Chestnuts absorb bad energy. Truth or Superstition?

Ripe fruit of the horse chestnut, i.e. Chestnuts have many uses, they are especially liked by children who use their unusual appearance for art work. Flowering ones are associated with high school diplomas, and hard brown balls with autumn. After processing, they are used in natural medicine. Some people believe that keeping them in a pocket, purse or under a pillow will help absorb harmful radiation and bad energy. Is it true?

Properties of chestnuts

Chestnut is a term common to the fruit and seeds of the chestnut tree and the tree itself. The medicinal properties of the chestnut (Castanea sativa) come primarily from its fruits and seeds (unripe, not those that fall off in the fall), the bark, flowers and leaves of the chestnut tree. It is from these parts that valuable medicinal extracts are obtained. They have proven effects and are widely used in herbal medicine and natural medicine.

It is worth remembering that unprocessed chestnuts are poisonous and unfit for consumption, and that the so-called Edible chestnuts, which we eat after baking or in the form of chestnut cream, are a completely different plant (Aesculus hippocastanum).

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Do chestnuts absorb bad energy?

The list of positive properties of horse chestnut is long, but it does not include “absorbing bad energy” or “harmful radiation”. Such have never been proven. The claim that chestnuts cure insomnia is also untrue. The positive effects of storing chestnuts under a pillow or in a purse can only be psychological.

Medicinal properties of chestnuts

Chestnuts contain valuable coumarins, flavonoids, saponins, phenolic acids and tannins. Thanks to this strengthen blood vessels and prevent the formation of the so-called spider veins. They improve blood circulation, reducing the tendency to varicose veins. Ingredients derived from chestnuts are sometimes components of the ointment against varicose veins. You can buy a gel for tired legs with the addition of arnica at Medonet Market. Lotion with grape and chestnut leaves extract is recommended for swollen legs and feet. Soothing chestnut ointment with a routine against varicose veins also has a beneficial effect on the legs, which should be used 2-3 times a day in case of problems with the circulation of the legs.

Tannins contained in infusions of flowers or leaves of chestnut eliminate digestive problems, have diastolic and anti-inflammatory properties, are effective in diarrhea. Chestnut products can be effective in hematomas and in the event of frostbite.

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