Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

With the introduction of hybrid cherry plum, the popularity of this crop has increased markedly among gardeners. This is due to its ability to grow in any climatic conditions, rapid adaptation to a new place, stable yields and high palatability of fruits. One of these species is the Shater variety. Choosing from the whole variety, it is impossible not to pay attention to it. But before making a final decision, you need to study the description of the Shater cherry plum variety in order to understand its strengths and weaknesses.

History of breeding

This species was obtained artificially at the Crimean Experimental Breeding Station. The founder of the Shater variety is Eremin Gennady Viktorovich, its leader. The basis of the species was the Chinese-American plum Fibing, which was crossed with an unknown species of cherry plum. The result was so successful that it was singled out as a separate variety.

In 1991, tests were started to confirm the main characteristics of Shater cherry plum (photo below). And after their completion, this variety was included in the State Register in 1995. The species is recommended for cultivation in the Central, North Caucasian region.

Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

In one place of cherry plum, Shater can grow for more than 30 years

Variety description

This species is characterized by low growth force, so the height of an adult tree does not exceed 2,5-3,0 m. The crown of the Shater cherry plum is flat, thickened with slightly drooping branches. The main trunk of the tree is even, of medium thickness. The bark is gray-brown. Cherry plum Shater forms shoots with a diameter of 2 to 7 mm. On the sunny side, they have a reddish-brown tint of medium intensity.

The leaves of the cherry plum Tent when blooming are directed upwards, and when they reach their maximum size, they take a horizontal position. The plates are up to 6 cm long, and their width is about 3,7 cm, the shape is oval-oblong. The top of the leaves is strongly pointed. The surface is wrinkled, saturated green. On the upper side, the edge is absent, and on the reverse side, only along the main and lateral veins. The edge of the plates is double-crested, the degree of waviness is medium. Petioles of cherry plum leaves Shater are quite long, about 11-14 cm and 1,2 mm thick.

Flowering in this variety begins in mid-April. During this period, medium-sized green buds bloom in 2 simple flowers with five white petals. Their diameter does not exceed 1,4-1,5 cm. The average number of stamens in each is about 24 pcs. The anthers of the cherry plum Tent are rounded, yellow, slightly curved. They are slightly longer than the stigma of the pistil. The calyx is bell-shaped and smooth. Pistil up to 9 mm long, slightly curved.

The stigma is rounded, the ovary is naked. The sepals of the flowers are bent away from the pistil and have no edging. They are green and oval. Pedicel thickened, short, 6 to 8 mm long.

The fruits of the cherry plum Shater are large, about 4,1 cm in diameter, broadly ovoid. The average weight of each is about 38 g. The main color of the skin is yellow-red, the integumentary is solid, of a purple hue. There are average number of subcutaneous points, they are yellow.

Important! On the fruits of the cherry plum Shater there are a few strokes and a small wax coating.

Pulp of medium density and granularity, yellow-green hue. Cherry plum Shater has a pleasant sweetish taste with a small amount of sourness, a mild aroma. The peel of the fruit is thick, well separated from the pulp. When eaten, it is slightly palpable. Inside each fruit there is a slightly rough stone 2,1 cm long and 1,2 cm wide. It is poorly separated from the pulp even when the fruit is fully ripe.

Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

When cutting the fruits of the cherry plum Shater, the pulp slightly darkens


Before choosing this variety, you need to first study its characteristics. This will allow us to assess the degree of productivity of Shater cherry plum and the possibility of its cultivation on a personal plot, depending on climatic conditions.

Drought tolerance

This hybrid plum is able to tolerate lack of moisture for a short period. In case of prolonged drought, the tree needs regular watering. This is especially true during the period of ovary and fruit ripening.

Frost resistance of plum Tent

The tree does not suffer from temperatures down to -25 degrees. Therefore, cherry plum Shater belongs to the category of frost-resistant species. And even in the case of freezing shoots, it is quickly restored. Therefore, its productivity against the background of this does not decrease.

Cherry plum pollinators Shater

This variety of hybrid plum is self-fertile. Therefore, in order to obtain a stable high yield, it is necessary to plant other types of cherry plum with the same flowering period on the site, which will contribute to cross-pollination.

