Cherry Regina

Cherry Regina is a variety of late ripening. By planting it on his site, the summer resident prolongs the opportunity to enjoy a juicy berry until mid-July. Find out what is needed for its successful cultivation.

History of breeding

The cherry variety was created in Germany on the basis of the Rubet and Schneider varieties. As a result of the work, breeders received seedlings that are superior in quality to the original plants.

Description of the culture

This type of sweet cherry is a tree about 3 m high, with a rounded, not too dense crown. Shoots grow vertically upwards. For a year they can give an increase of up to 50 cm, the leaves are rounded. The fruits are large, up to 10 g of weight, bright red and juicy. Ripe berries are quite sweet.

The climatic regions of cultivation of the Regina sweet cherry, where it bears fruit well and grows, extend from the southern regions of Our Country to the Middle Volga region.

Cherry Regina


Here are the main characteristics of the Regina sweet cherry variety.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

Cherries are not drought tolerant crops. To get a good harvest, the tree must be watered at least 1 time per month. In dry weather, make sure that the soil at the roots does not dry out.

Regina tolerates winter quite well if it is not grown in the northern regions. Young seedlings need to be spudded and tied with burlap or other material from rodents.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

The plant is not self-pollinating, besides, it is not always possible to pick up a late-flowering variety. Pollinators for Regina cherries are varieties of cherries Karina, Salvia, you can use Lotivka, Coral cherries. They are planted closer to the pollinated tree. The Regina variety blooms in May, the fruits reach maturity by mid-July.

yield, fruiting

The tree is covered with berries every year. Not all of them can ripen, but up to 40 kg of fruits can be collected from an adult tree. Begins to bear fruit three years after planting.

Regina cherries remain ripe on the tree for 10-12 days. They don’t crack in the rain.

Attention! The only danger for berries is that birds love them very much. With untimely harvesting, they can deprive the gardener of the crop.

Scope of berries

Juicy sweet berry is used fresh. Various blanks are made from it. In addition to desserts, wines and liqueurs are good. For winter use, the berry is frozen. Cherry fruits are well transported and quickly sorted out by buyers.

Disease and pest resistance

A specially bred variety is resistant to many diseases of cherries and sweet cherries. In cold and wet weather, a variety of putrefactive formations can appear on the fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Regina cherries include the following qualities:

  • High annual yield.
  • Good preservation of berries during storage and transportation.
  • Dense berries do not crack and do not rot from moisture.
  • The berries break off easily when picked.
  • Good resistance to diseases and harmful insects.
  • Mature fruits fall off within two weeks.

The only drawback is that it requires a pollinator to produce ovaries. For a late flowering variety, this is difficult to do.

Cherry Regina

Features of landing

Regina large-fruited cherries have their own characteristics when planting.

Recommended dates

Seedlings can be planted in spring or autumn. Spring planting gives the plant a greater chance of establishing itself in the fall. It is carried out a few days after the soil has thawed. The seedling is at rest and does not receive stress during transplantation.

Autumn planting is good because there is a large selection of seedlings on the market. You can visually determine their condition. In autumn, planting pits are carefully prepared, fertilized and watered well. It is necessary to cover young plantings on the eve of frost.

Choosing the right place

Landing requires a bright place located in high areas. There should be no drafts, northern winds. Low places where cold fog gathers are not suitable for cherries. It is important that the site is not swampy and does not have a close layer of groundwater.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Pome trees should not be planted next to cherries and cherries. She especially does not tolerate neighborhood with an apple tree. The pear does not negatively affect the sweet cherry, but the larger root system will take away nutrients.

For the same reason, large trees are not planted next to it – linden, birch, conifers. Cherry does not tolerate nightshade crops, tobacco, eggplant, pepper from garden crops. Bad neighbors are gooseberries and raspberries.

Cherry, honeysuckle, plum will be good neighbors.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For planting choose seedlings obtained by grafting a variety on a stock. The place of vaccination should be visually visible. The sweet cherry seedling must be healthy in appearance, have developed roots without damage. The height of the plant should not be less than a meter.

Cherry Regina

Important! Cherry grown from the stone does not carry varietal characteristics, the same can be said about root offspring.

Before planting, seedlings are placed in a solution of a root former. Leave for several hours for the roots to be saturated with water.

