Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Proven recipes for homemade cherry marshmallows should be in every housewife’s cookbook. This primordially dessert is prepared only from natural ingredients and belongs to the category of healthy food. Homemade marshmallow from fresh berries retains all the useful and healing properties of cherries, natural taste and aroma. Traditionally, sweetness is made from berries and sugar, but you can add ingredients such as banana, melon, apple, sesame and honey.

Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Homemade marshmallow from fresh berries contains beneficial substances for the body

What is useful cherry marshmallow

Cherry marshmallow is not only an unusually tasty delicacy, this product is very useful for the body:

  • coumarins contained in cherries prevent the risk of cholesterol plaques;
  • anthocyanins slow down cell aging and strengthen capillary walls;
  • ellagic acid is involved in the prevention of cancer;
  • high content of vitamins B1, B6, C, as well as magnesium, copper and iron effectively help in the treatment of anemia;
  • folic acid, which is part of the sweetness, is necessary for the body of expectant mothers for the normal development of the fetus.

In addition, cherries have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and expectorant properties, so it is useful to include this sweetness in the diet for people suffering from various infectious diseases.

How to make cherry marshmallow

To prepare cherry marshmallow at home, you need to choose the right berries. They should be:

  • large and fully ripe, the use of unripe cherries will give the delicacy an overly sour taste;
  • the berries must be free of rot, otherwise the aroma of marshmallow will not be so refined;
  • it is advisable to take not too juicy varieties of cherries.
Important! For the preparation of cherry marshmallow, it is recommended to use only seasonal berries grown in our country.

Before preparing the cherry puree, the berries should be washed and the pits removed. This process is the most laborious, but the use of a special mechanical machine will greatly facilitate the task.

Methods for drying cherry marshmallow

There are several methods for drying cherry marshmallow:

  • on air;
  • in an electric dryer;
  • in the oven.

The first method is the longest and can take up to 4 days. Therefore, if there are a lot of berries, it is better to use kitchen appliances.

Drying cherry marshmallows in an electric dryer

Cherry marshmallow recipes in an electric dryer can reduce the cooking time for a dessert by almost 10 times compared to air drying. You will need parchment for baking, which should cover the bottom of the unit. Refined vegetable oil is applied to the paper using a silicone brush. This is done to make it easier to separate the finished product from the parchment. Cherry puree is placed on top in a thin layer and dried for 5 to 7 hours (depending on the thickness of the layer) at a temperature of 70 °C.

Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Pastila cooked in an electric dryer cooks 10 times faster than air-drying

The readiness of the cherry marshmallow is checked by touch – as soon as it stops sticking when touched, it can be removed from the dryer.

How to dry cherry marshmallows in the oven

Cherry pastille cooked in the oven is a quick way to make a dessert. Firstly, more puree is placed on a baking sheet than in a dryer. And secondly, you can put two, and even three, baking sheets in the oven at a time.

Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Pastila in the oven cooks very quickly

The baking sheet is covered with oiled parchment and mashed potatoes are spread on top, and dried in the oven for 5-6 hours at a temperature of 80 ° C. At the same time, the oven door should be ajar so that the air circulates better and the evaporating moisture leaves.

Air drying rules

The natural method of drying outdoors involves direct sunlight on pallets of cherry puree. In hot weather, the mass can dry out well in a day, but the average drying time is 2-3 days.

Cherry marshmallow recipes

There are many recipes for making cherry marshmallows, with and without sugar. You can diversify the taste of goodies by adding honey, banana, melon, apples, sesame seeds to cherry puree.

A simple homemade cherry marshmallow recipe

This easy homemade cherry marshmallow recipe is a classic and requires just two ingredients to make:

  • 1 kg of ripe cherries;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Pastila is made from two ingredients: cherries and sugar

Method of preparation:

  1. Wash the berries, pat dry with paper towels and remove the seeds.
  2. Place in a saucepan and let the juice flow.
  3. When the berries start juice, put the pan on a slow fire and boil the contents for 15 minutes, drain the excess liquid, add sugar, cool.
  4. Grind with an immersion blender and spread the puree on the oiled parchment.

You can dry the marshmallow in any way, after being completely ready, separate it from the paper and roll it into a roll.

How to cook cherry marshmallow with berries boiled

This recipe is not much more complicated than the previous one, the only difference is that the juice should be boiled, not drained. The taste of the finished sweet will be more intense and fragrant.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of cherries;
  • a glass of sugar.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Pastila is a dry cherry jam that keeps well in the refrigerator.

Method of preparation:

  1. Sort the berries, wash under running water.
  2. Place, without removing the bones, in a saucepan, and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve and return to the fire.
  4. As soon as the puree is well heated, add sugar, mix and set aside.

After the puree has cooled, dry naturally or with kitchen appliances.