In this capacity, you can use the following varieties:

  • Pavlovskaya Yellow;
  • Pchelnikovskaya;
  • Comet;
  • Sun;
  • Lodva.
Important! For a stable yield of Shater cherry plum, it is necessary to plant at least 2-3 pollinators at a distance of 3 to 15 m.

Is it possible to pollinate the royal cherry plum

This variety is not suitable for pollination of the Shater hybrid plum, as it belongs to the species of the average flowering period. Cherry plum Tsarskaya forms buds 10-14 days later. In addition, the frost resistance of this species is much lower, so not always both varieties can be grown in the same area.

Flowering period and ripening period

Cherry plum Shater begins to form buds in mid-April. And by the end of this month, all the flowers bloom. The duration of the period in the presence of favorable conditions is 10 days. Fruit ripening in cherry plum Shater occurs after 3 months. The first harvest can be taken in late July-early August.

It’s important! The fruiting period of the cherry plum Tent is extended and can last up to 3 weeks.

yield, fruiting

This variety begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. The yield from 1 adult cherry plum tree Tent is about 40 kg. This is considered a good result compared to other species.

Scope of fruits

Cherry plum Shater is one of the universal species. Its fruits are distinguished by high palatability, so they are ideal for fresh consumption. Also, the thick skin and the average density of the pulp make it possible to process this variety, using it for the preparation of winter preparations.

Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

During heat treatment, the consistency of the fruit is preserved

This hybrid plum can be used to prepare:

  • compote;
  • preserves;
  • jam;
  • juice;
  • adjika;
  • ketchup
Important! The average assessment of the taste qualities of canned cherry plum Shater is 4,1-4,3 points out of 5 possible.

Disease and pest resistance

This variety of hybrid plum is resistant to diseases and pests. But in order to maintain its natural immunity at a high level, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment annually in the spring.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry plum Shater has certain strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with them in order to get a complete picture of this variety and understand how critical its shortcomings are.

Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

Cherry plum fruits Shater can be stored for 10 days without loss of taste

The main advantages:

  • early fruit ripening;
  • high yield;
  • versatility of application;
  • excellent taste;
  • small height of the tree, which facilitates maintenance;
  • immunity to diseases and pests;
  • high frost resistance;
  • excellent trade dress.

By cons are:

  • extended period of fruiting;
  • incomplete separation of the bone;
  • needs pollinators.

Planting and caring for cherry plum Tent

In order for the seedling of this hybrid plum variety to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to plant it taking into account the requirements of the culture. At the same time, it is important not only to choose the right place, but also to observe the optimal timing, and you should also consider with which crops you can grow cherry plum Shater nearby.

Recommended dates

Planting a seedling of this variety should be carried out in the spring before bud break. In the southern regions, the optimal period for this is the end of March or the beginning of the next month, and in the central regions – the middle or end of April.

Important! Autumn planting for cherry plum Tent is not recommended, since the probability of freezing of the seedling in the first winter is very high.

Choosing the right place

For a hybrid plum, you should choose a sunny area, protected from strong gusty winds. Therefore, it is recommended to plant cherry plum Shater on the southern or eastern side of the site.

This crop is undemanding to the composition of the soil, so it can be grown even in heavy clay soil, if peat and sand are initially added to it. The groundwater level on the site should be at least 1,5 m. Although cherry plum is a moisture-loving crop, it does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of moisture in the soil, and may eventually die.

It’s important! Maximum productivity in the cultivation of cherry plum Shater can be achieved when planted in well-drained loam.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherry plum

For the full growth of the seedling, it is necessary to take into account the possible neighborhood. You can not plant a variety of cherry plum Shater next to such trees:

  • Apple tree;
  • Walnut;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • pear.

The hybrid plum gets along best with other types of crops, including barberry, honeysuckle, and blackthorn.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For planting, you should choose one-, two-year-old seedlings obtained by cuttings or from overgrowth. They are able to quickly recover in case of freezing in winter.

Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

The seedling for planting should not show signs of the beginning of the growing season.

When buying, you should pay attention to the bark so that there is no damage. The root system should consist of 5-6 well-developed flexible processes without breaks and overdried tips.

