Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Cherry plum varieties available to gardeners differ in terms of fruiting, resistance to frost and fruit characteristics. It is a low tree or shrub. Thanks to selection, it can bear fruit abundantly even in the northern regions. Some varieties have early ripening periods, so you can harvest before the onset of autumn frosts.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Overview of common varieties of cherry plum

If you want to plant cherry plum on your site, the gardener needs to familiarize himself with the characteristics of the varieties. They are divided into groups depending on the ripening time, tree size, fruit indicators and other parameters.

In terms of maturation, early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are presented. Brief information about them is collected in the table below.

early ripe

The middle-ripening

late ripening

Gold of the Scythians (Gold of the Scythians). It gives an average yield, golden fruits weighing up to 40 g.

Cleopatra. Medium-yielding species with large fruits, reaching 50 g. The color of ripe cherry plum is dark purple, the flesh is red.

Gold autumn. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 10 g. The advantage is that the crop is stored on the branches until late autumn.

Traveler. Brings up to 40 kg of crop per season, fruit weight up to 30 g, yellow color.

Kuban comet. Gives up to 40 kg of fruit. Fruits weighing up to 30 g, skin color is yellow.

Moscow Hungarian. Brings 20 kg of fruit weighing 25 g. The color is red.

Found. It begins to bear fruit in the third year, the weight of the yellow fruit reaches 37 g.

Huck. Yellow fruits weighing up to 45 g. The tree is capable of self-pollination.


Ruby. Fruits are distinguished by dark red skin, orange flesh.

Morning. The tree is low. The weight of the fruit reaches 35 grams, the color is yellow.


Also, the types of cherry plum differ in the size of the fruit. Their mass can vary from 10 to 50 g. Trees with yellow, red and dark purple fruits are available to gardeners.

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to productivity. High-yielding varieties bring about 40 kg of fruit per year.

It is important to take into account the climatic zone where the landing will be made. For Siberia and the middle zone, it is recommended to choose species with high winter hardiness. You can take a variety with medium winter hardiness. With a significant decrease in temperature, the shrub can be damaged, but subsequently it is easily restored.

The best varieties of cherry plum

Some types of cherry plum are especially popular with gardeners. They are resistant to low temperatures and drought, and also give abundant harvests.

Consider several large-fruited varieties:

  1. Tent. The tree is low, with a dense rounded crown. It bears large fruits weighing up to 40 g. The skin has a dark purple hue, the flesh is yellow with a sweet and sour taste. Fruiting begins 4-5 years after planting, for the season you can get a crop of 35 kg. Refers to early crops. Differs in high frost resistance and average resistance to a drought.

    Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

  2. Heck. Refers to mid-season varieties. The tree is low, in a short time it reaches the maximum size. The mass of one yellow fruit is up to 35 g. It gives a bountiful harvest, resistant to low temperatures.

    Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

  3. Early. Compact shrub, fruiting begins as early as 2-3 years of age. Medium sized fruit, yellow-red skin. The pulp is very pleasant in taste, easily moves away from the stone, therefore it is suitable for direct consumption. Resistant to low temperatures and winds.

    Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Above were listed the types of cherry plum, loved by many gardeners. They are resistant to frost, so they can be successfully grown in regions with cold winters.

Classification of cherry plum varieties by maturity

Cherry plum varieties do not have a strict classification. However, depending on the ripening period, they are divided into early, middle and late. The first give a harvest in July-August. The ripening period of mid-season is the end of August. The later ones are filmed in September.

early ripe

Nesmeyana – one of the early maturing varieties. The height of the tree can reach 6 meters, the crop gives 3-4 years of life. Ripening begins in July. Characterized by red skin and rounded shape. The weight of one piece reaches 30 g. Self-infertile variety, Cleopatra, Kuban comet, Traveler can act as a pollinator.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Important! The pollinator tree should be at a distance of no more than 50 m.

