Night blindness is quite common, but not all patients are aware that they suffer from such a deviation, or simply do not know what it is called.
This disease is a direct consequence of a lack of vitamin A in the body. Much less often it manifests itself because of some other primary sources. But in some cases, such a nuisance can indicate the beginning of serious irreversible processes in the body, acting as a symptom of dangerous ailments.
In medical terminology, this syndrome is called hemeralopia. Its clinical manifestations are expressed in the inability to see well at dusk, or when moving from a brightly lit room to a dark one. The main reason for the sharp drop in the quality of vision here is the deterioration in the functionality of the retina, which is designed to recognize photosensitivity.
Scientific classification of night blindness
This disease, as an independent syndrome, or as part of a multicomponent symptomatology, is divided into several categories, each of which has its own characteristics.
Problems for patients are added by the fact that hemeralopia not only affects the deterioration of visibility during darkness, but also the inability to navigate normally at dusk. In most cases, this is explained by the fact that the anomaly provokes a narrowing of the field of view, followed by problematic recognition of blue and yellow colors.
Schematically, hemeralopia is divided into three camps: congenital, symptomatic, and essential. In the first case, the reason lies not in the fact that the body does not receive enough vitamins, but in a poor genetic predisposition. This type includes a persistent decrease in visibility and the inability to navigate in space as soon as it starts to get dark.
The symptomatic category is a direct consequence of fiber dystrophy. She is also able to manifest herself with inflammatory processes in the eyeballs. It is this version of night blindness that is not a single disease that exists on its own, but a symptom that speaks of a specific pathology with localization in the organs of vision.
No less often among those who applied for qualified help, the essential format of the lesion is fixed. Its cause is a lack of vital vitamin A. As soon as the body feels its acute deficiency, it immediately begins to signal a decrease in the quality of vision.
Improper nutrition, as well as the abuse of alcohol-containing drinks, can affect the lack of a sufficient amount of a useful component. Occasionally, those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the liver, stomach, or with a general imbalance of power can earn hemeralopia of this type.
The only good thing here is that the essential format can be neutralized over time if attention is paid to quality treatment. Turning to the doctor, you can count on the fact that the specialist will tell you which vitamin-mineral complex is suitable for a particular patient. Also, the doctor will help build the right weekly menu to help cope with the relief of an unpleasant symptom.
This is the only way to restore the former visual acuity, as well as restore sensitivity to bright light with a decrease in color perception.
Depending on what type of anomaly is found in the victim, the accompanying symptoms will differ. The most common common symptom of the disease is called spots, “dancing” before the eyes. They make themselves felt with a sharp change in lighting.
In order to correctly prescribe further therapy, an experienced specialist will first conduct an analysis in a person to find out if night blindness is genetic in nature. If the suspicions are confirmed, then it will be necessary to additionally find out what specific type of genetic inheritance is characteristic of a particular victim.
In most cases, doctors have to deal with recessive hemeralopia, which means direct linkage to the X chromosome. The autosomal dominant version is much less common. The occurrence of a deviation is caused by a problematic metabolism, or fermentopathy.
A typical auxiliary symptom, which is characteristic of the essential type, are flat spots with localization on the eyeball. If there is a lack of vitamin A in the body, then even the death of corneal tissues is possible. With a hereditary and symptomatic format, a change in the fundus is noted.
Causes of dangerous pathology
If you find signs of night blindness in yourself, in order to save your eyesight, you will have to adhere to the basics of complex treatment. Otherwise, therapy will not give the proper long-term effect.
This is explained by the fact that the human retina consists of two types of cells:
- sticks;
- cones.
The former are responsible for the ability to see in poor lighting conditions, and the duties of the cones include the ability to recognize colors and control overall visual acuity. As soon as even slight deterioration begins in the cells of the retina, this immediately affects the rapid deterioration of well-being, because the patient develops night blindness.
