Cherry plum is a kind of plum, which is easy to grow. First, because the culture multiplies in several ways. Secondly, it is very easy to purchase cherry plum seeds or its seedling. The main thing is to choose the right seed. That is why more and more gardeners grow plums on their plots.
Cherry plum should be planted in unprotected soil in the spring. It is advisable to have time before the buds open on the tree. If you miss this period, the period of engraftment in young plants will be delayed, and they may be subject to autumn frosts. If the seedling is placed in a container, you can plant it at any time convenient for you.
The main rule for successful cultivation of cherry plum is advance preparation for the procedure. In particular, it is worth preparing pits for planting in advance. “Holes” for planting should have a length, width and height of 0,6 meters. If you plan to plant several individuals at once, then the pits for them must be located with a distance of 3 meters. After the hole, be sure to fill it with waterproof soil with useful substances. Humus, potash and phosphorus supplements are necessarily introduced into such soil, which are abundantly moistened. At the end, the pit is covered with earth and left alone.
You can also grow a plum from a seed, but it is much faster and more efficient to purchase a seedling of a culture.
With the onset of spring, it is necessary to remove the earth from a pre-prepared hole, and make a small “mound” in the middle of it. It is along this mound that the roots of the seedling are distributed. Near the edge of the pit, it is necessary to drive in a wooden peg, which will rise above the surface by at least a meter. The seedling is placed near the support, the straightened roots are covered with soil, compacted, and the individual itself is watered abundantly. The young plant is attached to the stake. The depth of placement in the soil should be such that the root neck is on the same level with the earthen surface.
Next, the hole is covered with earth, and a small “ditch” is made around it, intended for irrigation. You need to moisten each culture in the amount of one and a half buckets.
For long-term preservation of moisture, the earth around the plant is mulched at least 5 centimeters thick.
If before planting the seedlings were located in a container, then at first it is worth watering the soil abundantly, and after planting, moisten it again.
Video “Landing”
From the video you will learn how to properly plant a cherry plum fruit tree.
Cherry plum planting and care consists of watering, systematic loosening of the soil, elimination of weeds, as well as the fight against plant diseases and parasites.
Successfully growing plums at home is possible only by mulching the land around the planting.
Individuals should be watered only during the drought period. For the entire development cycle, the plant needs only a couple of times of moisture: after the flowering of the tree stops, after the growth of young stems stops, and after the fruits acquire the proper color (mostly yellow). One tree needs 5-6 buckets of water.
Cherry plum also needs regular feeding. Potassium and nitrogen are most important for a fruit tree, relatively little phosphorus is needed. Organic fertilizers should be applied in the fall: every 2 or 3 years. 5 kilograms of nutrients are enough per unit area (square meter).
Minerals are added annually. Nitrogen should be fertilized three times. For the first time – in the spring (before the tree begins to bloom), again – at the beginning of summer, when the ovary appears and forms, for the last time – in the middle of summer.
The last top dressing can be applied in parallel with potash fertilizers in an amount of not more than 30 grams per unit area.
If, during planting, the plant was fed with both minerals and humus, it is not necessary to feed the individuals until the fruits appear.
It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of nutrients when they are introduced. After all, an excess of fertilizers even more negatively affects the plant than their deficiency.
It is not possible to collect a rich domestic plum crop without pruning the tree. In spring, pruning should be aimed at shortening shoots whose length exceeds half a meter. This will speed up the development of buds on the tree, from which strong long shoots can form. In summer, processes that have actively developed are pinched off. The entire process ends in July. Young individuals grow up, and fruiting – in width. The height of the tree should not exceed 3 meters. Therefore, in all possible ways it is worth limiting it.
In the first years of a tree’s life, pruning should be aimed at forming a trunk. At first, it should be no more than half a meter high and have 3-4 main stems. Before the first branch, the trunk must be clean, and any shoots must be removed. All young shoots should be pinched for their speedy lignification.
In order for the seedlings to turn into trees, it is worthwhile to form a tiered sparse crown in the first years after planting. That is, several main branches (up to 5) should be laid at a height of 0,75 meters from the ground.
Do not trim too “actively”. After all, excessive removal of organs activates the growth of new stems and provokes thickening of the crown. As a result, the yield of the tree can be significantly reduced. Fruiting individuals need only thinning of branches and removal of damaged organs. Annual shoots should be shortened as actively as possible. In the case of their active growth, in the summer these organs can simply be pinched.
Cherry plum can also be grown in shrub form. To do this, you just need to thin out the crown and shorten the intensively developing shoots. In this case, caring for the bush will not be problematic.
The main methods of reproduction of this variety of plum are budding on a stock and grafting.
It is also possible to propagate cherry plum using the kernel, that is, the seed. The seedlings obtained in this case are well pollinated by trees growing nearby and bear fruit well. The plant does not tolerate transplants very well, so it is advisable to plant the bone immediately in a permanent place. This will allow the seedling to fully develop.
However, the most common method of reproduction is grafting. It comes in several types:
- T-shaped – a type of budding. It is carried out during the period of active movement of juices through the plant body.
- In an example. This method is more common, as it is quite simple to implement. Held during the warm season. In the spring, it is carried out before the active movement of juices through the plant begins. As a result, the cuttings take root better.
- Cherry plum supply. For rootstock, it is permissible to use seedlings of a wild variety. They are compatible with any kind of plum, endure moisture deficiency and are unpretentious to environmental conditions.
- Clonal rootstock, which is obtained as a result of the engraftment of cuttings of cultivated varieties. The resulting plants are easy to propagate and disease resistant.
- Plum graft. This method is quite popular. The basis for vaccination is usually a variety of Canadian plum, thorny. They are characterized by resistance to frost and are perfectly combined with cherry plum, making it resistant to cold. Different varieties can take root on the same tree, which will save a lot of space.
However, the vaccination method has its drawbacks. For example, low resistance to frost. In severe frosts, grafted trees freeze completely. Therefore, in areas where the climate is quite severe, it is better to grow seedlings obtained as a result of vegetative propagation. For a better engraftment of the cuttings, they must be in conditions of high humidity. Own-rooted culture is able to recover quickly, even in the event of freezing.
To protect young individuals from diseases, it is enough to treat them with a solution of copper sulfate.
So, if you carry out the correct care of the cherry plum, your own grown crop will delight you.
Video “Care”
From the video you will learn how to care for cherry plum.