Cherry tomatoes

Cherry clusters are small, but elegant – the only kind of tomato that is available year-round. Growing babies brought to automatism, and natural sunlight plays a cameo role in this process. Taste and aroma are absolutely identical to the traditional tomato, only the size and the way the goods are presented differ.

In addition to the classic red cherry, there are also yellow. They are more juicy, rich and vibrant. To use yellow tomatoes is not so much for the sake of taste, but for the sake of variety on a plate. A slight sun accent will give the dish a special charm and will definitely attract the attention of the consumer.

General characteristics

Cherry is most common in Mediterranean countries. Traditional recipes necessarily indicate the prefix “cherry” next to the tomato, and cooks insist on the fundamental differences of taste.

Small cherry-shaped vegetables (“cherry” from English – cherry) attract the consumer with such characteristics.


Compared to traditional tomatoes, they seem like toys.


Cherry tomatoes are put out in a bunch, not individually. Food bloggers and aesthetes will not be able to remain indifferent to the laconic, but elegant look of a tomato.


Cherry tomato is more concentrated and saturated. The taste palette on 100% compensates for size and restores value for money.

Varieties of tomato
Formelongateddrop shapedround
Skin tonegreenred / pinkyellow orange

Tip: if you love cherry tomatoes, try growing them right on your windowsill. A miniature vegetable germinates easily and requires minimal care. Read the basic rules and tips for growing, so that the fruits do not crack and ripen completely.

Historical information

Cherry grew in the Andes, and then migrated to the territory of modern Mexico to the Incas and Aztecs. The shape and size of the tomatoes differed significantly from the present. These were isolated wide shrubs, more like a miniature tree with more elongated and bright fruits. The Indians of South America seriously engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes, so by the XV century, European colonizers already had several varieties of cherry tomatoes.

The first mention of miniature tomatoes is dated 1623 year. The book “Pinax Theatri Botanici” told about plants known to mankind. Agronomists borrowed information from the book, and the term “cherry” crawled on scientific botanical treatises.

The first European crop of cherry tomatoes grew in Santorini. British and Israeli agronomists worked to improve the shape, color, taste of the fruit and finally created the perfect commercial variety.

Modern cherry tomatoes have come a long way of breeding and improvement. The Incas and Aztecs would not recognize their usual vegetable, due to the altered structure of the pulp, rind, new flavors.

Useful Properties

Cherry contains vitamin K, which stabilizes the absorption of calcium, and thereby normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and biliary system.

Tomatoes – the leaders in the content of lycopene. The substance reduces the risk of developing cancer, pathologies of the cardiovascular system. It serves as a prevention of diseases of the organs of vision and prevents inflammatory processes in the body. Lycopene does not collapse when exposed to high temperatures, so you can cook cherry without fear of preserving its beneficial properties.

Council Lycopene is a fat soluble substance. Refill cherry tomatoes with vegetable oil (olive, sesame) so that the enzyme absorbs faster and starts working.

Cherry is rich in serotonin, which is known as the “hormone of happiness.” The neurotransmitter improves a person’s mood, muffles anxiety and acts as a natural anti-depressant.

Tomatoes quickly saturate the body due to chromium. The body quickly receives the necessary amino acids and immediately begins to assimilate them. Fiber stabilizes the digestive process, speeds up metabolism. The impression of absolute satiety and a surge of energy.

Introduce a large amount of vegetables into your daily diet. They will help to take only useful, necessary elements and significantly affect daily activity. If you often want to lie down for 30 minutes after a hearty meal, review your diet and add more cherry, carrots, celery and other vegetables.

What else are useful cherry:

  1. Compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the winter. In traditional tomatoes, both nutritional value and taste characteristics decrease in cold weather. Cherries, thanks to the “light” growing conditions, remain unchanged year-round.
  2. Excess fluid is excreted due to potassium.
  3. Coping with anemia due to iron.
  4. Adapt the body to low temperatures due to magnesium.
  5. With the help of phosphorus accelerate metabolic processes.
  6. Strengthen the bone system due to calcium.
  7. They have an antioxidant effect due to the presence of likolen. The substance gives the tomato a rich red hue, prevents cancer, strengthens blood vessels and creates a detox effect.
  8. The product is low-calorie, so you can safely enter the cherry in the daily diet, without fear for the size of the waist.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value (based on 100 grams of product)
Caloric value24,2 kCal
Proteins1,2 g
Fats2,02 g
Carbohydrates3,84 g
Water93,4 g
Alimentary fiber0,81 g
organic acids0,50 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of product)
Retinol (A)1,2
Thiamine (V1)0,06
Riboflavin (V2)0,039
Pyridoxine (B6)0,1
Folic acid (B9)0,0113
Ascorbic acid (C)25
Tocopherol (E)0,40
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,49
Macronutrients (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Calcium (Ca)14,3
Magnesium (Mg)20,1
Sodium (Na)39
Potassium (K)290,7
Phosphorus (P)26
Chlorine (Cl)60
Sulfur (S)12
Microelements (in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
Iron (Fe)0,9
Zinc (Zn)0,2
Iodine (I)0,0021
Copper (Cu)0,112
Manganese (Mn)0,14
Chrome (Cr)0,005
Fluorine (F)0,201
Molybdenum (Mo)0,007
Boron (B)0,1149
Cobalt (Co)0,006

Use in cooking

Miniature tomatoes are used as a snack, an ingredient for salad and preservation. For the preparation of dried and dried tomatoes use specially bred varieties that are most susceptible to heat treatment.

