Chewing gum improves concentration

German schools allow their students to chew gum in class to improve their learning outcomes, reports the AFP agency.

Students chewing gum in class are one of the things that particularly irritate teachers. However, for the sake of science, teachers in an elementary school in southern Germany decided to support this ignoble activity of students.

Chewing gum is good for children’s health and improves their cognitive abilities, says Wolfgang Ellegast of the Bavarian Ministry of Education, where the pilot project is being carried out.

No one is forced to chew gum, but it helps children concentrate and manage stress, especially during the written test. In order to be able to learn with pleasure, children need to come to school without fear and be happy. In addition, we encourage them to chew gum during breaks and classes – adds Hans Dasch.

Chewing gum is also good for oral health, especially after meals when it is impossible for 70 children ages 6 and 10 to brush their teeth at school. However, it was not without limitations. Children must follow the rule: they must chew the gum with their mouths closed and dispose of the used ones properly. (PAP)

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