You can transplant cherries to a new place in any season except winter. Each period has its own advantages. Moving a plant has different purposes. It must be carried out correctly. Be sure to take into account the age of the tree, organize appropriate care for it in a new place.

Goals of transplanting cherries to a new place

They change the place where the tree grows for various reasons:

  • redevelopment of the site;
  • initially incorrectly chosen place – lowland, too close to other plants or buildings, undesirable proximity to other plantings;
  • maintaining the health of the mother tree;
  • depleted soil.

When can I transplant cherries to another place

It is impossible to relocate the plant to another place only in winter. For transplanting, it is better to choose spring or autumn. In summer, cherries will adapt worse.

Spring moving a tree has several advantages:

  • more time to adapt before winter, for which you need to gain strength;
  • quick restoration of the root system with the right timing.
Attention! In regions with a harsh climate, it is recommended to transplant cherries in the spring so that they have time to take root before the cold weather.

When can cherries be transplanted in spring?

The spring moving of the plant must be carried out until the sap flow has begun. It is imperative to focus on the climatic conditions of the region. You can move the planting from the end of March, throughout April. It is allowed to plan work in May, if the kidneys have not yet swollen.

Cherry transplantation to a new place in spring, summer: terms and rules

Cherry transplantation in spring should be carried out in sunny and calm weather.

The optimum air temperature is from 10 ° C, there should be no night frosts.

Is it possible to transplant cherry blossoms in spring

The plant must not be touched during flowering. This rule applies not only in spring, but also in other seasons. Cherry blossoms actively draw moisture and nutrients from the soil, and moving during this period will only lead to drying out.

Is it possible to transplant cherries in summer

Summer transplanting is allowed, but not recommended. This can be done before flowering or in August, when fruiting is over. The rest of the time, you can’t touch the plant, since almost all of its forces are directed to the formation of fruits, their ripening.

Preparing to transplant cherries in spring

In order for the plant to take root in a new place, it is important to properly prepare everything. Several aspects must be taken into account.

Right place

Regardless of the variety, cherry trees need a neutral acidity of the earth. If the soil is acidic, then slaked lime, dolomite flour or ground chalk will help. The selected agent must be evenly distributed over the site, after which it is shallowly embedded in the ground. Such work is best done in the fall, when the earth has already been dug up.

landing pit

This preparatory stage should be planned in the fall. If the cherry will be transplanted with a clod of earth, then the planting hole should be larger than its size by an average of 35 cm.

Compost must be added to the bottom, adding phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and ash. The number of additives should be oriented to the age of the plant, the previous top dressing. On top of the nutrients should be fertile land. The optimal layer thickness is 5 cm.

Cherry transplantation to a new place in spring, summer: terms and rules

The landing pit is prepared at least a few months in advance so that the earth has time to settle

Tree preparation

You can move cherries in the spring, exposing the roots or with an earthen clod. The second option is preferable, since the plant adapts faster, begins to bear fruit earlier.

It is important to properly dig up the cherry transplanted in the spring:

  1. Moisten the soil around the plant. One bush needs 40-50 liters of water. Watering prevents shedding of earth from the roots.
  2. Start digging along the perimeter of the crown. The growth of the roots corresponds to the length of the branches. The trench can be made round or square, but with strictly vertical walls. You can go deep by 30-60 cm. It is allowed to make one wall inclined so that the tree can be removed more easily.
  3. They dig up the cherry so that the earthen ball is preserved. Its upper part in diameter in a young plant should be 0,5-0,7 m, in a tree older than 5 years 1,5 m at a height of 0,6-0,7 m.
  4. The trench should be deepened gradually. If there are excessively long roots that interfere with the excavation of an earthen coma, then you can chop them off with the sharp edge of a shovel. Slices must be treated with garden pitch.
  5. Put the dug up cherry on a film or moistened cloth. Wrap a clod of earth with material and fix over the root collar.
Advice! Large plants are easier to extract with a lever – an iron crowbar or a pitchfork. The object must be long enough and strong enough, it must be placed under the base of the coma.

How to transplant cherries in the spring to a new place

Features of the movement of a plant depend on its age. There are a few general rules:

  1. The tree must be handled with care. If it is large, then it is convenient to use the cart, pouring sawdust into it. Another option is an iron sheet-drag or a dense fabric. During transportation, it is important not to damage the cherry, to save the earthen lump.
  2. The film (fabric) should be removed immediately before placing the plant in the planting hole. The roots must be watered immediately so that the earthen ball is preserved.
  3. Carefully place the tree in the planting hole. The branches should be directed in the same direction as in the same place.
  4. After installing the cherry in the planting hole, the earthen ball should protrude 5-10 cm above the surface, and the root neck by 3 cm. It is recommended that the plant be buried identical to the previous planting site.
  5. The gap between the earthen clod and the walls of the pit should be covered with a mixture of fertile soil and humus, and compacted.
Cherry transplantation to a new place in spring, summer: terms and rules

After transplanting, it is necessary to form a watering circle, the optimal height is 5-10 cm

Until the cherry has grown stronger, it is worth organizing a support. Drive it gently, without damaging the roots. Tilt the stake in the direction of the wind, tie the trunk to it.

After the formation of the watering circle, it is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly – 2-3 buckets per bush. Mulch the trunk circle so that the earth does not dry out and does not crack. It is better to use sawdust and foliage.

After transplanting in the spring, it is necessary to cut the crown. You can do this before moving the cherry. The volume of the crown should be the same as the size of the root system, it is she who will receive the main amount of nutrients after processing.

