Cherry Youth

The quality and volume of the crop depends on the correct choice of plants for planting on the site. “Youth” is one of the most popular varieties among cherry lovers. A description of the characteristics of the plant and the features of caring for it will help you avoid common mistakes and get the maximum possible yield.

History of breeding

Cherry Youth

“Molodyozhnaya” is a relatively young cherry variety: it was entered into the State Register only in 1993. Its breeding was carried out by scientists of the All- Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Khasan Enikeev and Saniya Satarova. Cherry “Molodezhnaya” was obtained by crossing varieties Lyubskaya and Vladimirskaya. The variety is recommended for the Central region of Our Country and the Urals.

Description of the culture

The height of an adult cherry tree “Youth” is on average about 2 meters, which, combined with branches lowered low above the ground, simplifies harvesting. The branches may be intertwined, but generally do not break under the weight of the fruit.

The leaves of the ordinary cherry “Youth” have a bright green color, collected in a rounded crown of medium density. The underside of the leaf is lighter. The bark of the Youth cherry has a brownish-brown color and darkens with time.

The inflorescence contains 3 to 7 white flowers, each about 3 cm in diameter. Due to the same height of pistils and stamens, this cherry variety is self-pollinating. Cherry “Youth” blooms from May 10 to 20.

The fruits of the Youth cherry can reach a size of 1 cm, the average weight of a berry is 4-5 grams. Berries have an oval shape and maroon color, dense sweet and sour pulp. The tasting evaluation of the fruits of this variety is 4,5 points out of 5.

Cherry Youth

The medium-sized stone is easy to separate from the pulp. Subject to the conditions of collection and transportation and storage, the berries of the Molodezhnaya cherry can remain intact for up to 15–20 days.


Drought resistance, winter resistance

The variety is generally characterized by high drought tolerance. But immediately after planting and during the fruiting period, it is important to monitor soil moisture.

“Youth” refers to frost-resistant varieties. The flower ovaries tolerate night frosts well.

Cherry Youth

Pollination, flowering and maturation period

Features of pollination of culture are of great importance when planning plantings. Up to 40% of the pollination of Molodezhnaya occurs with its own pollen due to pistils and stamens of equal height. You can also plant other cherry or cherry trees nearby, which will additionally pollinate Molodyozhnaya.

Additional pollinators for cherry “Youth”:

  • University;
  • Nord-star;
  • Lyubskaya;
  • Turgenevskaya;
  • and various varieties of cherries.

Itself “Molodezhnaya” well pollinates late varieties of cherries.

The formation of ovaries is noted even on young shoots. Flowering occurs from all buds except the top ones. Below is a photo of the Youth cherry tree.

Cherry Youth

yield, fruiting

One cherry tree “Youth” per year brings from 8 to 15 kg of berries. The yield depends on the age of the plant. The fruits ripen in the third decade of July.

Cherry variety “Molodezhnaya” begins to bear fruit 3–4 years after planting, continuing to yield another 15–20 years with proper care. Regular pruning of shoots has a positive effect on productivity. In its absence, only peripheral shoots bear fruit.

Important! Cherries do not ripen outside the tree, so they should be harvested when they are ripe. This point is easy to miss: the berries may not fall off the branches for a long time, but they may already be overripe.

Scope of berries

Subject to proper collection, transportation and storage, Molodyozhnaya cherry can be successfully preserved. Storage of fruits is possible if you collect berries by shearing: cutting the berries while preserving the stalk. The integrity of the fetus will not be compromised.

The following rules will help to preserve the fruits of the Youth cherry for subsequent conservation:

  • carefully select the fruits, monitor their integrity;
  • do not wash the berries;
  • transport and store them in ventilated containers;
  • pretreat the container with potassium permanganate and dry well;
  • line the bottom of the container with paper;
  • make sure that there are few fruits in the container – no more than 5 cm;
  • store berries at a temperature of +2+4 °C.

