Cherry Syubarovskaya

Cherry Syubarovskaya, like other varieties of culture, belongs to centenarians. Proper care, and the tree on the site develops well for 100 years.

History of breeding

The variety was obtained by Belarusian breeders by crossing sweet cherries Pobeda and Severnaya. Cherry Syubarovskaya can be safely attributed to young varieties; it was included in the State Register of the Republic of Belarus in 2005. In the photo – Syubarovskaya cherry. 

Cherry Syubarovskaya

Description of the culture

Cherry is a powerful and tall tree. The Syubarovskaya cherry variety is no exception. It, of course, has its own characteristics that distinguish the tree from others. But the description of the Syubarovskaya sweet cherry will contain many characteristics inherent in the fruit trees of this species.

In adulthood, the tree reaches a height of about 20 meters. The crown is majestic pyramidal. The branches of the variety are straight, densely leafy. The leaf plates are large, of different shades, so the tree looks very decorative.

The berries of the Syubarovskaya variety are medium in size, the diameter of one sweet cherry is about 5 cm, the weight is up to 5 g. The shape of the fruit is round, the color is dark red, the taste is sweet, pleasant, the stone is easily separated. Cherry pulp is juicy, medium soft.

The variety was bred in Belarus, therefore it is most common in the regions of the republic – Minsk, Grodno, Mogilev, Gomel, Vitebsk. Feels great in the southern regions of Our Country.

Important! When choosing the Syubarovskaya variety, the climatic features of the planting region are taken into account.

A description of the Syubarovskaya cherry with the addition of a photo of the appearance of the fruit and the tree itself will be more useful.


When choosing a variety for planting on a plot, gardeners are interested in the main characteristics of the Syubarovskaya sweet cherry. Knowing the important parameters, it is easy to determine the landing site and the rules of care.

Cherry Syubarovskaya

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The frost resistance of the Syubarovskaya sweet cherry is considered average. However, in spring, the tree must be protected from freezing. Early spring bud break may coincide with a period of return frosts.

The drought resistance of young trees is small, seedlings need regular watering. As the variety matures, this figure rises, but it is not recommended to leave the tree without moisture for a long time – the berries will crumble.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Syubarovskaya blooms in the last decade of March or early April. The timeframe depends on weather conditions. The first fruiting was recorded in the 4th year of the seedling’s life. The sweet cherry variety begins to bear fruit already in the second half of May, the process of fruit ripening occurs gradually. At the end of June, you can fully harvest.

Syubarovskaya, like all varieties of cherries, is self-fertile. For good pollination, at least 3-4 trees are planted on the site. Pollinating varieties for cherry Syubarovskaya:

  • People’s;
  • North;
  • Muscat;
  • Gronkavaya.

An excellent combination of varieties for pollination is Syubarovskaya and Iput cherry. They have one maturity.

yield, fruiting

Cherry is a productive crop. For the Syubarovskaya variety, the average will be 18 kg of ripe berries from one tree. Naturally, the number of harvested fruits depends on the quality of care. The variety bears fruit annually, starting from the fourth year after planting.

Important! In order for the yield to remain at a high level, the tree is provided with decent care and timely measures to protect the crop.

Scope of berries

Cherry berries of the Syubarovskaya variety are juicy and sweet. The pulp is tender, the bone is well separated. Used fresh, for fruit salads, as well as for making jam, preserves, juices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pros and cons are well covered in the description of the Syubarovskaya cherry variety. 


  1. Stable annual fruiting.
  2. Good yield.
  3. Early maturity.
  4. resistance to a number of diseases.
  5. Excellent taste and aroma of berries.
  6. Long tree life.

Among the shortcomings, gardeners note:

  1. The need for neighbors-pollinators.
  2. Demanding on the composition of the soil and the place of planting.

Disease and pest resistance

The Syubarovskaya variety should be protected from the attack of feathered pests and some types of diseases – coccomycosis, moniliosis and clasterosporiasis.

Cherry Syubarovskaya

Timely preventive measures, as well as compliance with agricultural cultivation techniques, are most important for the Syubarovskaya variety.

Features of landing

Planting is an important event for cherries. The further development and fruiting of the tree depends on the actions of the gardener.

Recommended dates 

The best time for planting to be successful is early spring. In this case, it is important to ensure that the kidneys do not have time to swell. The best time is mid-April, landing in early May will be too late. Seedlings will get sick and take root poorly.

Experts do not recommend planting cherries in autumn. The fact is that the 2-year-old Syubarovskaya sweet cherry gives a strong one-year increase. When frost occurs, these shoots can freeze slightly.