Sugar-free cherry lozenges

Sugar-free cherry marshmallow is also called “live” because the berry mass does not need to be boiled.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg of cherries.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Pastila can be prepared without sugar and cooking berry mass

Method of preparation:

  1. Sort cherries, discard wormy and spoiled berries.
  2. Remove the bones and grind in a blender.
  3. Drain the juice, and spread the resulting mass in a thin layer on pallets.

It is recommended to dry live marshmallow in a natural way.

Video recipe for cherry marshmallow without adding sugar and boiling:

Cherry lozenges

Recipe for cherry marshmallow with sugar

The recipe for cherry marshmallow at home with sugar can be prepared from both fresh berries and frozen ones.

You will need:

  • 750 g of berries;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Cherry marshmallow can be prepared from fresh and frozen berries

Method of preparation:

  1. Remove seeds from pre-washed berries.
  2. Pour in sugar and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Grind with an immersion blender and cook the puree for another 10 minutes.
  4. Pour onto a baking sheet covered with parchment or silicone mat, smooth and send to the oven to dry.

Roll the finished product into rolls, cut into portioned pieces and roll in powdered sugar.

Cherry pastille with honey at home

People suffering from diabetes or struggling with excess weight, sugar is contraindicated. Therefore, it is replaced with honey.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe cherries;
  • 200 ml of liquid honey.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Honey can be added as a sweetener

Method of preparation:

  1. Prepare cherries: wash, remove pits.
  2. After the berries start up the juice, chop with a blender or rub through a sieve, and cook the mass until it thickens.

 After cooling the puree to a temperature of 40 degrees, add honey, and then dry it in a convenient way.

Tart made from cherries with banana and sesame seeds

Sesame will give the cherry marshmallow a special flavor, in addition, it is very useful.

You will need:

  • 400 g of ripe berries;
  • Banana xnum;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sesame.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Adding sesame to marshmallow makes it healthy and fragrant

Method of preparation:

  1. Prepare puree from peeled cherries and bananas using a blender.
  2. Roast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan.
  3. Add liquid honey to the cherry-banana puree, put a thin layer on trays and sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.

This delicacy will appeal to children, as honey and bananas neutralize the sour taste of cherries.

Cherry marshmallow at home with banana and melon

The recipe for cherry marshmallow in the dryer with the addition of fragrant and sweet melon is loved by many housewives, because the result is an unusually delicious dessert.

You will need:

  • 200 g of ripe cherries;
  • 200 g of melon pulp;
  • 1 banana;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Cherry marshmallow is rich in vitamins and useful microelements

Method of preparation:

  1. Remove pits from cherries, cut melon and banana pulp into pieces.
  2. Place the ingredients in a blender and puree.
  3. Add sugar and spread in a thin layer on a parchment-lined drying rack.

Since all components remain fresh, this delicacy is very rich in vitamins and useful trace elements.

Cherry marshmallow at home: a recipe with apples

To make the dessert not too sour, it is important to take only fully ripe, sweet varieties of apples.

You will need:

  • 1000 g cherries;
  • Xnumx apples;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

It is better to take sweet varieties of apples so that the marshmallow does not turn out sour.

Method of preparation:

  1. Remove the pits from their cherries, extract the core from the apples.
  2. Put everything in one pan and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Then sugar is added and the contents of the pan are crushed with an immersion blender.
  4. Fruit and berry puree is boiled for an hour, poured into pallets and sent to dry.

The finished cherry-apple sweetness is rolled into a tube and put away for long-term storage in jars.

Cherry-melon pastille

For the preparation of cherry marshmallow with melon, it is important to select ripe, sweet fruits with a rich melon smell.

You will need:

  • 400 g of ripe berries;
  • 400 g of melon pulp;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.
Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

In the preparation of marshmallow with melon, you need to take ripe and sweet fruits with a pronounced melon smell.

Method of preparation:

  1. From the peeled cherries and melons, cut into pieces with a blender, make a puree.
  2. Then transfer to a colander to drain excess juice.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass and cook for an hour over low heat.

Cool the finished mass and dry it in the oven, remembering to leave the door ajar.

The use of cherry marshmallow in cooking

Sweetness can be eaten in its original form, like candy, after cutting into small pieces. You can cook sandwiches for tea, add slices to kefir or ryazhenka.

Cherry pastille at home: recipes without sugar, with banana, with apples

Pastila can be eaten like candy and used in sweet pastries.

Cherry marshmallow is used in the preparation of sweet pastries, as a filling or for decoration. You can dilute with warm water and add gelatin, then send it to the refrigerator – the result will be jelly. In addition, they are used to prepare sweet and sour sauces for meat snacks.

Storage Rules

For long-term storage, cherry marshmallow is rolled up and wrapped with cling film over each roll. After that, they are placed in jars or a container and hermetically sealed so that foreign odors do not get there. Banks are cleaned in a cool place where they are stored for two years.


All cherry marshmallow recipes allow you to get an incredibly tasty and healthy delicacy, rich in vitamins, so necessary in the winter. Such processing of berries will allow you to enjoy fragrant cherry sweets throughout the year, without waiting for the ripening season of these berries.

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