Health food vendors are fortunate enough that the extinct ancient civilizations have not left legal successors, otherwise they would have had to fork out heavily to compensate for the use of the image. The next legacy of relic Indians, which appeared on the market after quinoa, spirulina, amaranth, became chia seeds, which immediately fell on the list of superfoods – foods that have an outstanding effect on metabolism.
The main expectations for superfoods are related to their ability to aid weight loss. Seeds and nuts are an undeniable concentrate of benefits and an integral part of any healthy diet. But, alas, no matter how much we love to crunch nuts, they contain unfairly many calories, before you have time to taste it is time to stop.
The edible seeds of the desert plant Salvia hispanica (Spanish sage), common in Mexico and Guatemala, are a special case. On contact with liquid, they increase in size twelve times and turn into jelly. These seeds are known throughout the world today as chia seeds.
This wonderful ability of chia to transform is due to the high content of insoluble fiber in the seeds, a carbohydrate with a long absorption chain. The fiber absorbs water and swells; from a couple of teaspoons of seeds, you can get a completely complete dish that pleases both the eye and the stomach. You can use these seeds in dry form or as an additive to drinks, salads, sauces, cereals – then they turn into a gel already inside the body and the effect will be the same (of course, if you do not torment yourself with thirst and drink enough water).
A tablespoon (about 30 gr) of chia contains about 11 gr of fiber, and this is a third of its daily amount recommended by adult nutritionists.
Chia seeds for weight loss: what to expect?
the possibility of avoiding the feeling of an empty stomach;
a longer feeling of satiety;
less risk of overeating;
lowering blood sugar due to the long processing of fiber;
normalization of the intestines and the creation of a favorable environment for the development of beneficial microflora.
Other Super Seeds to Add to Your Daily Menu
Chia seeds: a special composition
Of course, not for useful, but non-expressive fiber, the ancient Indians appreciated chia seeds and gave them a respectful name (chia in the forgotten South American dialects means “strength”).
One hundred grams of dry chia seeds contain 31% fat (3% of which are saturated, the rest are not), 17% protein, 42% carbohydrates, of which 34% is fiber. The energy value of chia is 486 kcal.
The main feature in the composition of chia seeds is the high content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (five grams in the notorious thirty-gram serving). This special type of healthy fat is sought after by the human brain and nervous system as fuel for recovery and development, and natural sources of it are literally worth their weight in gold on the menu of a modern person. It is important that omega-3 fat, as shown by American studies, is preserved under the dense shell of the seeds, without going rancid and without losing useful properties, even if chia has been heat-treated.
Omega-3 acids are essential for healthy weight loss – they speed up the metabolism and “expel” old fat deposits due to the ability to activate the PPAR-alpha protein, which prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver and destroys its subcutaneous accumulation. Still unsaturated fatty acids, according to studies by Spanish scientists, allow the person who eats them to maintain a pleasant feeling of fullness for longer, which in the case of chia seeds means a real double blow to hunger, which fiber has already begun to fight.
Vegetarians value chia as a source of protein, in the amino acids of which tryptophan is not typical of plant foods. The human body is not able to synthesize this substance indispensable for the nervous system on its own, and for those who do not use, for example, poultry and dairy products, replenishment of tryptophan becomes a real problem.
Chia seeds also contain calcium, manganese and phosphorus, which are necessary for bones, teeth and muscles. If you are ready to add about 100 grams of chia seeds in dry equivalent to your daily diet (this will cost you at least 200 rubles), then you can expect to cover about 20-30% of your daily requirement for these substances.
It is vital to note that chia contribute to a drop in blood pressure and therefore are not recommended for those who have it below normal. Also, you can not combine the intake of these seeds with blood thinners, and you should refrain from food exotic during pregnancy and lactation.
Fifty Shades of Chia
Chia seeds on sale often differ significantly in appearance: from dark, almost black, to gray, cream, white … Is there any difference and which ones are more useful?
A keen researcher of chia seeds, Professor Wayne Coates of the University of Arizona confidently states that all chia seeds are about the same useful, and the choice of their color is a matter of purely aesthetic preferences. Different seeds may slightly differ in the content of useful elements, but it is not the shade of the shell that is responsible for this, but the composition of the soil in the place where the Spanish sage happened to grow.
The only color that can be on the alert when choosing chia seeds is red. It means that the product is harvested before it is ripe, and probably has not yet had time to gain strength. Also an indicator of higher varietal qualities is the size of the seeds. If you have a choice, take the larger ones!
Doctors’ reviews about chia seeds for weight loss: there is no consensus
The famous French doctor brought chia seeds into the big nutritional world Pierre Ducan… In an interview with Healthy Food Near Me, he did not hide his delight in getting to know Indian food: “I am amazed at their properties! Mexicans have a lot of culinary experience in chia processing, and we can borrow from it. Due to the fact that they swell a lot, they can be used for desserts. In Mexico, tomatoes are stuffed with these grains, and it turns out something amazing. ” The Ducan diet has recently allowed one tablespoon of chia per day, which is not so little, given their ability to increase in volume, and the author of the diet insists that chia is necessary for everyone who wants to lose weight and stay healthy.
His Russian colleagues, however, speak of the Indian “seed of power” with a grain of salt. For example, a well-known nutritionist Rimma Moysenko in principle, he does not believe in superfoods and the special possibilities for losing weight allegedly opening up with their use. “The term superfoods is marketed and is neither medical nor scientific. This is a business, the scheme of which is simple: exotic products are selected, hitherto unknown to anyone, and become the object of a grandiose advertising campaign. Also, one of our enterprising compatriots can crush a plantain leaf into powder, sell it as a miracle cure for weight loss to Mexico, the homeland of superfoods and at the same time the world leader in the number of fat people, and thus improve the country’s economic situation. “
Nutritionist Elena Tikhomirova recognizes chia as a valuable composition, but warns: “Chia seeds are really useful, but not more useful, for example, flax seeds. In addition, they are high in calories, like any seeds and nuts. They are not a wonderful means for losing weight chia, and if you use them hard, then there is a high probability, on the contrary, to gain weight. In addition, they can provoke an allergic reaction. “
“Fish and dairy products are the usual sources of protein, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids on the tables of Russians,” recalls the nutritionist Tatiana Zaletova… “Chia seeds are indeed high in these substances, but there is no specific data on how the human body reacts to them when they come from this source.”
North Carolina State University conducted an experiment using chia seeds. It lasted 12 weeks; during this period, volunteers received 50 gr chia daily in the bite of their usual diet. Control studies showed that the subjects had slightly improved indicators of heart health, but the weight and amount of fat in the body remained unchanged.
Unfortunately, the Aztecs and Mayans went into oblivion and did not leave us any instructions on how to use chia seeds correctly and for your own good. However, even without their evidence it is more or less clear: Indian seeds will not harm the daily menu, but the accumulated fat will not be forced to melt as if by magic. But they can give new gastronomic impressions – the taste of chia is quite pleasant, and not all superfoods can boast of this.