Berries of the “Molodezhnaya” variety are used to make desserts, drinks and juices, to add to pastries. The fruits of this variety are suitable for making jams, preserves or marmalade. 

Disease and pest resistance

The resistance of “Molodyozhnaya” to diseases and pests is above average. Most of all, this tree is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry “Molodezhnaya” is one of the most reliable varieties for harvesting. Below is a comparative table of characteristics of “Molodezhnaya” cherries.


Lack of

Early start of fruiting

Medium resistance to fungal infections

Good yield (from 8 to 15 kg per tree depending on age)

The influence of planting site selection on plant growth

Large fruits (up to 10 mm, 4–5 g)

Decreased yields when the soil is depleted

Dessert taste of berries with a high tasting score

The need for regular pruning of overgrown shoots

Good transportability


Self-pollination of plants

Frost resistance, including flower ovaries

Drought tolerance with careful care during the fruiting period

Features of landing

The best time for planting cherries “Youth” is early spring. Planting in the spring allows the seedling to take root in the best possible way.

Attention! When preparing a place in the garden, it is important to remember that the optimal distance between trees is 2-2,5 m, and between rows – 3 m.

Selecting a landing site

In the best way, cherry varieties “Molodezhnaya” will feel in an unventilated area with good lighting. This may be the southern or southwestern part of the garden near the fence, shed or wall of the house. Sandy loam with an acidity of 6-6,5 pH is suitable as a soil.

For planting cherries, a pit 6 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter is prepared in 80 weeks. Organic top dressing is applied to the bottom of the pit or the ground is dug up in the fall, adding a mixture of fresh compost and phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Important! Cherry “Molodezhnaya” grows well on light breathable soil, so the choice for planting low-lying and swamp-prone areas will negatively affect yields.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Optimal for planting in the ground are biennial plants with a formed crown. A healthy cherry seedling “Youth” has:

  • height 70–110 cm;
  • roots at least 15 cm long;
  • elastic and intact branches and roots;
  • saturated color fresh leaves;
  • undamaged skin.
Important! Planting material should be purchased from nurseries.

Cherry Youth

Immediately before planting, it is necessary to remove all leaves from the seedling, cut off damaged branches. To prepare for planting in the ground, the roots of the seedling are treated with garden pitch or soaked in a clay mash.

Landing algorithm

When planting the Youth cherry, you must follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • dig a hole 6 * 40 cm in size in advance (at least 60 weeks in advance) and add organic top dressing to it;
  • before planting, form a mound 10–15 cm high at the bottom of the pit;
  • in the center of the mound, install a peg 1,3 m high;
  • install a seedling next to the peg, spreading its roots along the mound;
  • check that the root neck of the plant is 3-5 cm above the level of the site;
  • fill the hole with earth, ram it;
  • form a near-stem hole with a side of the earth;
  • tie up a seedling;
  • water the plant abundantly;
  • mulch the hole after the moisture is absorbed.

Cherry Youth

It is important to correctly determine the location of the root neck of the seedling (the place where the roots go into the trunk). A mistake is fraught with the fact that the plant will not take root. The most reliable way: step back from the top root 3-4 cm up the trunk – this will be the root collar.

Important facts about caring for cherries

Within a year after planting, the plant almost does not need additional care. Enough timely watering and loosening the soil. Knowledge about the first signs of the development of the disease in cherries will also be useful in order to respond quickly and save the tree.

Then you need to remember the important features of caring for cherries of the Youth variety, which will help increase the yield:

  • timely pruning will protect against a drop in yield: when the plant is overgrown, the ovaries are formed only on the outer – peripheral shoots;
  • it is recommended to trim about 50 cm of the crown at the top of the tree annually;
  • top dressing is obligatory twice a year: in spring with nitrogen fertilizers, in autumn – with potash and phosphorus;
  • cherry is moisture-loving: it needs to be watered often;
  • excess moisture can seriously harm, causing fungal infection;
  • annual disease prevention is important: the treatment scheme is given below;
  • adding compost and manure will make the plant healthier and improve its growth;
  • for the winter, to protect against rodents, the root system should be covered or blocked.