Physiologically, the mechanism is explained by the fact that rods are formed from rhodopsin, which is obtained through cooperation with vitamin A. If light enters the retina, then rhodopsin disintegrates. For the regeneration of the component, a new vitamin dose is required, which the body simply has nowhere to take from. So it becomes clear why the deficiency of useful components is so destructive.
If we consider the general primary sources of pathology without taking into account poor heredity and lack of minerals, then there will still be many other variations due to which hemeralopia is observed:
- liver failure;
- anemia;
- depletion of the body against the background of weak immunity, which is an ideal environment for the development of many other ailments up to scurvy;
- treatment with vitamin A antagonists.
Various atypical pigment pathologies of the retina, its detachment, impaired functioning of the optic nerve, inflammation, glaucoma, myopia and many other eye diseases can also act as a catalyst for deviation.
In recent years, cases have become more frequent when dangerous signs began to manifest themselves even in healthy people who did not have night blindness in their family, and a visit to an ophthalmologist did not reveal any specialized eye diseases.
Because of this, many patients begin to panic, asking: what is happening to them? In fact, the reason should be sought in long-term work at the computer. The clinical picture is aggravated due to poor lighting. With repeated irritation, the nerve endings suffer, which then signal the problem with the classic symptoms of hemeralopia.
In order not to reach such a deplorable state, experts recommend doing gymnastics, using drops, the name of which will be prompted by the doctor, and also periodically resting from the monitor during the working day.
Diagnosis and follow-up treatment
If the victim was struck by an ailment due to a lack of a vitamin necessary for a healthy retina, then a balanced diet will correct the violation. But if problems with visibility during the twilight period signal a serious damage to the eye, then the program of how to treat the patient will be more complicated.
Only an experienced doctor can recognize when people have a mild degree of anomaly, and when it is necessary to deal with it comprehensively. The ophthalmologist will conduct an initial examination, having studied the medical history of the applicant, and will also prescribe testing to exclude the possibility of retinal dystrophy. If necessary, the patient will be asked to undergo two of the most popular tests:
- perimetry;
- adaptometry
The first option allows us to estimate the size of the field of view. And adaptometry is aimed at checking light perception. This kind of testing is painless, so they are carried out even in children. In some cases, victims are sent for additional tests.
At the appointment, the optometrist will tell you how the diseases are inherited, and also explain what causes such an unusual deviation. But those who carry the problematic gene will have to come to terms with the fact that nothing can get rid of it at all. The doctor will only try to improve the current situation by working on eliminating unpleasant symptoms.
The assistance algorithm is similar to the one that veterinarians prescribe for pet owners to do. We are talking about the need to correct the diet of chickens, dogs, and other pets.
Scientifically speaking, the principle of therapy includes saturation of the body with retinol. In short, without medical terms, we are talking about the need to add foods high in a number of useful minerals to the daily menu.
In case of violations, not only carrots are extremely useful, but also cabbage, fish liver, citrus juices, dairy products, blackberries, blueberries, peaches and greens. All of the above is also suitable for those who are simply prescribed prophylaxis in order to work ahead of the curve.
When the disease is due to myopia, then only surgery can help. Glasses will improve the quality of life only temporarily, because they will not be able to restore the natural balance of rods and cones.
Auxiliary, but by no means the main therapy, can be treatment with folk remedies with the permission of a doctor. And here it will be necessary to additionally exclude the factor of the presence of allergens. Not many people understand what such a term means, choosing to use untested prescriptions without the approval of an ophthalmologist, which often leads to extensive allergic reactions. It would be useful to first clarify whether the components of the drug are allowed for other possible chronic ailments of the victim.
The simplest assistant of therapeutic value is fish oil. It is taken as directed three times a day. Also a popular method is a decoction of millet, which is prepared at the rate of 200 grams of cereal per 2 liters of water to the state of boiled grains.
Having figured out how night blindness manifests itself and what it can signal, you should not think that the alarming symptoms will go away on their own. If you find the first signs of deviation in yourself, you should immediately make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.