The benefits and harms of horse chestnut tincture are of interest to modern science. The effective use of the fruit of the tree in alternative medicine has aroused the curiosity of scientists. Today, chestnut seeds are effectively used for the preparation of medicines and are prescribed for therapeutic purposes for the treatment of pathologies of various body systems.
The benefits and harms of chestnut tincture
The ability of horse chestnut to have a positive effect on body systems is due to its structure. The seeds of the tree contain a high concentration of saponins (escin), tannins, vitamin composition (C, K, B1, A), pectins, glycosides, fraxin. All parts of a plant are valuable. The flowers are also rich in rutin and pectin.
The healing properties of horse chestnut are used for varicose veins in conservative medicine. Based on the extract of the fruits of the plant, pharmacological agents are prepared that restore venous vessels, tonic, and eliminate inflammatory processes. Horse chestnut in dosage forms is widely used by vascular surgeons to obtain a venoprotective, antithrombotic effect that improves blood circulation in small veins.
For many centuries, alternative medicine draws the invaluable properties of horse chestnut, as it is in its power to:
- tone the veins, accelerate the movement of blood in the bloodstream;
- prevent the formation of blood clots, make the blood less thick and viscous;
- eliminate pain;
- regenerate tissues in the foci;
- have a bactericidal effect;
- have a diuretic effect, relieve swelling;
- eliminate heat, have a diaphoretic effect;
- stop the development of atherosclerosis, remove “bad” cholesterol, dissolve cholesterol plugs;
- have an antioxidant effect, carry out purification from toxic compounds;
- reduce capillary permeability, stop bleeding;
- normalize the acidity of gastric juice, improve digestion;
- have an astringent effect;
- reduce blood pressure;
- get rid of purulent foci, accelerate the process of tissue regeneration in case of burns, frostbite.
Horse chestnut tincture and other dosage forms have been effectively used since the 18th century to treat malaria, fevers, and dysentery. They cured varicose veins and gout. Chestnut bark recommended to eliminate diarrhea, hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases, the German doctor Hufeland. Kneipp used the seeds of the plant for the treatment of veins, the digestive system, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Horse chestnut tincture began to appear in official medicine since 1866 and had a wide spectrum of action.
Today, pharmaceutical companies produce drugs in the form of tinctures, ointments, drops, tablets, injections, suppositories, based on bark, leaves, inflorescences, seeds. Homeopathic remedies from horse chestnut are prescribed for the treatment of trophic ulcers, catarrhs of the nasopharynx, hemorrhoids.
What helps chestnut tincture
The correct use of horse chestnut tincture makes it possible to feel the effect in various pathologies.
The tool is effective in the following vascular diseases:
- varicosity;
- venostasis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- vascular sclerosis;
- blood viscosity;
- the likelihood of thrombus formation.
Applicable for the following joint conditions:
- inflammatory processes;
- soreness and swelling;
- rheumatism;
- arthritis;
- arthrosis
Helps with such pathologies of the heart and blood vessels:
- high blood viscosity;
- high levels of “bad” cholesterol;
- angina pectoris;
- the likelihood of a heart attack;
- arterial hypertension.
Also, the compositions are effective in diseases of the digestive system, hemorrhoids, gynecological diseases.
The benefits of horse chestnut tincture have been noted in the treatment of lesions with the Koch stick, cancerous neoplasms, and leukemia.
How to make horse chestnut tincture
There are many ways to prepare horse chestnut tincture. Recipes may vary depending on the purpose of the product. Chestnut tincture on vodka and alcohol is mostly popular, mixes with additional inclusions are also allowed.
Horse chestnut tincture on vodka
Horse chestnut, filled with vodka, does not process the main component, therefore, all useful substances are preserved in full. The recipe for the preparation of the dosage form is not difficult, and the output is a composition that is used internally and externally.
To prepare you will need:
- plant seeds – 50 g;
- vodka – half a liter.
Algorithm of actions:
- All fruits are crushed without removing the brown peel – put in a glass container.
- Vodka is poured into the chestnut mass.
- Keep in a dark room for about two weeks, shake occasionally.
- The treatment course is recommended to withstand 21 days, inside (three times a day).
Chestnut tincture on alcohol
Having prepared a medicine for alcohol, there is no doubt that the medicinal properties will remain for a long time. For cooking you will need:
- seeds – 10 pieces;
- alcohol 250 ml.
Algorithm of actions:
- Whole chestnut seeds are selected, placed in a glass container.
- Filled with alcohol.
- Set aside in a dark cool place.
- Withstand 14 days.
- Pour into a dark glass container.
The tincture is most often used externally, but sometimes it is indicated for internal use. To do this, 30 drops of the finished product are diluted in 20 ml of water, mixed and taken half an hour before meals. The course of therapy is designed for 3 weeks of daily use three times a day.
Alcohol tincture of chestnut with burdock juice
For children’s rheumatism, a tincture with burdock extract is prepared for grinding. For cooking you will need:
- plant seeds – 1 cup:
- burdock juice – 1 glass;
- alcohol (40%) – 1 glass.
Algorithm of actions:
- Chestnuts are put in a glass container and burdock juice is added.
