Cherry variety Podbelskaya: description with photo and advantages

On your own personal plot, even with all the desire, it is impossible to place all varieties of fruit trees, so gardeners choose only the best. Cherry Podbelskaya combines not only excellent taste, but at the same time it is quite unpretentious in care. To whom does she owe her appearance, how does she look, and what are her main advantages?

History and description of the variety

The history of the emergence of the wonderful Podbelskaya cherry variety is associated with the name of K. Koch, who in the 19th century in Germany crossed the Lotovaya variety with Griot Ostheimsky. In the North Caucasus region, this cherry variety was zoned and entered into a special State Register in 1947. If we talk about the description of the Podbelskaya cherry, then this fruit tree is vigorous, it can have a height of more than 5 meters. The crown has a rounded shape, and after a while it becomes a kind of flat-rounded, with a large number of leaves. The stem of the tree is distinguished by the presence of an ash-brown color of its bark, on which longitudinal cracks are clearly visible.

The skeletal branches are dark brown in color and deviated from the trunk at an angle of about 70 degrees. The shoots of the tree grow upwards, the leaves are quite large in size, dark green and with a slight sheen. They have an obovate or broadly oval shape, and they are also characterized by a sharp beginning of the apex.

Cherry variety Podbelskaya: description with photo and advantagesThe margins of the leaves are serrate or doubly serrate. In each of the beautiful inflorescences you can see about 4 flowers – large, shaped like saucers, with rounded petals. The fruiting of this cherry variety is mixed. The fruits appear in close proximity to each other, 1 – 2 each, their weight can reach 5 g. They are dark red in color, they are flat-round, the seam is located near the top. The flesh is dark red, the fibers are clearly visible, with a refined pleasant taste.

Harvesting from grown fruit trees can be expected only three or four years after planting.

The fruits have a stone, which is characterized by an average size, light brown in color, which can be freely removed from the pulp. The size of the stalk is about 28 – 37 mm, it is quite thick, and is not strongly attached to the fruit. In the Volga region, the fruits of this cherry contain about 19% of special dry substances, 6 mg per 17 g of ascorbic acid, 100% of free acids, 1% of sugars. And in the Krasnodar Territory, these figures are somewhat different – 2% dry, 10% ascorbic acid, 7% free acids, 15 percent sugars.Cherry variety Podbelskaya: description with photo and advantages

In terms of flowering, this plant can be attributed to the early ones, and the ripening rate of this cherry variety is early-medium. Cherry Podbelskaya is self-fertile, and the best pollinators for it are May Duke, Early English, Griot Ostgeymsky, Anadolskaya, Lotovaya, as well as varieties of sweet cherries. The variety has a high productivity rate, this is especially true for the southern regions of Our Country, where, due to good climatic conditions, a large crop of this beautiful berry is harvested.

Pros and cons of the variety

The advantages of this beautiful tree can be called a relatively high degree of resistance to various kinds of diseases, in particular, fungal ones. The cherry also pleases its owners with good productivity, ideal taste qualities of fruits that have a dessert and technical purpose. In the southern regions, this fruit tree grows well and gives a large harvest, while in the northern regions it may suffer from frost and burns, annual shoots of the tree and generative buds may freeze.Cherry variety Podbelskaya: description with photo and advantages

By nature, the Podbelskaya cherry is a cherry-cherry hybrid that resembles a simple cherry. The variety also has an average degree of resistance to hot and dry weather. Ripe fruits stick quite well on the tree. Ripening dates – end of June – beginning of July. The disadvantages include the large size of the fruit tree, as they can somewhat complicate the procedure for caring for it, ripening fruits and harvesting.

Video “Cherry Podbelskaya”

After watching the video, you will learn about the timing of ripening, when fruiting occurs, what size the fruits are and about the features of caring for this variety of cherries.

Cherry Podbelskaya productive variety

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