The shelf life of cherry tomatoes is several days longer than that of traditional tomatoes.

Agrotechnics claim that the methods of growing tomatoes (regardless of type and size) are not much different. All varieties can be grown both in greenhouses and in the open field. Vegetables require an equal amount of water and fertilizer, which also erases the differences between tomatoes for agronomists.

Significant difference is felt by cooks. Cherry differ not only in aesthetic appearance, but also in specificity of pulp, color, taste.

Cherry has a denser and smoother structure. The flesh has a bright rich flavor, which (depending on the variety) leaves a pleasant bitterness, then sourness, then sweetness.

A rich palette of colors also attracts cooks. Tomato assumes the role of the main accent of the dish, which gives unthinkable scope for creativity. Cherry can be cut with neat rings or served entirely in the center of the culinary composition.

Small tomatoes are perfect for preservation. Dense skin will not allow the tomato to “spread out” and take a depressing look. In addition, cherry is much more convenient to eat. No need to worry that you will be reprimanded at a family dinner for a thin stream of juice flowing down your arm while eating preservation.

Cherry Confit Recipe

Confi – a way of cooking, which is characteristic of French cuisine. The essence of the method consists in slow languor over low heat (less than 100 ° C). Most often confit is used to process meat products.


  • sweet cherry tomatoes (you can take whole fruits on a branch or divide them);
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • rosemary – 2 sprigs;
  • Thyme – 2 sprigs.


Rinse the tomatoes and place in a baking dish. Drizzle with a spoonful of olive oil, add spices, herbs and garlic. Use whole, unpeeled garlic heads. Rinse the cloves thoroughly and cut them in half. So the taste will be more intense and bright.

Send the spicy tomatoes to the oven for an hour at 2-3 at 100 ° C. It is recommended to serve with meat / fish side dish or add to vegetable salads.

Omelette Recipe with Mozzarella and Tomatoes

Nutritional value (based on 100 grams of finished product)
Caloric valueProteinsFatsCarbohydrates
570 kCal33,1 g48,3 g4,5 g


  • chicken egg – 3 pcs;
  • cherry tomatoes – 4 pcs;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • mozzarella – 50 g;
  • basil (recommended to take green) – 20 g;
  • olive / butter to taste;
  • favorite spices.


Mix eggs with salt, pepper and favorite spices.

Eggs should be beaten not with a whisk, but with a fork, in order not to bring the squirrels to peaks. You will get a more dense, viscous, and uniform texture that will improve the taste and texture of the omelette.

Pour the butter into the preheated pan and add the tomatoes. Fill the stewed cherry with egg mixture, then in 20-30 for a second, add mozzarella and chopped basil leaves. Add the fire, keep the omelet on the fire until tender. After heat treatment, leave the egg mixture to cool for a few minutes. Pour the required amount of olive / butter on the omelette and serve.

Note. A similar omelet is an egg version of Neapolitan pizza and caprese salad. To achieve a special taste of the dish you need to follow the quality of basil, mozzarella and cherry.


Cherry tomatoes are prohibited when:

  • violation of metabolic processes of the body;
  • peptic ulcer disease (regardless of stage). Doctors allow the use of cherry in minimal quantities – up to 100 grams per day;
  • individual intolerance to the product / substances that make up. There is a risk of rash all over the body, worsening of general health, nausea / vomiting;
  • cholelithiasis. Tomato has a pronounced choleretic effect and can worsen the course of the disease, provoke an increase in symptoms.

How to choose and store cherry

The amount of nutrients that the body receives will directly depend on the selected cluster of tomatoes. Take responsibility for the process in order not to fall for the tricks of dishonest sellers.


Ripe cherry has a pronounced “fresh” tomato flavor. It feels immediately, does not repel and does not taste bitter. Even if the tomato of the required shape has an incredible even texture, the right shade, but does not have flavor, do not rush to buy it. Such a cherry was either not ripened inside, or was picked early and ripened not on a bunch, but inside a huge box with fellows.


Unnatural (both very beautiful and overly repulsive) shade should alert the buyer. The discrepancy of color appears due to poor storage, violation of the rules of cultivation, improper transportation.


Do not buy damaged, crumpled fruit on which streaks are visible. It is recommended to pick a whole sprig of cherry, not separating the tomatoes from each other until the moment of cooking.

Council If possible, cut the tomato and inspect the inner layer. It should be dense, with filled chambers, without mucus, damage, rot.

Store the fruit in paper bags in the refrigerator for about 10 days. After the expiration date, they will lose both taste and nutritional value. The best way of long-term storage is freezing. If you do not want to keep the tomatoes fresh, then it is best to dry or preserve cherry tomatoes with spices and Provencal herbs.

Choose for preservation cherry tomatoes, and not the traditional large tomatoes. They look more neat and do not crack due to the dense skin.

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