Cherry plum yellow Huck: description of the  plum, photo, planting and care

Cherry plum Gek is a hybrid variety popular among domestic gardeners. It has many advantages over other types of fruit trees. The description of the variety and photos of the Gek cherry plum will help you learn about the technology of growing this crop and the rules for caring for it. This will open up the possibility of a bountiful fruit harvest.

History of breeding

Variety Gek was bred at the Crimean experimental breeding station. Eremin Gennady Viktorovich is the organizer of the breeding work. The variety was registered in 1991 for testing. Included in the register of breeding achievements of the Federation in 1995.

Huck is the result of crossing a winter-hardy early-fruiting Chinese plum with a hybrid cherry plum Otlichnitsa. According to other sources, the variety was obtained as a result of breeding work, for which the Kuban Comet cherry plum and the common apricot were used.

Variety description

Yellow cherry plum Huck is a medium-sized fruit tree. The plant is characterized by a rapid growth rate. The trunk is even, of medium thickness. The color of the bark is gray, with a few large lenticels.

Cherry plum yellow Huck: description of the  plum, photo, planting and care

Annual growth reaches 25 cm

Lateral shoots are thick – up to 3,5 cm. On young bushes they are directed upwards. Branches acquire a horizontal position as they grow. The shoots have dark charcoal-colored bark. The average height of the Gek cherry plum is 2,5 m.

The leaves are sinewy, ovoid. Color is bright green. Foliage on the shoots grows profusely. The crown is spherical, dense. The average length of each leaf is 6-7 cm, width – up to 4,5.

During the flowering period, the tree is covered with two-flowered inflorescences. They grow densely on shoots. Diameter – up to 2,2 cm. The color of the petals is white. The flowers have numerous yellow stamens 2-5 mm long.

Cherry plum Gek


Gek has a specific set of varietal indicators. Gardeners certainly need to take into account such characteristics for successful cultivation of crops.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

The hybrid variety Gek is resistant to cold. Such cherry plum can be grown in Siberia and other regions with an unfavorable climate. However, to obtain a regular and abundant harvest, you will need to follow a number of agrotechnical rules.

The drought resistance of the Gek variety is average. The fruit tree tolerates a short-term lack of fluid.

Important! Moisture deficiency is most harmful during fruit formation. Drying out of the soil in the roots can lead to a lack of yield or premature fall.

Young plants are most sensitive to lack of fluid. Adult specimens tolerate adverse conditions better.

The recipient is Gek

The variety is among the self-infertile. In the absence of pollinators, the plant practically does not bear fruit. This leads to the fact that the ovaries on the plant are not formed.

Any varieties of plum or cherry plum are used as pollinators. The only requirement is that their flowering period must match the Geck variety. This ensures a full exchange of pollen for a subsequent plentiful harvest. Most often, the varieties Naidena and Traveler are used as pollinators.

Flowering period and ripening period

The formation of buds takes place at the end of March. They bloom in early April.

Cherry plum yellow Huck: description of the  plum, photo, planting and care

The average flowering period of cherry plum is 2 weeks

Fruit ripening occurs in the second half of July. Fruiting period – up to 1,5 months.

Important! Huck belongs to early-growing varieties. You can harvest the first crop from a tree as early as 2-3 years after planting a seedling.

The branches of the tree are highly durable and resilient. Therefore, they do not break under the weight of the fruit.

yield, fruiting

Variety Huck is universal. It produces tasty fruits of a rounded shape. The average weight of each is 30 g, they are sour-sweet in taste. They have juicy yellow flesh that does not darken when exposed to air.

Cherry plum yellow Huck: description of the  plum, photo, planting and care

The fruits of the cherry plum Gek have a small stone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

From one adult tree, you can collect up to 45 kg of fruit. On average, 35-40 kg of cherry plum are harvested, subject to the presence of pollinators.

Scope of fruits

Cherry plum Gek, due to its pleasant taste, is consumed fresh. Also, the fruits are suitable for conservation and various preparations. They make jam, jams, jams. Sweet fruits go well with various fruits and berries.

Disease and pest resistance

The cherry plum variety Gek is characterized by medium resistance to infections. Under adverse conditions, a violation of growing technology, or if there is an affected plant nearby, the fruit tree is exposed to diseases.

The Gek variety does not show specific resistance to insects. It affects most types of pests that spread on fruit trees.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hybrid cherry plum Gek is superior to other varieties in many ways. Therefore, this fruit crop is in demand among gardeners.

Main advantages:

  • high yield;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • good taste of fruits;
  • frost resistance;
  • the possibility of growing in different regions of the Federation.

Cherry plum Gek is characterized by good adaptive ability. The plant adapts to adverse conditions without compromising yield.

The main disadvantages of the variety:

  • susceptibility to disease;
  • the possibility of damage by pests;
  • average drought resistance;
  • need for pollinators.

The disadvantages of the Gek variety fully compensate for the advantages. Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to get a good harvest every year without loss.

Features of landing

The initial stage of growing cherry plum Gek is planting the plant in open ground. Such a procedure should be treated competently and responsibly. Incorrect planting can lead to wilting of the seedling.

Recommended dates

The optimal time for planting a plant is determined taking into account the climatic features of the region. In the south and in the middle lane, Gek cherry plum is planted in the fall. The seedling will take root faster and adapt to the gradually increasing cold. Such a plant will show greater resistance to temperature extremes.