How to properly prune young cherries: 

CUTTING YOUNG CHERRY FOR THE HARVEST, Pruning of annual shoots on cherries.

Diseases and pests

The table below shows the most common diseases of the Youth cherry and how to deal with them.



Prevention and treatment

Milky luster

the leaves acquire a pearly color, the appearance of areas of necrosis between the veins, the wood on the cuts becomes brown

protection against mechanical damage and sunburn;

treatment of cortical damage;

immediate destruction of infected branches and plants.

Moniliosis (gray rot)

Young leaves and shoots turn black and dry, rot and spores form on the fruits, accelerated spread of the disease with high humidity and cold

timely removal of rotten fruits and fallen leaves;

destruction of affected shoots;

treatment with a solution of Bordeaux liquid in the green cone phase (3–4%), at the end of flowering (1%), 2–3 weeks after it. In a rainy year, up to 5-6 treatments are allowed.


The leaves dry out and curl in a spiral; the bark darkens, spots and cracks appear on it, containing the causative agent of the disease

stripping the affected areas of the bark before the buds open;

closure of wounds.


Rusty brown spots on leaves

destruction of fallen leaves; careful weeding of the intermediate host of the disease – the spindle;

treatment with Bordeaux liquid at a concentration of 1%


The leaves acquire a yellow-red color, then brown dots form on them, white-pink bulges appear on the reverse side; there is an increased shedding of leaves, freezing in winter, cracks in the bark, weakening of the kidneys.

At the last stage – the bony appearance of the fruit

thorough whitewashing of trunks;

treatment with Bordeaux mixture before flowering and after fruit picking.


The fruits are covered with dull dots, with time – pale pink bulges.

At a later stage, the berries are mummified

treatment with Polyram fungicide before and after flowering, then after another 15 days

Cherry trees are affected by pests: leafworm, sawfly, aphid, cherry weevil, shoot moth.

General rules for the preventive treatment of cherry trees from diseases and pests:

  • in early spring at a temperature of 5 ° C, spraying with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (3%) and tar soap (made in dry calm weather);
  • in the green cone phase, treatment with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%);
  • in the rosebud phase, a complex solution of Chorus, Decis and Zircon is used with the addition of tar soap;
  • during the flowering of the Youth cherry, treatment is carried out with a solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 l);
  • 2-3 more treatments with a complex solution during the summer;
  • at the end of leaf fall – 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.


Gardeners highly appreciate the characteristics of the Molodyozhnaya cherry variety, noting the high quality of fruits, good yields and resistance to aggressive environmental factors. The ability to self-pollinate makes it possible to harvest even from a single cherry tree in the garden. Careful and thoughtful selection of fruit tree varieties will help you get a stable harvest for many years.

Reviews of gardeners

Irina Petrovna Smirnova, 35 years old, Tomsk region
It was difficult for me, inexperienced, to determine whether the cherry was already ripe. Collected just in case. The taste is more sweet than sweet and sour. The family is very satisfied. This was our first harvest. And so: cherry “Molodezhnaya” showed itself perfectly in Siberia! Although the tree is still small: only 50 centimeters, but it has already grown well.
Nikolai Semenovich Agafonov, 50 years old, Sverdlovsk region
The cherry tree “Youth” grows small and so, a little drooping. This, by the way, is very convenient – you do not have to climb high for berries. It bears fruit annually, steadily and in large numbers. We always have time to bring the berries home and process them – there is little damage from transportation.
Lyudmila Yakovlevna Stepanenko, 55 years old, Oryol region
I follow all the rules for the treatment of the fungus. There were never any problems. But there was a lot of joy – a very tasty cherry, and quite unpretentious. The main thing is to choose the right place. The neighbors “Molodezhnaya” grows in the lowlands, the harvest is much worse than ours.

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