Cherry Rechitsa

Cherry Rechitsa is a commonly grown variety. Ripe berries appear when other varieties are already finishing fruiting. What needs to be done to get a decent harvest from this cherry variety.

History of breeding

The variety was bred by the All- Research Institute of Fruit Growing on the basis of the Bryanskaya pink variety. The author is the breeder M. V. Kanshina. The variety was entered into the State Register in 2001. It is proposed to grow it in the regions of Central Our Country.

Description of the culture

The tree grows quickly, the maximum height is 3 meters. The crown is not thickened, pyramidal. Has dense green leaves. The shape of the leaves is an ellipse with a pointed tip. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of three, white with yellow stamens.

Cherry Rechitsa

Rechitsa cherries bear fruit with large rounded berries. The color of the fruit and its pulp is dark red. The berries reach 18 mm in diameter, their average weight is about 6 g. The taste of the berries is sweet, they easily break off the stem, while remaining dry.

The central region of Our Country, due to its climatic conditions and not too rich soils, is considered the most suitable for growing Rechitsa sweet cherries.

Cherry Rechitsa


It is worth considering in more detail the characteristics of the Rechitsa cherry variety.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Cherry variety Rechitsa is not a drought-resistant plant. To get a high yield, you need to water every 30 days. In dry summers, this is done as soon as the soil dries up.

Rechitsa – sweet cherry is quite winter-hardy, the freezing level is estimated at 0,2 points. This applies to both the tree and the fruit buds. Young trees are spudded and wrapped in burlap to protect them from animals.

Pollination, pollinating varieties, flowering period and ripening period

This tree cannot produce fruit without a pollinator variety. The plant is self-fertile. Pollinators for sweet cherries of the Rechitsa variety are Ovstuzhenka, Odritsa, and Iput cherries. Cherry Rechitsa begins flowering in May, the berries become ripe by July 15-20.

yield, fruiting

The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5 years and then every year. The yield averages 30 kg per tree. Berries from the rain do not crack and hang without falling off for 10 days. But do not hesitate to harvest, so that it does not become bird food.

Scope of berries

The sweet berry is good fresh as a dessert. It is used to prepare a variety of preparations. Sweet dessert tinctures will be delicious. For winter, it is useful to freeze the berry. They do not deteriorate during transportation and can be stored refrigerated for some time.

Disease and pest resistance

Rechitsa cherries do not suffer from many diseases characteristic of this crop. Cold, wet weather can cause rotten cankers on fruits and blackening of leaves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the Rechitsa sweet cherry variety are:

  • High yields every year.
  • Good keeping quality of fruits.
  • Resistant to excessive moisture.
  • Dry detachment of the berry during removal.
  • Resistance to diseases and pests.
  • High winter hardiness.
Important! The disadvantages of the Rechitsa cherry variety are the mandatory presence and selection of a pollinator variety for fruiting.

Cherry Rechitsa

Features of landing

Cherry Rechitsa requires certain conditions for growing.

Recommended dates

The most preferred for the Rechitsa sweet cherry variety is planting in the spring, it creates an opportunity for the seedling to reliably take root and strengthen in the winter cold. A seedling is planted three days after the soil has thawed, when it is in a state of hibernation.

Autumn planting provides a large selection of seedlings. You can visually assess their condition. In autumn, you need to carefully consider the preparation of a place for planting and provide the tree with a reliable shelter for the winter.

Choosing the right place

This area should be illuminated by the sun, be located in high areas where there are no swamps and groundwater. There should be no drafts and north winds.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

It is necessary to avoid apple and pear trees nearby. Their powerful roots take away food and moisture from cherries. You also need to exclude linden, birch, spruce and pine from neighbors.

Does not accept cherries next to eggplant, tobacco, peppers, tomatoes. Bad neighborhood with gooseberries and raspberries. But cherries, plums and honeysuckle will have a beneficial effect on this culture.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The best cherries for Rechitsa are seedlings formed by grafting a variety onto a stock. The vaccination site should be well inspected. The seedling should have a healthy appearance and developed, intact roots. Its height is required at least a meter.

