Cherry radish: description

Cherry radish: description

After the first shoots appear, the crop ripens quickly enough. You can collect root vegetables after a couple of weeks. The Dutch hybrid can be planted throughout the year.

Description of “Cherriet” radish

The radish leaf rosette is semi-erect. The leaves are pale green and narrow in shape. The tops are strong and short. The diameter of the roots is average. Usually it does not exceed 5 cm. Fruits are round and colored in bright red. The snow-white juicy pulp has a pleasant taste with unexpressed pungency. You can store the crop for a long time – up to 5 weeks. It will retain its taste and appearance. Transportation is also straightforward.

Cherriet radish can be grown in greenhouses or outdoors

Radish is resistant to weather conditions and tolerates cold weather well. It can be grown outdoors or in greenhouses. A film covering, polycarbonate or glass will do. Due to the lack of daylight, the fruits reach maturity later. The hybrid is not susceptible to disease and damage. Voids are never formed in the pulp, even if the crop was not harvested on time. This allows the plant to be grown commercially. Radish “Cherriet” stands out with some advantages:

  • saving space – a small leaf rosette allows you to plant the plant more densely;
  • arrowing is not typical for this variety;
  • resistant to fusarium wilt, black leg and keel.

Despite the resistance of the hybrid form to pests, there is a risk of infection by cruciferous flea beetles or leaf beetles. They damage foliage, destroying the top layer and entire areas of the leaf plate.

Radish variety “Cherriet”: planting and care

When choosing a bed, it is important to consider the permeability of sunlight. In the shade, the fruit will not grow large. It is better to choose a plot on the south side. The soil should be loose and light. Radish grows well in sandy loam soil. If the soil is too dense, it can be loosened with sand. The introduction of humus will help to increase the fertility of the land. To protect against pests, folk remedies are used:

  • decoction of tomato tops;
  • ash, makhorka and ground pepper;
  • vinegar solution.

The seeds do not need to be soaked or buried. For planting, a depth of 1-2 cm will be enough. Caring for the plant involves regular watering. The soil should be moistened to a depth of 10 cm.

The Dutch hybrid is resistant to most pests and environmental conditions. It always produces a rich, high quality early harvest.

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