Cherry plum and plum are close relatives, they have a lot in common, but the appearance and taste characteristics of different varieties of both crops differ so much that they can confuse. First of all, rarely does anyone think that cherry plum, cherry, peach, apricot, bird cherry and almond belong to the same genus called “plum”. And very few people know that domestic plum originated a very long time ago from the natural crossing of cherry plum and blackthorn. Well, how not to get confused?
Plum came to the territory of Our Country from Western Europe, and cherry plum – from the south, from Transcaucasia and Asia Minor. Plum and cherry plum, which differ mainly in frost resistance, grow well in the south. Breeders have bred varieties of both crops that bear fruit well in the middle lane, but plum is cultivated much further north, the cold resistance of cherry plum is so lacking.
But the plum gives gardeners much more trouble, as pests and diseases pester it. For example, nightshade should not be planted near plums, this contributes to the spread of fungal diseases. It is susceptible to rust, perforated spotting, fruit rot, gray rot, milky sheen and marsupial disease. If you cut off thick branches, hollows form, gum disease may begin.
Cherry plum practically does not get sick, its early flowering attracts beneficial insects to the site, and the main disadvantage of this crop for cultivation can be considered that frosts can damage roots and branches. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, varieties have appeared that can withstand frosts down to -30 degrees, but it is still better to cover the plant for the winter, therefore, north of the Moscow region, cherry plum is grown as a bush.
Video “Description of cherry plum”
From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about cherry plum.
Most varieties of both crops are not self-fertile, which means that other varieties must be planted on the site for cross-pollination. Even varieties that are claimed to be self-fertile produce better fruit when cross-pollinated. But the way out of this situation can be simple – to plant several varieties on one rootstock, and cherry plum and plum can grow on the same tree, which looks very impressive when fruits of different sizes and colors ripen.
When choosing a plum seedling, you need to carefully examine the roots, it is desirable that there be up to five roots 20–25 cm long. It is better to buy a seedling with a closed root system, although it is not considered, but the survival rate of such specimens is higher. For the first few years, all the attention of the gardener is directed to the survival of the tree, it is carefully shaped, making sure that it gains strength.
It is also advisable to buy a cherry plum seedling with a closed root system. It takes root much easier than a plum, from the very first year of planting you need to work on the formation of a crown, and cover it for the winter. Cherry plums enter the fruiting period much earlier than plums (in the second or fourth year of life), by this time it is desirable, if not to form, then at least outline the main skeleton of the plant. It is usually shaped into a bowl, unlike a plum. A young tree grows much faster than a plum, the annual growth of shoots is greater.
Both crops take root better and grow stronger zoned own-rooted plants, this is especially important for cherry plum, because they tolerate winter better.
Planting methods cannot be very different for these fruit trees, since they have the same soil requirements and growing conditions. Both crops need fertile, well-drained, non-acidic soils that are free of standing water. A pit is dug up to a depth of 60 – 70 cm, with a diameter of 50 – 60 cm. A peg is driven into the center for tying a seedling, the earth is laid out in a slide, the roots are spread over it, carefully fall asleep, tamped, watered abundantly. The root neck should remain at ground level. After planting, the ground around the trunk is mulched.
In the south, both crops are planted both in autumn and in spring. The main condition is that the tree must be at rest. It is this condition that forces gardeners in the middle lane to plant in the spring, because in the fall the tree will not have time to take root and will be defenseless against the winter cold.
The main difference between these two kindred cultures lies in their miraculous fruits. We are used to seeing plums as blue, crimson, purple, less often yellow, oval or round with a wax coating. And cherry plum gives round fruits of different sizes (from 50 to 150 g each) in a yellow-red range, the bones do not separate from the pulp, and the skin is most often dense.
Cherry plum ripens in August – September, the fruits can be harvested unripe, they are perfectly transported, ripen during storage. Plum ripens earlier (most varieties), stored less.
They differ in taste and useful qualities, which is explained by their different chemical composition. So, plum fruits contain more sugars, and cherry plums contain more acids and calcium. The fruits of both cultures contain many vitamins and elements necessary for the body, cherry plum surpasses almost all berries in the content of vitamin E, and plum – vitamin A. Plums cleanse blood vessels, improve heart function, are an excellent prevention of cancer, improve vision, increase immunity, and normalize work gastrointestinal tract, prolong youth and strengthen bones.
Cherry plum improves the functioning of the digestive system, is used as a mild laxative, choleretic, anti-cold remedy, it strengthens the immune system, nerves and bones. Plum is boiled, dried, smoked, and cherry plum is not only boiled and canned, but also the famous tkemali sauce is made from it.
Video “Varieties of plums”
From the video you will learn a lot about plum varieties.