Sigma. A small tree that yields bountifully. Refers to self-infertile species. Fruits with yellow skin weighing up to 35 g, the pulp is poorly separated from the stone.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

The middle-ripening

Hammer. Reaches a height of 3-4 m, yields about 30 kg of crop per year. Fruits of a dark-violet shade weighing 30 g. Differs in average resistance to low temperatures. Self-infertile, Chinese plum or other cherry plum is suitable as a pollinator. Steadily brings a crop, resists diseases.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Peach. It has sweet flesh and red-burgundy skin. It tastes like a peach, which is reflected in the name.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

late ripening

Moscow Hungarian. Tree of medium height, self-fertile. Fruits ripen weighing 25 g, juicy, with red skin. Average frost resistance.

Cleopatra. Medium growing tree with high yield. It bears fruits of a dark purple hue weighing up to 37 g with delicious red pulp. Refers to self-infertile species.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Large-fruited cherry plum

General belongs to one of the most large-fruited types of cherry plum. The mass of fruits can reach 80 g, they are located on the branches separately. The variety is resistant to frost, it is considered early ripe.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

globe – a large-fruited variety, the weight of one piece can reach 100 g. This is a hybrid obtained by crossing the Obilnaya variety, the hybrid Cultivated red and apricot. If the harvest is plentiful, the fruits are smaller, but still reach a weight of 50–60 g. The skin color is dark blue, the flesh is yellow, juicy. Due to the intensive growth of the branches should be cut regularly.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Self-fertile varieties of cherry plum

Kuban comet. One of the self-fertile species that does not require planting near a pollinator. Fruits have a relatively small weight – up to 28 g. The shade of the skin is reddish, the flesh is yellow with a sweet and sour taste. The tree is not very tall, brings up to 40 kg of yield per year. Needs regular watering.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Mara. Another self-fertile variety with high resistance to frost and diseases. The height of the tree is 2-3 m, forms a spherical crown. Bears fruits of saturated yellow color. Ripening occurs at the beginning of July, while the crop does not fall until the first days of August. The pulp is very sweet in taste.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Hybrid varieties of cherry plum

Abundant. This hybrid was bred in 1969, suitable for growing in the North Caucasus region. Fruits have a pleasant taste and aroma, weight is 30 g or more. The skin is dark purple. Differs in plentiful fruiting.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Dessert. Obtained by crossing a Chinese plum and a variety called Tauride. Tree of medium height, forms a drooping crown. Fruits grow weighing 30-35 g, the skin is dark red. The pulp is dense, orange. Characterized by low resistance to frost.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Varieties of red-leaved cherry plum

Lama will not only bring a bountiful harvest (40-50 kg per tree), but will also become a decoration of the garden. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste, their weight varies between 30–40 g. A low-growing shrub no more than 2 m in height. Lama’s peculiarity is reddish leaves. Ripe fruits crumble easily in strong winds. It is possible to grow in the middle lane, the North-West region and Siberia.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

How cherry plum is classified by shades

Another sign by which cherry plum varieties are classified is the color of the fruit. It can vary from yellow to dark purple and almost black.

yellow cherry plum

Royal. It bears small yellow fruits weighing up to 20 g. They ripen by the beginning of August, they are valued for their excellent taste and transportability. Rich in citric acid, contain a lot of sugar. The tree is medium-sized, begins to bear fruit already in the second year after planting.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Oriole. It grows to a height of just over 5 m, bears fruit regularly and abundantly. It is resistant to heat and lack of moisture. Yellow color. Ripens at the end of July.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Cherry plum with red fruits

July rose bears red fruits of an elongated shape, the weight of which is up to 40 g. The tree is of medium height. It can bear fruit without a pollinator, however, if it is present, it will give a greater yield.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

green cherry plum

Unripe cherry plum is used in cooking as part of sauces and side dishes. Green fruits contain a large amount of citric acid. By supplementing the dish with such a seasoning, you can improve both its taste and digestibility.