Skeletal branches need to be shortened by a third. Instead, you can thin out the crown by hitting 2-3 large branches. In any case, the sections must be treated with garden pitch.

How to transplant a cherry seedling

It is recommended to move specimens up to 2 years old, at this age adaptation is easier and faster. The root system must be well developed. Be sure to have several lateral roots 20-25 cm long.

If the tree is not transplanted immediately in the spring, then it is better to remove the old soil. To do this, the roots must be washed gently. Then process them with clay talker and trim a little. This procedure is mandatory in the presence of damaged or diseased roots – pruning is carried out to a healthy place.

Advice! To restore biological processes, you can put the seedling in Kornevin’s solution for at least an hour (maximum day).
Cherry transplantation to a new place in spring, summer: terms and rules

The seedling is tied to a support with soft material, it must be fixed in the correct position

How to transplant a young cherry

Transplanting young growth from the mother tree is recommended when they grow too close. At the same time, an adult plant does not receive the right amount of nutrients, bears fruit worse.

Move the young cherry in the spring to a new place according to the general rules. First you need to inspect it and carry out the necessary manipulations:

  1. Cut off damaged and dry branches.
  2. When digging, save a clod of earth.
  3. If the root system is exposed, lower it into a clay mash.
  4. If the roots are dry, immerse them in water for several hours.

How to transplant an adult cherry

It is not recommended to move cherry plantings older than 10 years, but sometimes this is a necessary measure. When working, you need to adhere to the general algorithm, but taking into account some features:

  • the roots of old trees cannot be exposed, they must be covered with an earthen ball;
  • it is necessary to dig up the cherry carefully so that damage to the root system is minimal;
  • pruning should be given more attention to balance the volume of the crown and the root system, processing should be done before digging.

Cherry transplant

Transplanting overgrown in the spring is a great option for cherries. The plant adapts better to a new place, and the mother tree will receive more nutrition, strengthen, and begin to bear fruit better.

It is better to divide the overgrowth movement into two stages:

  1. In the first spring, remove the upper part of the soil above the connecting root. Step back from the shoot by 25-30 cm. Divide the rhizome with a sharp knife, clean the sections and treat them with garden pitch. Return the removed soil to its place. This procedure should be carried out immediately after the snow melts.
  2. Move the cuttings to the next spring so that their own root system forms and develops in a year.

All work can be completed in one year. It is necessary to act in early spring. It is necessary to cut the main root, treat this place with a garden pitch, transfer the plant with an earthen clod. It is impossible to expose the roots, they are small, therefore they dry out instantly.

Cherry transplantation to a new place in spring, summer: terms and rules

After separating the overgrowth in the spring, it must be periodically fed with organic matter (humus, chicken droppings) and watered.

Advice! It is better to move the shoots during the period when it grows 2-3 m from the trunk.

Bush cherry transplant

It is not recommended to touch bush cherries, therefore, the choice of a landing site must initially be approached with special attention. It is allowed to move the plant if necessary if it is less than 4-5 years old. In this case, a number of conditions must be met:

  • the dormant state of the bush, the absence of leaves on it;
  • transplant only with an earthen clod;
  • maximum precision at work.
Attention! Even if the plant is successfully moved in the spring, there will be no harvest for 1-2 years. Bush cherry adapts for a long time.

How to transplant wild cherries

A wild plant must be transplanted according to the standard algorithm. The advantage of such a cherry is that it experiences changes better, quickly adapts to new conditions.

How to transplant felt cherries to another place in the spring

A feature of felt cherries is an underdeveloped root system, because it does not tolerate movement well. In exceptional cases, this is still done, and always in the spring, after the snow melts. The plant must be young.

Cherry transplantation to a new place in spring, summer: terms and rules

Felt cherries usually bear fruit for 10 years, after transplanting it may not produce berries or not take root at all

Cherry care after transplant

The basic rule for caring for a transplanted plant is sufficient watering. Every 3 days for 1-1,5 months you need to water the tree. One bucket of water is enough. During the rainy period, additional moisture is not required.

It is important to take care of protection against pests and diseases. In the spring, many insects are activated, so the risk of damage is high. You need to take care of preventive measures in the fall – dig up the site, burn plant residues.

Fertilizers should be applied according to the recommendations for a particular variety. Excessive nutrition is contraindicated; transplanted cherries will only get worse from this.

A few tips on how to properly transplant cherries so that they take root

In the spring or at other times of the year, it is important to move the cherry so that it takes root, otherwise all the work will become useless. The following tips will help:

  • it is desirable to choose a place with favorable neighbors, the proximity of nightshade, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, raspberry, gooseberry, apple tree is not recommended;
  • it is important to move the plant quickly, preventing the roots from drying out;
  • the smaller the tree, the better it survives change;
  • transplanting in spring is more favorable for late-ripening varieties;
  • when moving plants, they are guided by recommendations for a particular variety, this concerns choosing the right place, further care;
  • so that rodents do not damage the root system, the planting pit must be overlaid with spruce branches (needles outward);
  • the transplanted plant is weaker, so you need to protect it from frost.


It is not difficult to transplant cherries to a new place if you follow all the rules. Careful handling of the plant, its proper preparation, competent organization of a new place, and subsequent care are important. Compliance with all the rules increases the chances of successful adaptation, fruiting.

Cherry transplant in your garden. Their country seedlings are rootstocks.

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