purpose, various masks are used, which are prepared on the basis of ground beans with the addition of other ingredients (honey, lemon juice, vegetable oils).


Chickpeas are different from ordinary peas, but both of these products should definitely be included in the diet. They are good sources of vegetable protein, iron and many other beneficial substances. In addition, they have good taste and can be used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Benefits and harms of chickpeas for health. Scientific facts. How to cook chickpeas.

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