Cherry plum Kuban comet is one of the most famous and high-yielding varieties of hybrid cherry plum. It is highly respected by gardeners, because even with minimal care it brings a generous harvest, and the fruits themselves are distinguished by excellent taste and excellent presentation. Today it is the most popular variety among undersized hybrids belonging to the plum group. Such popularity of cherry plum is caused by high winter hardiness and a fairly early ripening period, which allows you to get a crop in any climatic zone.
Description and distinguishing features
The Kuban Comet is a hybrid obtained by crossing the Pionerka cherry plum with the early Skoroplodnaya plum. Work on breeding the variety began back in 1977, and, including testing, lasted almost 10 years, after which in 1987 the Kuban Comet variety was entered into the State Register and officially allowed for cultivation in most regions.
Before describing this variety, it should be recalled that, despite the high yield and abundant fruiting, the trees of this cherry plum are very low (up to 2,5-3 m) and compact. This quality is of great importance for gardeners and summer residents who have a small landing area. The cherry plum crown is rounded, but since it is easy to shape, some gardeners give it the most diverse shape. Outwardly, these trees are very attractive: the trunk is smooth, gray in color, the shoots are located horizontally in relation to the trunk, the branches are of medium thickness, the leaves are elongated, pointed upwards, not pubescent, of a rich green color.
Cherry plum trees look especially elegant in spring during flowering. The branches are literally strewn with multiple snow-white flowers. Flower buds are not very large, rounded, medium-sized flowers, collected in inflorescences in pairs. The petals are white, concave ovoid in shape, the stamens are orange-yellow, located at the bottom of the calyx. Pedicels are not long (1,2-1,4 cm).
The fruits are quite large, varying in size from 25 to 45 g, depending on the growing conditions. The shape of the fruit is round-ovoid, slightly pointed at the top, the ventral suture is weakly expressed. The skin is thin, but strong, in full maturity it reaches a burgundy color and is covered with a slight wax coating. The flesh is very juicy, fibrous, intense yellow or orange in color, aromatic and rather sweet in taste. The stone is small, rough, almost does not separate from the pulp. The fruits are perfectly stored, and even at full maturity they do not crack and remain hanging on the tree.
Since the variety was originally intended for wide consumption and cultivation in any region, the breeders bred two hybrids that differ in ripening time: late comet cherry plum, ripening at the end of August, and early comet, fruiting in mid-July. Both varieties do not differ at all in taste, they are able to tolerate severe frosts (down to -30 ° C) and a slight drought.
The yield of cherry plum is very high and this figure is growing every year. An adult tree can produce up to 8 buckets (about 50 kg) of fruit.
The tree enters fruiting quite early – 2-3 years after planting. The variety is partially self-fertile, therefore, next to the Kuban Comet cherry plum trees, it is necessary to plant such varieties as the Traveler, Mara, Gift to St. Petersburg, as well as the Skoroplodnaya plum.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow this fruit tree.
Features of landing
Cherry plum variety Kuban comet, the description of which is presented above, like any plum is thermophilic and demanding on lighting. Planted in a sunny place, it will bring sweet and large fruits. If planted in the shade, the fruits will be small and very sour, which is not typical for this variety. The same applies to the weather, the more sunny and warm the summer, the sweeter and tastier the fruits will be. In a word, when choosing a place for cherry plum of the Kuban comet variety, give preference to well-lit and calm areas, with deep groundwater. Cherry plum grows well against a wall or fence, which closes it from the northern winds.
Cherry plum is not very demanding on the composition of the soil, but good drainage and neutral soil acidity are extremely important for it. The tree will feel great in loose sandy or sandy loamy soil with a fertile layer of humus. If there is not enough organic matter in the soil, you can add compost or humus. In case of increased acidity, the soil is limed, or ash is added. Cherry plum Kuban comet is not suitable for heavy clay or loamy soils, as well as wetlands.
Planting cherry plum is possible in early spring or autumn, but for the northern regions and the middle zone, planting in spring is preferable. For planting, it is advisable to purchase cherry plum seedlings with a closed root system – such plants take root better and faster. If a seedling with open roots is purchased, then before planting it must be placed in water or a stimulating solution for several hours – this measure will accelerate the rooting of the plant in a new place.
Planting pits for cherry plum should be prepared in advance, 1-2 weeks before planting. Fertilizers are applied to the planting hole. To do this, you need to mix the earth dug out of the pit with humus (preferably horse humus), about 0,5 buckets, superphosphate (250 g), potassium sulfide (40-50 g). This soil mixture is half filled back into the pit with a mound, on which the seedling is placed vertically and manually covered with earth. When planting cherry plum, you need to make sure that the root neck is not buried in the soil, but rises above the surface by 2 centimeters. After planting, the plant is watered and tied to a peg.
