Gardeners are watching with great interest the emergence of new varieties of fruit and berry crops. Among the new winter-hardy varieties, the Radonezh cherry, which will be discussed in this article, stands out.
History of breeding
The Radonezhskaya cherry variety was bred at the All- Research Institute of Lupine, created in 1987 on the basis of the Bryansk Experimental Station.
To obtain a winter-hardy variety, cherries “II-L” and “Kistevaya” were crossed. The authors of “Radonezhskaya” are A. L. Astakhov, M. V. Kanshina, L. I. Zueva. In 2002, the cherry variety was included in the State Register with recommendations for cultivation in the Central and Southern regions.
Description of the culture
Knowing the parameters of the tree will make it possible to correctly calculate the required number of seedlings for planting, taking into account the available area.
The height of an adult cherry “Radonezh” reaches 3 m – 3,5 m, therefore, the tree is classified as medium-sized. The trunk of the cherry variety is short, the shoots are powerful. The crown of the “Radonezh” is of medium density, regular oval shape and slightly raised.
Cherry leaves are wide, with jagged edges, slightly folded. The shape resembles a boat, located on a short petiole.
The kidneys are quite small. The vegetative bud of the Radonezh cherry is cone-shaped, and the generative bud is ovoid.
The flowers of the variety are grouped in inflorescences of 5-7 medium-sized white flowers. The shape of each flower resembles a saucer, the petals are arranged freely. Stamens and pistil are long.
Cherry berries are round and dark red in color. The fruits of the Radonezh cherry are of high quality. Each cherry is elastic, with a long stalk, the stone is separated easily.
The pulp is tender, juicy, sweet and sour taste. The berries have a high concentration of vitamin C (10 mg / 100 g), sugar (10%) and solids (15%). The delicate taste of cherries made it possible to classify the Radonezhskaya variety as a dessert variety. The weight of one berry is 4-5 g.
To make acquaintance with the unique Radonezh cherry variety complete, consider the main indicators. The type of cultivation of the variety is industrial and garden. The tree bears fruit equally well in private and large farms.
Drought resistance, winter resistance
The main characteristic of the Radonezh cherry variety is high frost resistance. Thanks to this quality, the tree tolerates spring frosts without great losses, even at the time of flowering. It also resists frost well, therefore it is grown not only in the southern regions.
The drought resistance of the Radonezh variety is average, although it can withstand the lack of watering for a long time.
Pollination, flowering period and ripening period
The tree belongs to partially self-fertile varieties. If the cherry “Radonezhskaya” is not provided with the proximity of the appropriate pollinators, then the yield will be much lower than declared. Independently, the variety is able to pollinate no more than 40% of the flowers. The best pollinators for cherries, the flowering period of which coincides with the flowering period of Radonezhskaya, are the following varieties:
- “Lyubskaya”;
- “Vladimirskaya”;
- “Turgenevka”.
The variety “Radonezh” bears fruit on a one-year growth. Therefore, during the flowering period, inflorescences appear on annual shoots. Cherry blossom time is May, and at the end of June the first berries ripen.
yield, fruiting
Productivity is an important indicator on which the demand for a variety depends. “Radonezh” allows you to collect from 50 centners / ha to 70 centners / ha of cherries, depending on the age of the tree and the organization of care. The Radonezhskaya variety shows the minimum yield indicator already in the 4th year after planting.
Scope of berries
The use of fruits of the Radonezh variety cherry can be described in one word – universal. Berries are excellent for fresh consumption and for harvesting. Cherry has excellent taste characteristics, so the range of use of the harvested crop is very extensive. Use the berries of the variety for the preparation of compotes, jams, juices, preserves. Fruits are excellent for freezing and drying. All blanks can be made with Radonezhskaya berries, both pitted and with pits.
Disease and pest resistance
Cherry varieties “Radonezh” has good immunity to fungal diseases, coccomycosis and moniliosis. It has a good, stable fruiting with the timely implementation of preventive treatments.
Spraying cherries with copper-containing compounds will help strengthen the resistance of the variety to diseases. It must be done annually.
If it is decided to use chemicals during the season, then a video about spring cherry processing will be useful for gardeners:
Advantages and disadvantages
Cherry varieties “Radonezh” has disadvantages and advantages, which gardeners note in their reviews and observations.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Frost resistance. This characteristic distinguishes the variety from other representatives of the culture. Excellent resistance to frost down to -25°C. | The variety can suffer up to 30% of the yield during sudden spring frosts with temperatures dropping above -5°C. |
The versatility of the use of berries. In any form, “Radonezh” is highly appreciated by “cherry gourmets”. | The exactingness of “Radonezhskaya” to the regular application of dressings. |
Resistance to diseases and pests. | The need to correctly form the crown for the proper development of the tree. |
The same efficiency of propagation of the variety with the help of seeds and vegetatively. | The presence of pollinators is mandatory for obtaining a full-fledged crop. |
High commercial qualities of a grade and excellent taste of berries. | Dependence of yield on the fulfillment of care requirements. |
Good yield. | Demanding for adequate lighting. |
Features of landing
The further development and fruiting of the Radonezh cherry depends on how correctly the planting of the seedling is carried out.
