Chickenpox, rubella, measles: these diseases with fever and rash

Chickenpox, measles, rubella in babies: when do pimples disappear?

Rubella, measles, chickenpox… if your child catches one of these diseases, it is essential to consult your pediatrician. He will prescribe medicine to lower the fever, a cream to soothe the itching, and antibiotic ointment if the pimples are infected.

  • Rubella: 

First symptoms : Your child will start with a minor cold, a mild sore throat and glands that can be felt behind the ears.

Eruption : on the second day, pink spots appear on the face, then all over the body. They are accompanied by a slight fever. The stains will disappear within five days.

A vaccine against measles and rubella, combined with that of mumps is strongly recommended from the age of one year to prevent these diseases which are not benign. They can indeed lead to sometimes serious complications and hospitalization.

  • Measles:

First symptoms : Measles is a runny nose, itchy throat, itchy eyes and a high fever.

Eruption : pimples usually appear two days after the onset of the first symptoms. The fever decreases and small white bumps appear in the mouth. Two days later, the temperature rises and raised spots appear first behind the ears, on the forehead and then all over the body. They will fade about three days later.

Treatment : It is important to put your child to bed and to give him regular drinks, especially if he has a fever.

There is no medicine for the measles virus itself, only for the symptoms:

  • anti-pyretics to lower fever; 
  • – medicines against the respiratory gene;
  • antibiotics to fight against a secondary bacterial infection which could cause otitis, laryngitis or a secondary infection of the lungs or bronchi. Antibiotics are only useful if there are complications.
  • It is recommended to clean your child’s eyes and nose with physiological saline.
  • Varicella :

Eruption : pimples begin to appear on the chest, stomach, back, face… then the body is covered with red papillae, with an area of ​​whitish pus in the center. If the fever is not very high, these pimples are very itchy. Yet, if they are not scratched, the pimples dry out and leave the skin intact after healing. Otherwise, the pustule becomes infected and leaves a small scar.

In video: Can a child with chickenpox attend school?

Tips to prevent your child from scratching

  • To calm the inflammation, dab the irritated areas with a cotton ball soaked in an aqueous solution.
  • Remember to put small cotton mittens on it to prevent it from scratching. 
  • Prefer cotton clothes for those worn next to the skin.

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