Cherry Regina

Landing algorithm

Cultivation of sweet cherries Regina begins with her planting. Prepare a hole 60 cm deep and the same width. In its center, a mound is poured from fertile soil mixed with complex fertilizer (no more than 100 g per plant). A peg is hammered into the hole, which will serve as a support for a young cherry tree. A seedling is placed on the mound and the roots are straightened.

Next, water and cover the roots with soil. The grafting site should remain level with the soil. It is not necessary to cover it with soil. The soil is lightly compacted, excluding the formation of air cavities. Next, the trunk circle is mulched with peat or humus.

The distance between plants is maintained at least 3 meters. If several rows are planted, then an interval of 4-5 meters is made between them.

Culture aftercare

Regina’s basic care for sweet cherries includes watering, fertilizing, and pruning. The tree requires abundant watering at least once a month. For a young plant, 30 liters are needed, and an adult fruit-bearing tree will require 50-60 liters already. In dry times, water more often, how many times – determined depending on the condition of the soil, not allowing it to dry out.

A year after planting, the cherry tree will need nitrogen fertilizer to develop the stem mass. Enough 100 g of urea per 1 m2. In the future, complex mineral compounds, compost or rotted manure are introduced. Ashes are added, because cherries and cherries do not tolerate acidic soil. You can make dolomite flour around the perimeter in the fall.

Produce forming pruning cherries. She must have one main escape. Competitors are removed. If the tops of the tree are damaged, they allow the growth of another strong shoot.

Cherry Regina

Every spring, sanitary pruning of the cherry crown is done. Remove broken, diseased, inward-directed shoots. The cut points are treated with copper sulphate and covered with garden pitch.

Young cherry seedlings need winter shelter. Two weeks before frost, mulch from various materials is poured around them. The tree is wrapped with burlap and spruce branches, secured with twine. This will protect them from the cold and rodents.

A good example of caring for cherries will be a video tutorial:

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Cherry diseasesCharacterizationControl measures
MoniliasisBerries rot, flowers fall off, do not form ovaries. Gray growths are noticeable on the fruits, in which the spores of the fungus ripen.

If you don’t fight, the whole tree will die.

Treatment with Bordeaux liquid in spring and autumn, the use of antibiotics. Need to cultivate the soil
KokkomikozOccurs when the humidity is high. Brown-red spots are noticeable on the leaves, eventually covering the entire surface of the leaf. Leaves fall, fruits do not ripen and crumbleCollection and burning of diseased branches. Treatment of the bush with a 3% solution of “Nitrofen”
Cherry pestsCharacterizationControl measures
cherry sawflySmall black insect with yellow stripes. They give birth to caterpillars that eat leaves and buds. With their strong reproduction, the tree can remain completely bare.For destruction use: “Aktellik”, “Karbofos”, “Metaphos”, “Phosfamide”

Cherry Regina


The Regina cherry has become a popular variety among cherry orchard enthusiasts. Large sweet berries deserve to take pride of place among similar garden crops. If you plant such a tree in your area, you can get a lot of pleasure in the spring, watching it bloom, and in the summer, eating berries.


Anna Iosifovna, 56 years old, Lipetsk
I grow a whole cherry-cherry orchard. Grows on the site and a late variety of sweet cherries Regina. The good news is that even at the end of July you can please your family with ripe juicy berries. I use coral cherries for pollination. It blooms at the same time as the Regina cherry, which ensures its pollination. Sweet cherries are sweeter than cherries, kids love them very much. We try to eat the berry fresh, since it is stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
Maxim Ivanovich, farmer, 43 years old, Krasnodar Territory

I am engaged in the industrial cultivation of cherries. The Regina variety always sells well. Buyers already know this berry. Its popularity is increased by the terms of sale in July, when the cherry is already running out. There are few problems with caring for cherries. The main thing is to feed and water in time if necessary. I did the main shaping once, then only sanitary pruning. My large garden needs a lot of attention, but it’s worth it.

I also grow a Cordia variety similar to the Regina cherry. They have a lot in common. Both are late maturing and require a pollinator. Planted side by side, they can pollinate each other. Large sweet cherries are not easy to distinguish from each other. Is that the shape of Cordia is heart-shaped, and Regina is round.

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