Choosing the right place 

A slightly elevated area with good lighting is ideal for a seat. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the site is not blown by the winds. It is necessary to take measures for snow retention so that the plants are protected in the winter season. The right decision would be to plant fast-growing shrubs near Syubarovskaya.

The soil is prepared well fertilized, rich in lime components. Worst of all, the variety reacts to clay and peat soil. In this case, moisture lingers for a long time in the near-stem circle, and the plant may die from root rot.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Cultures of the same species are considered suitable for stone fruits. Therefore, next to the cherry, you can safely plant cherries, mountain ash, grapes, hawthorn, elderberry. If you decide to place an apple tree, then you should maintain a distance of at least 5-6 meters. Neighborhood with crops such as currants, raspberries, gooseberries and sea buckthorn is undesirable.

Selection and preparation of planting material

It is best to choose Syubarovskaya cherry seedlings in autumn. At this time, the choice is richer, you can purchase high-quality planting material. Trees are dug in for the winter, and planting begins in April.

Cherry Syubarovskaya

Annual and biennial plants are equally suitable for planting.

Important! The selection criterion should be a developed root system.

One-year-olds take a height of 75 cm, two-year-olds – up to 1 m.

For purchased seedlings, the roots are wrapped with a damp cloth, covered with a film on top. Without such preparation, they cannot be transported.

Landing algorithm

Competent landing consists of certain stages:

  1. Pit preparation. Dimensions 60 cm x 80 cm. A mixture of humus (2 buckets), a fertile layer of earth (1 bucket) is laid on the bottom. It is good to add 1 kg of wood ash and 400 g of superphosphate.
  2. Put the seedling on a hill of the mixture, level the roots.
  3. Cover with earth, periodically spilling water.
  4. Lightly tamp the soil, make a watering roller around the hole.
Important! After planting, formative pruning is required.

Culture aftercare

Syubarovskaya cherry care consists of the usual activities for a gardener:

  • Watering. For cherry varieties, three full-fledged waterings are carried out during the summer months. Before irrigation, the earth in the circumferential circle is loosened.
  • Pruning. Performed in the spring. At the same time, they make sure that the skeletal guide remains 20 cm higher than other branches. Young shoots grow rapidly in the Syubarovskaya variety. Therefore, annual pruning without gaps is required.
  • Top dressing. Nutrition is brought in for the tree in autumn. At the same time, fertilizers are deepened by 20 cm. Dry mineral compositions for cherries are extremely undesirable, therefore they are first dissolved in water. Top dressing should not be applied under the stem of the plant.
  • Preparation for winter. The trunk of a tree at any age before the onset of winter is treated with garden whitewash. In this way, the cherry in winter will be protected from sunburn and pests. Also, the trunk should be tied with burlap and the soil in the near-stem circle should be mulched.

Cherry Syubarovskaya

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Problem name

Methods of struggle


Spraying with “Horus”, “Topaz” according to the instructions


Removal of diseased parts.

Processing “Horus”


Removal of affected parts of the tree.

Prevention of mechanical damage to fruits.

Conduct pest control activities.

Treatment with copper sulphate, “Nitrafen”, whitewashing of stamps


Deterrent materials – tapes, rattles, horns

Cherry Syubarovskaya


The cherry variety Syubarovskaya is a plant for a temperate climate. Observing the requirements of agricultural technology, the gardener will receive a high-yielding tree with amazing fruits on the site.


Reviews about Syubarovskaya cherry will add information for those who want to grow a tree on their site.

Marina Vasecheva, Minsk
Everyone in our family loves cherries. Syubarovskaya is a heat-loving variety, but it tolerates winter well. Especially if you take measures to shelter the plant for the winter. Be sure to form a crown. Otherwise, fast-growing shoots greatly thicken the tree, the yield drops. It is important for the variety not to overfeed or flood the tree. Cherry does not like overdoses. If you correctly follow the recommendations, then you will not have to complain. The only problem is the birds. They can destroy half the crop in a short time. Therefore, we prepare for the collection in advance. We use all folk methods to scare away birds.
Ivan Dmitriev, Belgorod
I planted several varieties of cherries on the site so that pollination was stable. I really like Syubarovskaya for its decorative effect and taste. There are enough berries not only for their own purposes, but also for sale. I really like cherry jam. The aroma and taste are unique. In winter, a piece of summer is on the table. The plant almost does not get sick. It is important in the early years to keep the near-stem circle clean – weed, loosen. Then there are fewer pests and diseases.

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