Cherry of Milan

Cherries of Milan are included in the list of the most ancient representatives of cherries belonging to the plum genus. This species is popular with beekeepers as it is a wonderful source of pollen for bees. The most attractive difference between Milan cherries and their relatives is a rich honey taste.

History of breeding

To obtain high-quality fruits and a productive variety, specialists from the All- Scientific Research Institute named after Lupin conducted a number of studies. Random sweet cherry seedlings were selected and crossed, as a result of which Milan sweet cherry was obtained, which became a breeding achievement in the second half of the 60s.

Description of the culture

Cherry Milan has fruits of maroon color, inside with dense pulp. Fruit weight on average does not exceed 5 g. Trees of medium size with a spherical crown of medium density. The nature of branching is longline.

Cherry of Milan

A subtropical or continental climate is excellent for growing Milan cherries. In the conditions of a monsoonal and strongly pronounced continental climate, the variety will not grow. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing the central and central black earth regions for planting.


  • Mature trees reach up to 5 meters in height.
  • Covered with rough bark with a gray-brown tint.
  • The crown has an average density of foliage, and the main branches are located near the trunk, at an acute angle of no more than 60 degrees.
  • Curved shoots, 0,5 cm in diameter.
  • The foliage is quite large, sharply turning to the top.
  • The leaf can be up to 10 cm long, and its edges have slight notches.
  • Large berries of the Milan sweet cherry are a characteristic feature of this variety. The weight of one fruit is up to 5 g.
  • The ripened crop is characterized by maroon, almost black color and juicy pulp.
  • The stone of the Milan cherry has a rounded shape, and its weight is 0,35 g.
  • The berries are interconnected with the help of cuttings, no more than 3 pieces on each.
  • The stalk of the Milan sweet cherry does not exceed 50 mm in length, and their density on the branches is quite dense.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The Milan cherry variety is intended for cultivation in a southern climate, but it does not tolerate prolonged drought very well. If the seedlings do not receive enough moisture during dry weather, this can lead to a decrease in yield by almost half. In the presence of dry hot weather in the spring, the foliage is prone to withering.

Despite the fact that most varieties of cherries are sensitive to cold, the frost resistance of Milan cherries is one of its main advantages. In the event of prolonged frost, reaching -25 degrees, the trees retain about 30 percent of their buds. This contributes to the harvest from the tree even after a cold and frosty winter.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

The Milana cherry variety is one of the self-fertile. For this reason, he needs pollinators, the best of which are Moskvichka, Annushka and Leningradskaya early.

The Milan cherry blossom period begins in the second half of April and lasts until the beginning of May. Before the foliage blooms, white buds appear.

The Milan cherry is an early ripe variety, so harvesting can begin in the first half of June. The ripeness of the berries is determined by a well-pronounced aroma, dark red color and a reflection on the peel of the berry.

yield, fruiting

The tree has an average yield, depending on the region of cultivation. In the northern regions, as a rule, the harvest will not be so large. If in the southern region at least 60 kg of fruits are harvested on average, then in the northern region this number can be halved. The collection of Milan cherries is divided into two approaches, because the crop ripens faster on the upper branches than on the lower ones. First, the berries located at the top of the tree are collected, after which you can proceed to the lower branches of the tree.

The Milan cherry begins fruiting five years after the tree was planted in open ground. Further productivity acquires an annual and regular character.

The following factors can affect the quality of fruiting and yield:

  • in the presence of dry and hot weather, pollen that has fallen on flowering buds can lead to false pollination;
  • if the presence of a fungal disease was found in the garden: moniliosis or coccomycosis, this leads to the cessation of fruiting;
  • in the absence of a pollinator, no more than 5% of the total number of sweet cherries can start.
Attention! Frequent rains or excessive watering lead to cracking of the berries.

Cherry of Milan

Scope of berries

Berries of the Milan variety are among the dessert ones, and they are best consumed fresh. But the scope of the fruit also extends to home-made preparations for the winter: jam and compote, as well as baking pies or cakes.

Disease and pest resistance

Milan sweet berries are susceptible to various fungal diseases. Often these diseases are caused by gray mold or coccomycosis. A gray coating appears on the leaves, covering their entire surface.

The foliage falls very early, which entails the insecurity of the tree in the winter season. The berries themselves can also be directly affected.

For preventive purposes, after the snow melts, in the presence of sunny and dry weather, seedlings should be treated with Bordeaux liquid with a three percent concentration. After the end of flowering, this procedure will need to be repeated, but at the same time using already one percent essence.

Attention! In the fight against fungal diseases, you can burn fallen leaves. This method is very efficient and effective.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry variety Milana is distinguished by many positive characteristics for which it is appreciated by experienced gardeners.

The tree has the following advantages:

  • excellent taste qualities;
  • good resistance to frost;
  • early ripeness;
  • large berries.

Cherry of Milan

Among the obvious disadvantages of the variety are:

  • frequent fungal infections;
  • berries crack if the soil is waterlogged.

Features of landing

When growing Milan cherries, it is recommended to follow certain rules. It is necessary to responsibly treat the preparation of the seat, as well as choose the correct technique for planting seedlings in the planting pit. Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to the fact that the tree will often get sick, give a poor harvest, and may even die.

Recommended dates

You can plant cherries both in spring and autumn. But in the process of autumn planting, the tree may be harmed. In the presence of frost, seedlings are often damaged, resulting in no crop or death. If planting is carried out in the autumn, the soil must be carefully prepared: fertilized, loosened and carefully watered.