Important! The day before planting, the seedling must be placed in a solution of any root former or simply in water in order to activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the plant.

Landing algorithm

A gardener who does not even have many years of experience can handle planting a cherry plum Tent. This procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme. It is important to remember that in order to get a good hybrid plum crop, at least 2 pollinators must be planted.

The landing pit should be prepared 2 weeks before planting. Its size should be 60 by 60 cm. Lay a layer of broken brick 10 cm thick on the bottom. And fill the remaining 2/3 of the volume with a soil mixture of turf, peat, sand, and humus in equal amounts. You should also add 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. wood ash. Mix everything thoroughly with the ground, and then pour into the planting recess.

Landing procedure:

  1. Make a small mound of soil in the center of the hole.

    Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

  2. Put a seedling of cherry plum Tent on it, straighten the roots.

    Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

  3. Install a wooden support 1,0-1,2 m high nearby.
  4. Water generously, wait for the moisture to be absorbed.
  5. Sprinkle the roots with earth, and fill in all the voids.
  6. Compact the surface of the soil at the base of the seedling, trample it with your feet.
  7. Tie to a support.

    Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

  8. Liberally pour.

The next day, lay mulch at the base of the tree from peat or humus 3 cm thick. This will retain moisture in the soil and prevent the roots from drying out.

Important! When planting several seedlings between them, you need to maintain a distance of 1,5 m.

Culture aftercare

It is not difficult to take care of the cherry plum Tent. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a month in the absence of seasonal precipitation. During the heat season, the soil at the base of the cherry plum should be irrigated once every 1 days with the soil getting wet up to 10 cm.

Feeding the tree must begin at the age of three, since before that the plant will consume the nutrients that were introduced during planting. In early spring, organic matter should be used, and during the period of flowering and fruit formation, phosphorus-potassium mineral mixtures.

Cherry plum Shater does not need shaping pruning. It is only recommended to carry out sanitary cleaning of the crown from thickening shoots, as well as from damaged and broken ones. Sometimes you need to pinch the tops of the branches, enhancing the growth of side shoots.

Before winter, it is recommended to water cherry plum Shater abundantly at the rate of 6-10 buckets of water per 1 tree, depending on age. To insulate the root system, mulch from humus or peat should be laid with a layer of 10-15 cm. If there are wounds on the trunk, treat them with a special solution. To do this, add 5 g of wood ash, lime and 100 g of copper sulfate to 150 liters of water.

Cherry plum Tent: description, photo, planting and care, is it possible to pollinate the Royal plum

It is necessary to water cherry plum before wintering only in the absence of rain.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

For the purpose of prevention, in early spring, cherry plum Shater should be treated with a Bordeaux mixture or copper sulphate. You also need to whitewash the tree trunk and skeletal branches with lime. Re-treatment of the crown is recommended after flowering with the use of urea in the proportion of 500 g of the product per 10 liters of water.


A detailed description of the cherry plum variety Shater will allow each gardener to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this species. Also, the information makes it possible to compare it with other hybrid plums and choose the most suitable option, depending on the climatic conditions of the region.

Cherry plum Tent. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings of prunus cerasifera Shater

Reviews about cherry plum varieties Shater

Olga Smelova, 47 years old, Bryansk
I have been growing cherry plum varieties Shater for 15 years. And all this time she never disappointed me. The variety is undemanding to care and at the same time shows a stable yield every year. The fruits are delicious fresh and processed. But, since the stone is not completely separated from the pulp, it is better to use Shater cherry plum for winter preparations. In jars, the fruits look very appetizing and retain their texture even when poured with hot marinade.
Igor Sukhin, 52 years old, Saratov
Cherry plum Shater acquired by chance about 10 years ago. And never once regretted it. With 2-3 pollinators on the site, it gives a generous harvest annually. The fruits of this variety of hybrid plum have an excellent presentation and taste, which is especially important for me, since I sell most of the crop on the market. Cherry plum does not require complex care. It is enough just to spray the tree for prevention in the spring, water it during the formation of the ovary and fruit ripening, and collect the fruits in a timely manner.

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