Cherry plum yellow Huck: description of the  plum, photo, planting and care

Cherry plum is planted only when there is no risk of night frosts.

Spring planting is recommended in Siberia and other regions with a cold climate. Young cherry plums are planted at the onset of sustainable warming.

Choosing the right place

Cherry plum Gek is considered an undemanding variety. But it is better to choose a good place for the plant.

Primary requirements:

  • loose fertile soil;
  • lack of surface groundwater;
  • strong wind protection;
  • abundant sunlight.
Important! Hybrid cherry plum prefers soils with neutral acidity – from 5 to 7 pH.

It is not advised to plant cherry plum in the lowlands, where water accumulates during precipitation. Also, do not land in the shade. The lack of sunlight negatively affects the yield.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherry plum

When growing, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of the species compatibility of plants. The location next to the cherry plum of some crops will negatively affect the amount of the crop.

You can not plant nearby:

  • quince;
  • apple tree
  • currants;
  • raspberries;
  • peaches;
  • coniferous plants;
  • gooseberry.

A good neighbor for a hybrid cherry plum will be a plum. You can also plant mulberry, apricot, walnut nearby. Undersized varieties of cherries and sweet cherries are suitable for joint planting.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For cultivation, seedlings obtained by cuttings or grafting are used. The optimal age of a young plant for planting is 1-2 years. Usually seedlings are sold in containers with peat-enriched soil.

Important! If the plant is sold with roots cleaned of soil, they must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. 

When choosing seedlings, you need to make sure that there are no defects. There should be a large number of buds on the roots. The main requirement is that there are no signs of decay or mechanical damage.

Landing algorithm

For growing hybrid cherry plum, a soil mixture of leafy and soddy soil in combination with peat and a small amount of river sand is best suited. If the acidity is high, it is reduced with lime.

Landing steps:

  1. Remove weeds from the area.
  2. Dig a planting hole 60-70 cm deep.
  3. Place a drainage layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or pebbles on the bottom, 15-20 cm thick.
  4. Sprinkle with soil.
  5. Drive a stake into the center of the hole.
  6. Place the seedling, straighten the roots, so that the head is at a depth of 3-4 cm.
  7. Cover the tree with soil.
  8. Tie to a support.
  9. Pour water.
Important! When planting in groups, the distance between seedlings should be at least 3 m.

Cherry plum can be planted on small artificial hills up to 1 m high. This will protect the roots from washing away and freezing.

Culture aftercare

Variety Huck needs regular watering. It is held weekly. In summer, the frequency can be increased to 1 time in 3-4 days. Young plants experience the greatest need for liquid.

The first year after planting the cherry plum Gek does not need to be fertilized. In the future, mineral and organic top dressings are introduced. Nitrogen solutions are fed in early spring. Composition with potassium and phosphorus – after flowering. Organics are applied in the fall. For these purposes, compost, humus is suitable.

Gek cherry plum pruning is done in the spring. Dried shoots are removed from the tree. The branches are thinned out so that the crown is not too dense. Otherwise, the plant will experience a lack of light.

Cherry plum yellow Huck: description of the  plum, photo, planting and care

In the southern regions, it is not necessary to cover the cherry plum for the winter, as it tolerates frosts well.

In the Volga region and in Siberia, the Gek variety is advised to be closed in late autumn. A layer of mulch from fallen leaves, tree bark, compost is scattered around the trunk.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Insects often settle on cherry plum Gek. Some of them can cause damage to fruit crops.

The most dangerous pests are:

  • plum aphid;
  • thrips;
  • false shields;
  • spider mite;
  • plum sawfly;
  • American butterfly caterpillars;
  • fruitcakes

With untimely harvesting, cherry plum can be chosen by bees and wasps. They eat ripe fruit.

For preventive purposes, trees are sprayed with karbofos. Use 1% solution. In case of insect infestation, broad-spectrum insecticides are used. Spraying is carried out twice with an interval of 2 days to 1 week.

The main diseases of cherry plum:

  • brown spotting;
  • clasterosporium disease;
  • coccomycosis;
  • moniliosis.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, cherry plum Gek is sprayed with a solution of copper sulphate. For the same purposes, it is advisable to use fungicides. Processing is carried out in the early stages of the growing season until the fruit is formed.


The description of the variety and photos of the Gek cherry plum will help both beginners and experienced gardeners. The presented fruit plant has many advantages. Cherry plum Gek is suitable for growing in almost any climatic zone. At the same time, the plant does not need complex and time-consuming care.

Reviews about cherry plum Gek

Natalia Shumeiko, 51 years old, Pskov
The variety of cherry plum Gek pleases with annual flowering and a decent harvest. The plant is unpretentious, so care is reduced to a minimum set of activities. It is enough to periodically water and fertilize the tree.
Sergey Ignatkov, 39 years old, Tambov
Cherry plum Gek will appeal to all lovers of fresh fruit. Growing a bountiful harvest is easy if you follow a few simple rules. The fruits are sweet and very healthy.
Anastasia Tikhonova, 44 years old, Omsk
Cherry plum is one of the few fruit trees that can be grown in Siberia. The Gek variety is resistant to cold, does not die during severe frosts. The main thing is to provide the plant with protection from the wind.

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