Chickenpox – how to care for and get rid of skin lesions?
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Young children’s skin diseases keep their parents awake at night. Their care must be effective and gentle at the same time. Especially when it concerns the youngest suffering from, among others, chickenpox, shingles, or neurogenic pruritus. How to take care of the affected skin and alleviate the annoying symptoms? What drugs are the most effective and what do they contain?

Chickenpox in children – skin symptoms

Chickenpox is an infectious childhood disease caused by the VZV virus (Varicella-zoster virus). After infection, the virus lives in the body of an infected person for life, and due to decreased immunity, it can become active in the form of herpes zoster. Most often, children aged 5 to 9 suffer from the disease, and the course of the disease itself is much milder than in adolescents and adults.

A common symptom of chickenpox (apart from fever and flu-like symptoms) is an itchy rash that may spread all over the body, with particular emphasis on the face and trunk. Red pustules appear relatively quickly because on the first or second day after infection, they can fill with fluid over time, forming characteristic blisters. They can rupture, causing the virus to spread to more areas of the skin. Although the disease does not last long, skin lesions can be difficult to heal and, above all, are troublesome for the child. The toddler complains of itching, which makes him feel unwell.

How to care for the skin of a child suffering from chickenpox?

Proper skin care for a baby with chickenpox always raises many questions. Concerned parents want to first ease the itching sensation, and then get rid of unsightly pimples on their child’s skin. We still do not know how often to bathe a child and what measures are best applied to the affected skin.

It is worth noting that for almost 20 years the medical indications for the treatment of skin lesions in chickenpox have not changed significantly. The key to treating chickenpox is to prevent bacterial superinfection that occurs when a liquid bubble ruptures. This is most often the result of children scratching itchy pimples. Scratching skin lesions may also cause the formation of hard-to-heal scars.

Liquid powder effective in the fight against the symptoms of chicken pox

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Adam Reich from the Department and Clinic of Dermatology at the University of Rzeszów emphasizes that zinc oxide is an important component that prevents bacterial superinfections. This substance allows you to dry out disease foci. Experts agree that any measures applied to the skin create a protective layer on it and the baby scratches less often. Zinc oxide has an additional soothing effect.

Liquid powder, eg Pudroderm, is a medicinal product containing zinc oxide. The preparation can also be used in the treatment of skin inflammations associated with rash, shingles, neurogenic itching, edema, and also after insect bites. Importantly, Pudroderm can be used as an aid in the case of radiological irradiation (under the supervision of a doctor). The drug is applied 2 to 3 times a day or as needed. It also contains menthol and benzocaine, which act as an antipruritic.

Frequent baths should not be forgotten in the daily care of children with chickenpox. This, combined with the lubrication of the skin, effectively minimizes the itching sensation. It is worth explaining to the child that “white paste” on the mouth or hands means that scratching is not allowed. Then we can be sure that the annoying bubbles will quickly disappear from the surface of the skin and will not spread to the rest of the body.

5 rules for caring for the skin of a child suffering from chickenpox

  1. Lubricate skin lesions with liquid powder with zinc oxide, eg Pudroderm.
  2. Encourage your child to wash their hands frequently, including under the fingernails (this is where bacteria can accumulate and cause secondary infections).
  3. Bathe your baby every day (a bath has a double meaning – it soothes low-grade fever and takes care of proper hygiene).
  4. Use only mild, hypoallergenic cosmetics or dermocosmetics. The composition should be gentle on the skin and promote its regeneration. 
  5. Do not rub your baby’s skin after bathing. The excess water should be gently drained with a clean cotton towel. 

Vaccination also plays an important role in the prevention of chickenpox. The chickenpox vaccine can be made from 9 to 12 months of age.

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