- Pour in alcohol.
- Withstand 3 months in a cool dark place.
In addition to eliminating rheumatic pains, the liquid relieves swelling, improves the function of the myocardium and blood vessels. She is able to cope with gastritis, liver diseases, gout.
How to take chestnut tincture
Horse chestnut tincture is used depending on the problem. It can be used internally and externally. Also, good results and quick action can be achieved by simultaneously applying the composition to the foci and ingestion.
The use of chestnut tincture on alcohol for joints
Pathologies of the joints cause pain, hyperemic areas, swelling appear. Some diseases are not amenable to complete healing, but it is possible to eliminate bothersome symptoms or significantly smooth them out without resorting to medications.
Chestnut tincture on vodka for joints is prepared as follows:
- Fresh chestnut seeds are cut into 4 pieces.
- Pour in alcohol so that all the fruits are covered.
- Withstand 3 days in the sun.
- Insist 40 days without access to light, cool.
The result will not keep you waiting if you rub the joints 2-3 times a day, it is also recommended to apply compresses for 2-3 hours. To external use, you can add internal use – 35 drops, before meals.
Chestnut tincture for varicose veins
The use of tincture reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood, and prevents the development of blood clots. The main direction in therapy is varicose veins, but it is effectively used in such pathologies:
- venostasis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- vascular sclerotic changes;
- retinal vein thrombosis.
To get the effect of the horse chestnut tincture prepared according to the recipe for varicose veins, it is necessary to apply the remedy correctly. A compress is moistened in the tincture, applied at night to painful places. A simple manipulation quickly relieves pain. Duration of therapy – a week, a break – 3 months. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the blue tint of the skin, pain, swelling.
Also, compresses are recommended to be used simultaneously with the internal use of horse chestnut tincture.
To relieve tension from the legs, smooth out the feeling of heaviness, improve the condition of the veins, it is recommended to feel the healing properties of horse chestnut for varicose veins by using tincture of 30 drops before each meal, daily. In parallel, it will be useful to apply the composition to the affected areas.
With regular use, they notice an improvement in blood circulation, the condition of the venous walls.
Chestnut tincture on alcohol from thrombophlebitis
With thrombophlebitis, the concentration of blood is disturbed, it becomes viscous and thick. Subsequently, this phenomenon leads to the formation of blood clots. Tincture for the treatment of thrombophlebitis is prepared as follows:
- Seeds are crushed in any way possible.
- The slurry is transferred to a glass container.
- For 300 g of the substance, add 1 liter of vodka.
- Withstand a week without access to light.
All non-traditional methods of treatment have a cumulative effect, so the result from the use of the remedy will be more reliable if you use the tincture regularly.
The use of chestnut tincture on vodka for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
In the structure of horse chestnut, there are a lot of useful substances that help improve digestion and stop pathological processes. It is better than medicines alleviates the symptoms of gastritis, cholecystitis, adjusts the work of the intestines.
Horse chestnut tincture for diseases of the cardiovascular system
Making the walls of the capillaries stronger, reducing the concentration of blood, reducing the indicators of “bad” cholesterol, the tincture improves the function of the heart, relieves angina pectoris. It is an excellent prophylactic that prevents heart attack, hypertension.
Safety measures
The seeds of the plant are saturated with potent components. Mostly this was the reason that the chestnut was excluded from food. The fruits are unsuitable for food, as they are excessively bitter and knit, capable of provoking intoxication. Ingestion of fruits is possible only in the form of decoctions, tinctures.
When using horse chestnut tincture for the first time, it is important to carefully monitor changes in sensations, local reactions to the substance.
The passage of a course of therapy with this remedy against the background of concomitant pathologies may well provoke complications. Alternative methods of treatment often suppress or enhance the effect of the active substance of pharmaceutical drugs.
Contraindications to the infusion of horse chestnut
Horse chestnut tincture at home, prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, as well as industrial preparations with an identical composition, have a number of contraindications that should be taken into account so as not to aggravate the existing situation. The tool is unacceptable in the following cases:
- the period of bearing a child;
- lactation;
- atonic constipation;
- low pressure;
- gastritis in acute hypocidic form;
- poor blood clotting, reduced prothrombin;
- children under the age of 16;
- alcoholism;
- profuse bleeding during menstruation.
People taking horse chestnut tincture for a long time should notify their doctor about this, and also periodically conduct a blood test for prothrombin. The medicinal properties of horse chestnut tincture are diverse and contraindications cannot be compared, but they should be taken into account and, if necessary, cancel the chosen treatment tactics.
Terms and conditions of storage
Horse chestnut tincture is prepared with alcohol or vodka, which significantly extends the shelf life. If the product is stored in cool dry conditions, then there are no restrictions on the use of a therapeutic agent. In the case when the sun’s rays enter the room and the temperature regime is not observed, the tincture should be consumed within two years.
Horse chestnut tincture reviews
The benefits and harms of chestnut tincture are incommensurable, but require a careful approach to treatment and health. Even distant ancestors knew about the effectiveness of the plant, but contraindications cannot be ignored. The best solution before starting a course of treatment is to consult a doctor. Deviations from the norm in the general condition are a reason to consult a specialist.