Planting a tree in spring often has a positive effect on the growth and development of seedlings. The trees are well strengthened in the soil throughout the growing season, and the cold winter will not bring them practically any harm.

Choosing the right place

Cherry is a lover of sunlight. And the darkened areas will serve its poor strengthening in the soil and the minimum amount of foliage. Thanks to sunlight, sweet fruits are formed on the tree.

Warning! It is undesirable to plant cherries in places blown by drafts, or on slopes, in places where the north wind accumulates.

For a tree, areas on hills that are not blown by cold air are perfect.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

The Milan cherry belongs to the stone fruit crops. This indicates that it should be planted next to the same plants.

  • As for pome trees, such as pear or apple trees, their lush crown can obscure the sunlight for cherries. You can plant them side by side, but only with a distance of about 6 meters.
  • Milana can be planted next to the Nevezhinsky mountain ash, elderberry, grapes and hawthorn. They are able to get along well without interfering with each other and without affecting the yield of their neighbors.
  • There are a number of plants that can harm cherries – they should not be planted nearby. Nightshade crops, represented by sweet bell peppers, tomatoes and eggplants, carry diseases that are dangerous for sweet cherries, leading to the death of seedlings.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For planting cherries, good soil and a suitable place alone are not enough. Much depends on the correct choice of planting material. If the seedlings are poor, with significant damage or an undeveloped root system, their further growth will be difficult.

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to whether they are obtained from the stone or grafted. It is recommended to buy grafted, because such seedlings are able to give a good harvest in the future. The place where the vaccination was made must be visible on the trunk.

Cherry of Milan

Landing algorithm

When growing a tree, you need to follow a certain sequence.

The correct algorithm for planting Milan cherries includes several steps:

  1. Two weeks before the proposed planting, you need to prepare a landing pit, its depth should be at least 60 cm.
  2. The earth from the pit is divided into two equal parts: one heap should consist of the upper fertile layer, and the second of the lower one.
  3. You need to take organic fertilizer in the amount of 10 kg and mix it with the top layer of soil.
  4. In addition to such a mixture, a stake should be dug into the bottom of the landing pit, it is desirable that it be reliable and long. This is necessary in order to tie up the tree in order to avoid the negative effects of weather conditions.
  5. Dig in the Milana tree slowly and carefully, avoiding damage to the roots. It is not recommended to leave air spaces. The soil is compacted, and a shallow hole is made around the trunk.

Culture aftercare

Growing Milan cherries requires proper care.

  • Watering should be regular, and its frequency should be 30 days. For young trees, you need to use at least 30 liters of water, and for large and fruiting trees – at least 60 liters of liquid.
  • After the Milan cherry is planted in the ground, it is not necessary to feed the tree, because fertilizer was applied to the soil during planting. During the second year, it is recommended to fertilize the tree with nitrogen fertilizer – urea, which has a positive effect on the development of seedlings. After three years, fertilizer should be applied on a regular basis.
  • Milan cherries are cold hardy. But planted young seedlings with the onset of winter need to be provided with additional protection. The soil around the tree trunk should be watered and dug up, mineral fertilizers applied. To protect a small tree from frost, it must be tied with burlap, and the soil around it should be covered with snow.

    Cherry of Milan

  • To avoid damage from rodents, cherries can be overlaid with spruce, and the branches of the tree are tightly tied with twine. You can take roofing material and wrap it around a tree, and treat the area with a special poison designed to kill rodents.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Cherry Milan is susceptible to such a disease as coccomycosis. It manifests itself in the form of small brown spots that eventually grow throughout the tree. For preventive purposes, the tree must be treated using a solution of copper sulfate. This procedure should be performed at the beginning of the swelling of the kidneys.

Another common disease is cherry rot: brown, fruit or brown. Rotten berries should be removed immediately, and if there are a lot of them, preventive treatment should be carried out in early spring.

Of the cherry pests, the most dangerous is the cherry fly, which uses the juice of the fruit and leaves of the tree for its nutrition. When the berry reaches the desired size, the fly can lay its eggs in the cherry. After 7 days, larvae appear that feed on berry pulp.

Cherry of Milan

To combat the cherry fly, it is recommended to use insecticides that are sprayed with the tied buds.


Cherry Milan is winter-hardy and early variety. Berries differ in size and strength, and their dessert properties will appeal to gardeners who can use the harvest to make compotes or jams.


Ekaterina, Yaroslavl
Six years ago, a friend advised me to buy Milan cherries. I really like to engage in my personal plot, and this variety is very interested in me. Bought, planted and this year has already harvested. The characteristic of the Milan cherry variety pleased me. The berries are very sweet, juicy, and the stone separates very well from them. This is important for me, because I cook jam for the winter for my grandchildren and always clean the fruits from the seeds. I baked pies, cooked compote and was satisfied with this variety. I’m thinking of buying a few more seedlings of Milana next year.
Zina, Vladimir
Last year, my son from a business trip brought me a cherry seedling, which I had never heard of before. I studied the description of the Milan cherry and, at my own peril and risk, decided to plant a tree in my country house, but I was afraid that it would not take root due to the unsuitable climate. And what was my surprise when this spring I found buds on sweet cherries. And although it will take a very long time to wait for the harvest, it seems that the tree is growing faster and faster every day. Now I brag to all my friends that I have a sweet cherry growing on my site, which no one else has – Milan. The title is also very nice.

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