Care of the plant
The yield of cherry plum largely depends on proper care, so all activities should be carried out on time, and in accordance with the following recommendations:
- watering – an adult tree is watered three times during the season (in June, July and September) at the rate of 3-4 buckets of water, while water is poured into the hole around the trunk, seedlings are watered often (as the soil dries);
- top dressing – starting from the second year, cherry plum is fed 3-4 times per season: in spring – a complex mixture with nitrogen (50 g / m²), after flowering – a potassium-phosphorus mixture (40 g / m²), after fruiting – potassium sulfate (30 g / m²), before wintering – mulching the near-stem circle with humus or compost (0,5 buckets / m²);
- pruning – in the first 3 years, pruning is carried out 2 or 3 times during the season (this allows you to form the desired shape of the crown), planned pruning is carried out in spring (frozen branches are removed, young shoots are shortened) and in autumn (dry, diseased and extra branches are removed);
- shelter for the winter – before wintering, young seedlings are completely wrapped with garden material (burlap, spunbond), and the roots are covered with organic mulch, an adult tree only needs to cover the roots with organic matter;
- loosening and keeping the soil clean in the trunk circle;
- to attract insects during the flowering period, it is recommended to spray the trees with a honey solution (1 tablespoon of honey / 1 liter of water) – this simple procedure will improve pollination;
- the first flowering of the cherry plum of this variety occurs very early, 2-3 years from planting, and since at this time the tree is not yet able to withstand the load of fruits, all flowers should be cut off – this measure will allow the tree to grow stronger and bring more harvest next year.
An adult cherry plum tree always bears fruit abundantly. After flowering, it is strewn with green fruits, which, when ripe, will create a large load on the branches, and may even break them. To prevent this from happening, some of the green fruits also need to be removed at the ovary stage. This will reduce the load on the branches and get larger fruits.
Diseases and pests
The cherry plum variety Kuban comet is quite resistant to pests and various diseases. As a rule, if agricultural practices and proper care are observed, including preventive treatments, trees are not adversely affected. However, in rare cases, fruit trees growing nearby can pose a danger to cherry plum, it is from them that harmful insects and pathogenic microorganisms move to cherry plum.
It should be noted that cherry plum suffers from the same diseases as plum. This is brown spotting and rust on the leaves. Both diseases lead to withering and leaf fall.
The fight against them consists in spraying with insecticides: 1% Bordeaux liquid before bud break and after flowering, or 1% copper sulphate solution in early spring. In the autumn, after leaf fall, the foliage from the diseased trees must be collected from the ground and burned.
Often, transparent vitreous growths form on the trunks of fruit trees – this is hardened gum flowing from the wood. If your cherry plum has begun to leak gum, then this may be a sign of an increase in the acidity of the soil. It is necessary to limit the application of fertilizers and equalize the pH of the soil, and remove the formations themselves and disinfect the pruning sites.
During the ripening period, cherry plum may be subject to gray rot (chaotic gray growths on the surface of the fruit or bark). This is a fungal disease that spreads quite quickly. Diseased fruits should be removed immediately, as the fungus is easily tolerated and the entire crop may soon die. As a preventive measure in early spring, trees are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, before and after flowering – with copper sulphate.
Of the pests, insects such as aphids, downy silkworms can attack cherry plum. These pests feed on leaves, making holes in them, due to which the leaf plates dry out and crumble. For preventive purposes, trees are sprayed with insecticides (Nitrafen, Verin) before the leaves bloom. Bark beetles, fruit sapwood can settle in the bark of the cherry plum. Insects lay larvae under the bark, from which caterpillars emerge, feeding on tree sap, and making passages in the trunk. If you do not take action in time, the tree may dry out. The only way to control pests is insecticides: Dichlorvos, Chlorophos, Confidor. The treatment of the trunks is carried out every 14 days, while the bark must be abundantly moistened with the agent. In autumn, diseased branches should be cut and burned.
Plum codling moth is the most dangerous for cherry plum fruits. This insect literally attacks the entire tree: first, the butterflies lay their eggs on the bark of the tree, then caterpillars appear from the eggs, which penetrate the ripening fruits through the petiole recess, and completely damage them from the inside. Spoiled fruits fall off, which leads to crop loss. Since the treatment of fruits with insecticides is not the best way out of the situation, preventive spraying should be carried out 2-3 weeks after flowering. Preparations are used: Avant, Ditox, Fosban. The treatment can be repeated after 12-14 days.
Harvesting and storage of crops
Cherry plum Comet begins to ripen by mid-July. The crop is removed in several stages as the fruits ripen. A sign of readiness for harvesting is the coloring of the fruit – in full ripeness, cherry plum of this variety acquires an intense rich red, almost burgundy color. The fruiting period can stretch for two weeks, depending on the number of fruits, since the largest and most sunlit ones ripen first. The fruiting of cherry plum is always plentiful, therefore, it is not worth delaying the collection of ripe fruits – although they are not prone to shedding or cracking, if not removed from the tree, they create an additional load and prevent the remaining berries from ripening.
Ripe fruits at temperature +3-5 °C are stored no more than 10 days. In order to extend this period, as well as for sale, they should be removed from the tree in incomplete maturity – the cherry plum ripens perfectly and acquires the color characteristic of the variety even after removal. The commodity characteristic of this cherry plum is more than high: it is perfectly transported, does not wrinkle, does not rot, and retains its taste qualities for a long time. However, this is provided that it was removed from the tree at an incomplete maturity. The Kuban comet variety is special in that its fruits can be eaten fresh as a dessert, as they taste very sweet. In addition, all kinds of sweet dishes and preparations can be prepared from them, as well as dried and frozen.
Video “Harvest”
From the video you will find out what kind of harvest this cherry plum variety has.