Cherry plum yellow: varieties, characteristics and description of varieties

Cherry plum is especially popular among gardeners. It is due, to a large extent, to the high yield of the crop and the ease of care for it. But also the summer resident has the right to choose a certain type of tree, taking into account all the strengths of a particular variety of cherry plum.


Cherry plum green is a kind of plum, which was cultivated by man several centuries ago. It is believed that the fruit plant “came” to us from the Crimea, the Balkans, Iran and Asia. These areas are characterized by high air temperature and low rainfall. That is why varieties of plums and cherry plums tolerate drought well.Cherry plum yellow: varieties, characteristics and description of varieties

But the most important advantage of the culture is still considered its high fertility. The plant gives its first harvest a year after its planting. All subsequent harvests are characterized by regularity and a large number of fruits.

The fruits of the tree have different shapes and colors. Such plums are spherical or oval. At the same time, they have a characteristic yellow, green, red or even purple color.

The characteristic of the tree suggests that its crown can be sprawling or have the shape of a pyramid. The branches of the plant are usually “weeping”, rather flexible, which allows them not to break under the weight of the fruit.

Some varieties form flowers of 5-10 petals, which are located in 1, less often in 2 layers. The pedicel does not exceed a length of only 4 centimeters. However, flowers and fruit ovaries are able to easily withstand frequent frosts of about -5 ° and a long drop in temperature for 3 days.

Plum fruits usually ripen from mid-summer to mid-September. Some varieties of cherry plum, after fruit ripening, are able to “store” them on a tree for another month and a half in conditions of slight frosts.

Fruits usually perform both a decorative function and a nutritious one. They have a pleasant taste and a number of useful substances for the body.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about different varieties of cherry plum.

Cherry plum – variety Gek, Abundant.


Plum is represented today by a number of varieties that are classified into groups according to certain characteristics.

So, according to the duration of ripening, early, middle and late varieties are distinguished.

Cherry cherry plum, which can be harvested as early as late July – early August, is represented by the varieties Monomakh, Gift to St. Petersburg, Naidena, Traveler, Yarilo, cherry plum Sigma and Zlato Scythians. This group also includes the Nesmeyana cherry plum variety, which is characterized by a spreading, not too thickened crown, as well as early ripening, resistance to cold and frost, and a pleasant taste. The description of the variety indicates that its disadvantages can be considered the need to grow a pollinator near it (the plant cannot pollinate itself) and average resistance to diseases of various kinds.Cherry plum yellow: varieties, characteristics and description of varieties

Mid-season plants usually ripen in August (toward the middle of the month). Such crops include: peach cherry plum, Sarmatka, Carmine Zhukova, Chuk cherry plum.

Late varieties of plums ripen in late summer or September. Such cultures are represented by varieties Cleopatra, Gek. The beauty of Oryol. In some areas, it is better to refrain from growing late varieties of plums. Indeed, due to the cold summer, they simply may not ripen.

The cherry plum tree can have different heights. On this basis, varieties are also divided into groups:

  • Tall, the height of an individual reaches 6 meters (Anastasia, cherry plum General and Nesmeyana);
  • Medium-sized, from 3 to 5 meters high: Abundant plum, Gold of the Scythians, Cleopatra, Chuk, Gek.
  • Undersized, which do not reach even 3 meters: Shater, Kuban Comet.

For regions with a temperate climate, winter hardiness of plants is very important. The Traveler, the Gold of the Scythians, the Tent tolerate frosts well.

The fruits of the culture can have a variety of colors. Some varieties got their name precisely because of the color of their fruits. For example, Apricot cherry plum, Lodva cherry plum, as well as caramel cherry plum and Byron Gold cherry plum have a yellow-golden color.

Ruby cherry plum has rich red fruits, like columnar cherry plum, and Violet Delight – burgundy-violet.

Cherry plum steppe forms fruits of different colors: from yellow to blue.

Cherry plum Burbank Giant holds the record for the size of its fruits. One such plum reaches a quarter of a kilogram by weight! These are the largest plums known today.

A significant drawback of most varieties is that they are not self-fertile.

The most important quality of plums is precocity. For example, plum Lavina brings rich harvests in the shortest possible time.

Features of landing

When planting a crop, there are a number of points to consider.

Culture develops well in areas well lit by the sun and protected from the wind. The southwest area of ​​the garden is well suited. In this case, the soil should not be heavy.

When buying seedlings, you should pay attention to their shoots. They must be undamaged and without dry patches.

The root system needs to be carefully examined. It should consist of 5 or more main roots about 0,2 – 0,25 meters long.Cherry plum yellow: varieties, characteristics and description of varieties

Before planting, you need to dig a hole 0,6 m x 0,6 m x 0,6 m and fill it with top dressing: superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Before deepening the seedling, it is worth carefully inspecting the roots and removing dry or damaged roots. If the roots are brown, they should be cut to a young root (the tissue of a young organ is white). After that, the roots are placed in a clay mash and only after that they are planted.

Diseases and pests

Cherry plum yellow, like its other “relatives”, can be subject to diseases such as brown spot, fungal burn, gum disease, moniliosis, smallpox and rust.Cherry plum yellow: varieties, characteristics and description of varieties

The columnar culture is attractive to a number of parasites – yellow plum sawfly, sapwood, western unpaired bark beetle, subcrustal leafworm, and downy silkworm. The sweet taste of the fruit attracts plum codling moth.


The fruits are harvested after they acquire the proper color, that is, ripen. Collect all the fruits once, as they ripen at the same time.

The bulk of the crop is consumed fresh. And also the plum is actively used to create wine, juice or compote. Fruits ripened in September can be stored for a long time.Cherry plum yellow: varieties, characteristics and description of varieties

For storage, the harvested crop is sorted and laid out in rows in boxes. After such containers are placed in a cool room.

So, this type of plum has a high fertility and a wide range of applications.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow this fruit tree.


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