Previously, cherry seedlings are lowered into Kornevin. Three hours is enough for the roots to soak with water.

Landing algorithm

Cultivation of Rechitsa cherries begins with the preparation of a seat. They make a hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm. A mound of fertilized earth is placed in its center. A seedling is placed on it, straightening the roots.

Water is poured into the hole and the roots are covered with earth. The place of inoculation is left at the level of the soil, without falling asleep. The soil is lightly compacted to remove air. The trunk circle is mulched with humus.

Between the trees make a gap of at least 3 meters. When several rows are formed, a distance of 4-5 meters is left between them.

Culture aftercare

The main care for Rechitsa cherries is the organization of watering, fertilizing, pruning. Culture requires watering in the spring during flowering. For young plantings, 30 liters of water are poured under each tree. An adult, yielding plant requires 60 liters.

Dry soil will serve as a signal for mandatory watering, but you do not need to bring it to such a state.

Trees will need to be fed after the first wintering. Seedlings need nitrogen fertilizer. At this time, 100 g of urea per 1 sq. meter. In subsequent years, complex mineral fertilizers or humus are applied. Ash is definitely needed, it enriches the soil with potassium and reduces its acidity.

Important! You should know that cherries, including Rechitsa, do not tolerate acidic soil. To lower the pH of the soil, you need to add dolomite flour along the crown in autumn.

Be sure to perform the formation of the tree. Of the large branches, one main trunk is left. The rest should be removed. If the main trunk is damaged, the replacement is allowed to develop.

After winter, broken and thickening branches are removed. This is the so-called sanitary pruning. Sections are washed with copper sulphate, covered with garden putty.

Cherry Rechitsa does not need winter shelter. Only young seedlings should be insulated and protected from rodents. Shortly before frost, the soil around them is mulched. The tree is protected with spruce branches, tied with a rope. To better imagine what kind of cherry culture, you can watch the video:


Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention



Control measures


Berries begin to rot, flowers and ovaries fall off. The fruits are covered with gray growths. The disease leads to the death of the entire plant.

Processing with a Bordeaux mixture in spring and autumn of the entire tree and soil around. Do not thicken the crown, remove diseased parts of the tree


It results in high humidity, frequent cold rains. The leaves are covered with individual brown spots, which gradually cover the entire surface of the leaf. Shedding of leaves and fruits

Destruction of diseased branches by burning. Trees treated with a solution of “Nitrofen”



Control measures

cherry sawfly

Small black beetle with yellow stripes. Its caterpillars eat leaves and buds. With a large number of them, the tree remains bare

Spraying with Karbofos, Phosphamide, Aktara

Cherry pipe beetle


The leaves curl up, beetle larvae settle in them. The beetle itself eats flower buds, which reduces the yield

Use the same means as against the sawfly

Cherry Rechitsa


Cherry Rechitsa deserves to create a cherry garden in the garden. It does not require much attention, but by planting a sweet cherry, you can please your loved ones with a tasty and healthy berry. A blooming garden in spring will create a festive mood.


Alla Ivanovna, Minsk
I love cherry orchards, especially in spring. Together with cherries, he began to grow cherries. Cherry Rechitsa fit well into my cherry garden. Especially not worried about the choice of variety. We can say that it happened by accident. Grows and winters well. I’m already harvesting. I try to remove the berries before the birds, they love cherries more than cherries for their sweetness. I can recommend this variety for cultivation, there will be no special problems.
Petr Maksimovich, Voronezh
Red, sweet, productive and unpretentious. That’s what I can say about Rechitsa cherries. Planted for a change among plantings of cherries. I had to plant the sweet cherry Iput to her. I learned that this variety helps her to pollinate. This year I got my first harvest. I received two buckets from one tree. Good berry!

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