Chestnut tincture: 5 recipes at home

The healing raw materials of horse chestnut have long been used in alternative and official medicine to eliminate various diseases.

Not only foliage and inflorescences are used, but also bark and young fruits. Teas, kvass, applications, ointments, decoctions and tinctures are prepared from them.

Tips before starting

  1. The flower mass of horse chestnut is harvested in late spring, seeds – at the end of summer or early autumn.

  2. For the preparation of alcohol and water tinctures, inflorescences and fruits are taken as the basis.

  3. Chestnut alcohol is taken orally to treat atherosclerosis, gastric and gynecological pathologies, gout, hemorrhoids, and improve blood circulation. They do rubbing and compresses in the area of ​​inflamed joints, muscles, damaged skin, dilated veins.

  4. Before using the tincture, it is recommended to dilute it with water in equal proportions. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

  5. With proper storage, horse chestnut alcohol retains its beneficial properties for quite a long time.

Tincture of chestnut blossoms on alcohol

It is used for rubbing areas affected by arthritis, gout, skin diseases, in the form of compresses – for the treatment of problem joints and muscle inflammation.

Inside use for rejuvenation and adjuvant therapy 35 drops three times a day for 1-2 weeks.

With prostatitis, drink 10 drops 4 times a day. To enhance efficiency, two types of raw materials can be used: fruits and flowers in a 1: 1 ratio.


  1. Horse chestnut color – 0,1 kg

  2. Alcohol / vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse the flower mass, knead with your hands until the juice appears.

  2. Put the raw materials in a glass dish, pour alcohol.

  3. Close the container with a lid, let the drink brew for 20 days in the refrigerator.

  4. Shake the infusion, pass through a cloth, pour into a fresh container.

Chestnut seed tincture “Aged”

The resulting infusion rubs damaged joints, makes compresses for varicose veins.


  1. Chestnut fruits – 50 g

  2. Vodka – ½ l

Method of preparation

  1. Cut the chestnuts into quarters, put them in a jar.

  2. Pour the raw materials with vodka, tightly seal the container, hold it in the sun for three days.

  3. Transfer the infusion to the room, leave for 40 days at room conditions.

Chestnut tincture “Fast”

The tool rubs the areas affected by thrombophlebitis and sciatica, inflamed muscles, places of salt deposition.

Inside take 7-10 drops 3 times a day for 1 month for the treatment of varicose veins, gynecological diseases, hypertension, hemorrhoids. Pre-infusion is filtered.


  1. Chestnut fruits – 0,3 kg

  2. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Chestnut raw materials pass through a meat grinder along with the skin.

  2. Pour the mass into a glass bowl, pour alcohol.

  3. Let the vodka soak for 1 week in the dark.

Extract from chestnut skins

The tool is used to reduce the viscosity of blood and cholesterol, normalize pressure, eliminate pain in the joints and veins, strengthen blood vessels.

Drink tincture three times a day, 30 drops, previously diluted in water (1: 1).

They rub problem joints and veins twice a day, make compresses, applying them to the affected areas for 1-2 hours in the evening.

Optimal course: 1-2 months.


  1. Chestnut peel – 50 g

  2. Vodka – ½ l

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the skins, pour vodka.

  2. Keep the infusion for 15 days, shaking regularly.

  3. Strain, use according to the instructions.

Soft chestnut tincture

This drug can be used for rubbing in the treatment of rheumatism, not only in adults, but also in children.


  1. Chopped chestnut fruits – 1 cup

  2. Burdock juice – 1 cup

  3. Alcohol – 0,2 l

Method of preparation

  1. Put the plant material in a suitable container.

  2. Pour the chestnut mass with juice and alcohol.

  3. Let the drink brew for 10 days.

Relevance: 22.01.2019

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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