Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

😉 Greetings to history and travel lovers! The article “Tauric Chersonesos: the history of the ancient city” is about a unique historical monument, a world heritage site.

Chersonesus Tauric is located in the Crimea, on the shores of the Karantinnaya Bay of the city of Sevastopol. The word “Chersonesos” in Greek means “peninsula”, and the Taurus was the name for the warlike tribe that inhabited the neighboring mountainous areas. Hence the name of the city. For 2500 years of existence, the city had several names: Kherson, Sarsona, Korsun.

In 1827, archaeological excavations began here, which continue to this day.

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

History of Chersonesos

The city was founded by the Hellenes in 424-421 BC. NS. Due to its favorable geographical position at the intersection of sea routes, culture, crafts and trade were actively developing in the polis. The Greek settlement expanded into the interior of the Heracles Peninsula. The original area of ​​4 hectares has increased 10 times.

This antique city-state became a stronghold of Christianity in Russia. In the XNUMXst century. here the first followers of Christianity appear. In the V century. the policy became part of the Byzantine Empire and until the XIII century. was the mainstay of Byzantium in the Crimea.

Baptism of Prince Vladimir

In 988 the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich managed to capture Korsun. In Korsun (Chersonesos), Prince Vladimir was baptized, and his wedding with Princess Anna of Byzantium took place here. Then Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko returned to Kiev and began to baptize the people.

According to these facts, Korsun is the cradle of Orthodoxy in Russia.

The Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who traveled with sermons in the Crimea, stayed in the Tauric Chersonesos. On the territory of the museum-reserve there is a monument to Andrew the First-Called.

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

Monument (2003) to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Chersonesos Tauride

The period of extinction of Chersonese

Three hundred years later, the Byzantine Empire collapsed. This fact had sad consequences for Chersonesos. By the beginning of the XIII century. the Seljuk Turks became the masters of the transit trade.

Soon the main trade routes moved to the eastern part of Taurica. Here the Genoese founded their trading villages. Their modern names are: Sudak, Balaklava, Feodosia. Gradually, trade competitors are destroying the economy of Chersonesos.

In 1363, the Lithuanian prince Olgerd invaded the Crimea, plundered Chersonesos, seizing the most valuable church items. 34 years later, the city was again destroyed by the successor of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd.

The Chersonesos are restoring the city again. They are repairing city walls, houses, paving streets. But in 1399 the city perishes from the raid of the Temnik of the Golden Horde – Edigei. He loots the city and then sets it on fire. The last inhabitants leave the lost city forever.

Crafts of Chersonesos in the XNUMXth century BC

Here are listed the crafts that the Chersonesians were engaged in during the period of the city’s prosperity.

Agricultural production, especially winemaking, fisheries constantly required a large number of containers. And growing urban construction – roofing tiles. This stimulated the development of pottery.

Pottery production

During the excavations, Keramik was discovered – an area where pottery workshops were located (outside the city wall, near the XVII tower). Pottery kilns have also been found in other parts of the city. Ceramics are products made of baked clay or pottery.

The range of manufactured products was varied: architectural details, roof tiles, vessels of various shapes, sinkers, spindles, lamps, terracotta figurines.

An amphora with red paint was found in one workshop. This paint was used for painting amphorae and jugs. Often on the handles of amphorae there are the hallmarks of state officials – astinomes. The duties of the astinomes included control over the volume of containers produced.

Elegant tableware was covered with black lacquer and decorated with relief ornaments. Interesting in the exposition is an earthen vessel, the wide neck of which is decorated with glued female heads, a black lacquer vessel in the shape of a bull, the bottom of a black lacquer vessel with the heads of Eros and Psyche.

Forging and foundry

In addition to pottery, other crafts developed in Chersonesos, primarily blacksmithing and foundry. Blacksmiths and foundry workers, stone cutters and bone cutters, builders and jewelers themselves needed metal tools. Metal was needed for the manufacture of weapons, agricultural and fishing tools. Metal products were also used in everyday life.

In the showcase of the local museum, you can see two clay molds for casting earrings and rings used as sinkers for fishing nets, and cast arrowheads. Nearby are items of blacksmiths: iron knives, bronze nails, fishing hooks.

Bone carvers

Bone products were very popular. The bone carvers took the bones of large animals as raw materials.

Sewing needles, toilet boxes – pixils, hairpins for hair, handles of tools, flutes, styles (sticks for writing on waxed boards), covers for boxes – far from being a complete list of bone products.


The Chersonesus stone cutters and builders achieved high skill. Powerful defensive walls with towers, beautiful temples, baths, theater – all this was created by their hands. Stone cutters were able to make quite complex architectural details from local limestone.

Manufacture of fabric and clothing

Spinning and weaving developed by women. Spun with spindles. Spindles are a very common find during excavations; there are also burnt balls of yarn. The loom was vertical, it could weave fabric no more than 1,5 m long. The finished fabrics were dyed in different colors.

The fabric was made from wool and linen. Expensive silk and cotton fabrics were brought from the East.

The Chersonesos wore the traditional clothing of the ancient Greeks, which was distinguished by simplicity and comfort. Rectangular pieces of fabric were expertly draped. The beauty of the clothes lay in the gracefully draped numerous vertical folds that seemed to flow over the figure.

The undergarment was a tunic. Over it, men threw a cloak – himation, and women put on peplos and himation. On the shoulder, the clothes were fastened with a clasp – a brooch called a brooch. Brooches of various shapes are often found during excavations. In the summer they wore soft sandals, in the winter they wore ankle boots.

Sights of Chersonesos

Friends, I was lucky to visit this unique and sacred place! You can spend the whole day in the museum-reserve! Everything is so informative and interesting! On the Russian banknote of 200 rubles, you can see images of the main attractions of Chersonesos.

Vladimirsky Cathedral in Chersonesos

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

The Vladimir Cathedral is an Orthodox shrine, located on the site of the baptism of the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in 988 (997).

The cathedral church was built by the Russian architect David Ivanovich Grimm. The years of construction are 1861-1891. In the early 2000s, it was restored from a dilapidated state.

Chersonese bell

This bell has an amazing fate. In 1778 it was cast in Taganrog from captured Turkish cannons. In 1803 he was transported to Sevastopol for the St. Nicholas Church under construction. After the Crimean War, in 1855, the captured bell was taken by the French to Paris and installed at Notre Dame Cathedral.

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

In 1913 the bell returned to Russia. This bell is also called Foggy. It was installed on the seashore in Tauric Chersonesos to warn ships passing in the fog about the proximity of the rocks. The bell weighs almost 2,5 thousand kilograms.

Antique theater

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

The theater was built in the 3000rd century BC. NS. It was used for its intended purpose until the end of the XNUMXth century. n. NS. In the “Roman period” gladiator fights took place here. The theater has a capacity of up to XNUMX people. This antique theater is the only one in Russia.

Basilica 1935

Why 1935? This year, the ruins of the basilica were discovered during archaeological excavations of the ancient city. Scientists suggest that the temple was built in the XNUMXth century. on the site of an earlier temple.

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video

Zeno Tower

The defensive round tower was important in defending the city from enemies. Built in 488, named after the Byzantine emperor Zeno. The diameter of the tower is 23 meters.

Chersonesos Tauric: history of the ancient city, photo and video


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Chersonesos Tauride. Crimea.

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Chersonesos Tauric.

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