Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and video

Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and video

Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and video

Cherry in horticulture is considered a common crop, it is characterized by annual fruit ripening and early fruiting. There are many good varieties for planting on the site, including Turgenevskaya cherry. What does this tree look like, what are its main advantages, and how should care be taken?


All varieties of cherries are very much appreciated by gardeners for the high quality of the fruit and their nutritional value. Cherry fruits contain vitamins B9 and B2, as well as iron, organic and bioactive substances. One of the excellent varieties of cherries is Turgenevskaya. It was obtained by selecting seedlings in the course of free pollination from the famous Zhukovskaya cherry variety. If we talk about the description of this variety, it should be noted that the Turgenevskaya cherry (otherwise also called Zhukovskaya) is a tree 3 m high, has a reverse pyramidal crown of medium density. Shoots of its medium length, straight, brown-brown.

The bark on the main branches of the cherry is characterized by a grayish-brown tint. The leaves are distinguished by a narrow oval shape, shiny, dark green in color, and the buds are cone-shaped. The top of the tree, obtained by the All- Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding from the Zhukovskaya variety, is strongly serrated, and the serration of the edge is doubly serrate. The petiole of the cherry of this variety has a length of about 21 mm, anthocyanin coloring. The diameter of the corolla is 24,1 mm, and the number of flowers in the inflorescence is about four. The white petals touch each other. The shape of the calyx is goblet, and the length of the pistil of the tree of this variety is approximately 7 mm, and there are the same number of stamens.Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and videoThe fruits of this tree are wide heart-shaped and have a dark red color. The fruit weight of this variety is approximately 5 g. The pulp is characterized by density and dark red color, and the stone is oval, it is creamy and easily separated. It is also easy to tear the fruit from the stalk. This variety has a sweet-sour taste, and the amount of soluble substances in fruits is approximately 16%, sugars are present 11%, acids – 17%. The Turgenevskaya cherry variety blooms somewhere until mid-May, and the fruits begin to ripen in the first half of July. It is worth considering the fact that such a tree variety is capable of bearing fruit only five years after planting in a garden plot. In terms of yield, this variety is considered quite good, the maximum number of fruits can be up to 1 centners per hectare. Turgenev cherry is quite normally able to endure winter frosts.Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and video


The fruits of this variety have bactericidal properties, so they are quite successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. It is quickly absorbed, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces blood clotting. Cherry is a favorite treat for both adults and children. Indeed, as mentioned above, in its fruits there are many micro- and macroelements necessary for the health of the human body, including magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus. Among the vitamins that fruits, in particular, Turgenevka, are rich in, there is also folic acid, which is indispensable for everyone. This wonderful variety received the greatest popularity and many fans in central Our Country, since the tree is not too capricious – it tolerates both temperature extremes and the presence of precipitation very well, gives a generous harvest, and is not particularly prone to unpleasant fungal diseases (moniliosis and comycosis ).Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and video

In addition to eating delicious fruits in their pure form, it is widely used for making jams, jams, fruit drinks, compotes, berry wine. In addition, you can freeze berries, as well as dry them for the winter, so that later you can also cook delicious compotes or add cherries to pastries. 

Care specifics

The quality and quantity of the future harvest of Turgenevskaya cherries (obtained from Zhukovskaya) will directly depend on whether you take into account all its growing features. A very important point when landing is the choice of soil. We need one where the amount of groundwater will not exceed one and a half meters. Soil acidity should be neutral.

Sandy loam is considered the best soil for planting, but before planting a tree, it is recommended to add humus, superphosphate and potassium chloride fertilizers, and wood ash to the soil.

If the cherry is planted in clay soil, you should fill the holes with a bucket of sand. To protect the tree from unwanted weeds, after planting, it is necessary to make a hole near the trunk. Mulching also works well. In order to prevent the soil from drying out, sufficient watering should be ensured in the first year. Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description with photo and videoWe should not forget about top dressing, for this once a year they use bird or cow droppings. Experts advise to carry out fertilizer in several stages – in the spring, after the flowering period and in the middle of summer (when the tree bears fruit). Soil loosening should be done superficially. If, despite all the measures taken, weeds still appear, they must be weeded. If there are signs of a disease, the tree should be carefully treated with a special preparation.

Video “Planting cherries”

On the recording, a woman talks about how to plant cherries and how to care for a young tree.

Cherry planting – 6 acres

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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