Cherry plum with purple fruits

Found. A large-fruited variety with an early ripening period. Fruiting begins already at the 3rd year of life, the weight of the crop can reach 40 kg per year. Violet-colored fruits with yellow flesh weighing up to 35 g. Resistance to temperature extremes is high, to the absence of moisture – medium. For pollination, other species that bloom at about the same time should be planted nearby.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Taste characteristics of cherry plum varieties

A variety of flavors became possible due to the crossing of cherry plums with some types of plums. As a result, hybrids appeared that differ in other characteristics: color, ripening time, growing regions.

Sweet varieties of cherry plum

Apricot. Rather large fruits resemble apricots. The skin is yellow-pink. The flesh is yellow-orange, juicy, sweet in taste. Ripening occurs during August. Withstands frost, but as a result of sharp temperature fluctuations, the yield decreases.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Sweet and sour plum

Sonya. A low tree, reaches 3 m. It bears yellow fruits with a sweet and sour taste, weighing between 40–50 g. The crop ripens by early September. Refers to early-growing varieties, fruiting begins 2-3 years after planting. Frost resistance allows you to grow it in the middle lane.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

What to consider when choosing seedlings

To get a bountiful harvest every year, you should choose the right variety. In this case, the gardener will focus on the following points:

  • climate zone. If planting is planned in the middle lane or in Siberia, you need to choose seedlings with good winter hardiness.
  • Maturing period. When several trees with different fruiting periods are planted on the site, you can provide yourself with a constant harvest for the entire season.
  • characteristics of the fetus. Here it is worth paying attention to the size, color, taste. This information can be found in the description.
  • Tree height. It is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the site.

When the choice is made, you can go to the nursery. It is recommended to purchase 4-year-old seedlings grown in the home region, as they take root better after planting on the site.

The best varieties of cherry plum for the Moscow region

It is best to purchase seedlings in local nurseries. In the markets you can buy a southern variety that is not suitable for the climate of the Moscow region.

Self-fertile varieties of cherry plum for the Moscow region

Columnar. A tree of unusual shape – the height reaches 3 m, while the crown diameter is not more than 1,5 m. The variety is winter-hardy: it quickly recovers after freezing. Fruits grow up to 40 g in weight. The skin is red, the pulp is juicy, with a pleasant taste. This variety is disease and pest resistant.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Sweet varieties of cherry plum for the Moscow region

Scythian Gold (Scythian Gold). A low tree (up to 3 m) with a crown in the form of a wide cone. Fruits of a golden hue with tender, very sweet pulp. The variety is resistant to sharp temperature fluctuations.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Ruby. The skin is burgundy, the flesh is dark yellow. Ripe fruits also do not have sourness. Does not suffer from sudden changes in temperature and does not require complex care.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

The best varieties for the Leningrad region

A hybrid is suitable for the Leningrad region Gift to St. Petersburg. It bears small fruits weighing about 10 g. They are yellow in color with sweet and sour pulp. It belongs to high-yielding species: from one tree you can get up to 60 kg of crop per season.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

The best varieties of cherry plum for the Urals

rocket seedling. The most suitable for the Urals, with proper care, it tolerates frosts down to -35 ºС. Large fruits weighing about 30 g. The skin is red, the pulp tastes sweet and sour.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

The best varieties of cherry plum for central Our Country

Vladimir comet. Relatively young, but at the same time a promising view. Gives large fruits with burgundy skin. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour, orange. Ripening begins in mid-July. Frost resistance.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Timiryazevskaya. The height of the tree is within 3 m, the crown is cone-shaped. Gives abundant harvests – up to 30 kg per season. The tree is not subject to freezing and fungal diseases.

Cherry plum varieties: early ripening, mid-seasoning, late, self-fertile

Cherry plum varieties for your garden should be chosen, taking into account their winter hardiness and ripening time. Even an amateur gardener can grow such a tree on the site. Due to the self-infertility of many species, it is recommended to purchase 3-4 seedlings of different varieties and get acquainted with simple tips for caring for the crop.

Cherry plum large-fruited (plum diploid plum) of different varieties, fruiting

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