Recommended dates
The variety “Radonezh” is recommended to be planted in the spring. This is due to the fact that in autumn the risk of death of a cherry seedling from winter frosts increases. The tree may not have time to adapt and take root before the onset of cold weather.
Autumn planting is permissible only in the southern warm areas. Time is strictly limited – all planting work must be completed no later than mid-late October. In the spring, they must wait for the soil to warm up to at least + 10 ° C so that the tender roots of the cherry seedling do not suffer. Usually, landing is scheduled for April.
Choosing the right place
Enough attention is paid to this issue. First of all, you need to take into account the life expectancy of cherries. It is equal, on average, to 15 years. Therefore, pay attention to all factors:
- distance to buildings and fences;
- the number of trees in the garden;
- the size of the plot so that the cherry has enough space and nutrients;
- soil composition and structure;
- site illumination;
- what crops grow nearby.
For cherry “Radonezh” allocate a well-lit place with the location of groundwater no closer than 2,5 m to the surface. At the same time, it is taken into account that between the trees it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 3 m.
What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries
The correct combination of plantings avoids problems with the development of plants. The interaction of cultures occurs during the entire growing season, so it is important to choose friendly neighbors for the Radonezh cherry. Cherry demonstrates good coexistence next to grapes, cherries, hawthorn and Nevezhinsky mountain ash.
If it is decided to plant the Radonezhskaya variety in the same area with apple or pear trees, then it is important to maintain a distance between the trees of at least 5-6 meters. The same requirement remains in force when planting plums, thorns, cherry plums or apricots next to cherries.
Selection and preparation of planting material
For cherry seedlings of the Radonezh variety, the state of the root system is very important. Therefore, the roots should be healthy, with no signs of damage or decay. In order for cherry fruiting to begin earlier, 1-2 year old seedlings should be purchased. If the planting material is older (3-4 years), then fruiting will shift to a later date.
Cherry seedlings, acquired in autumn, are dug into the furrows with their crown to the south, watered, covered with spruce branches and left until spring.
Landing algorithm
The process of planting cherry “Radonezh” consists of the following steps:
- Soil preparation. Fertilizers for spring planting are applied in the fall. Use organic and mineral compounds.
- Landing hole preparation. The optimal size is 80 x 80 x 50 cm. After digging, a peg is driven into the hole.
- A variety seedling is placed on the north side of the peg.
- They sprinkle the roots with earth, tamp a little, make a trunk circle and water the seedling with 2 buckets of water, after which the plantings are mulched.
The author of the video will share his secrets of planting cherries:
Culture aftercare
If the near-stem circle of the tree is mulched, then it is enough to water it once a week in a volume of 10-12 liters. And for an adult cherry, 6 to 8 buckets of water are required 3-4 times during the season. The amount depends on the composition of the soil and weather conditions. Waterlogging for the variety “Radonezh” is highly undesirable.
In the first 2-3 years after planting, the Radonezhskaya cherry variety develops well without additional nutrition. But when the fruiting period begins, it is not recommended to skip feeding. In the spring, cherries need nitrogen-containing preparations, in the fall – fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. Once every 2 years, organic fertilizers are applied simultaneously with a shallow digging of the topsoil.
Pruning is done in the spring before sap flow begins. The variety “Radonezh” has a high growth rate of young branches. If pruning is not carried out or performed illiterately, then shading will lead to a loss of taste and chopping of berries. The first formation must be carried out after planting seedlings. The main rule of timely pruning is to remove shoots in time.
Preparation of trees for winter consists in pre-winter watering, top dressing and pruning. In areas with severe winters, it is still desirable to cover the Radonezh cherry, not relying on the winter hardiness of the variety. It is important to carry out the preparation process (pruning) at a dormant state of the tree, that is, after the foliage has fallen. For top dressing, it is good to use manure or humus. Then it remains to carefully cover the near-stem circle to protect the root system.
Diseases and pests
Problem | Prevention | Treatment |
Bark beetle |
| Introducing Bi-58 with a syringe into the holes made by the pest. |
Moniliasis | Timely treatment with contact fungicides (before buds open). | Burning the affected parts of the tree, repeated treatment with fungicides |
Kokkomikoz | Preventive spraying with Bordeaux liquid. | Treatment with Bordeaux liquid or systemic fungicide, burning damaged leaves. |
| Preventive spraying with Horus, Bordeaux liquid | Spraying with Horus, Bordeaux liquid |
The cherry variety “Radonezh” is considered unpretentious, so gardeners do not have problems with growing. It is important not to neglect the recommendations on agricultural technology, and the cherry will please you with a high yield.