Cherry meeting: description and features of the variety

Cherry trees are one of the most beloved fruit crops in Our Country. Today they can be seen in almost every personal plot. The choice of varieties is striking in variety – there are about 140 varieties of them, and each tree has its own characteristics and advantages. For lovers of large fruits, we advise you to choose an excellent variety of fruit and berry tree for planting in your garden – the meeting cherry, the characteristics and nuances of caring for which we will describe below.


Before you buy a cherry tree for your site, you need to take into account the main criteria for choosing it – when you can expect the first harvest, its quantity and regularity, the resistance of the crop to both severe weather conditions and possible diseases, how it tolerates drought and how much it needs in the sun.Cherry meeting: description and features of the varietyCherry varieties Meeting has excellent characteristics. This beautiful mid-season variety with large fruits was bred in 1966 by the Institute of Irrigated Horticulture of the UAAS. The specialists of this institution N.I. Turovtsev and V.A. Turovtseva were able to get a new cherry variety by crossing such high-quality varieties as Lyubsky and Kyiv-19. If we talk about the description of the fruit tree of this cherry, then it is a low-growing culture of small size, which has a characteristic rather dense crown with drooping branches.

The crown of the Meeting has an interesting spherical shape.

The tree can grow up to two meters in height. This cherry can bear fruit no earlier than three years after planting. The fruits appear on the bouquet branches, as well as on the growth, which is one year old. Since the meeting tree itself is barren, it has pollinators, which are valuable varieties called Somsonovka, Lyubsky, Shalunya. The fruits of this fruit tree are super large in size, and in shape they are flat-round. Cherry meeting: description and features of the varietyThe weight of each cherry can vary from 8 to 6 g. The fruits have a beautiful dark red color, rather dense, but at the same time thin, skin. It has a sheen and can be easily removed from the berry. The pulp of the fruit has a characteristic rich red color, and in terms of taste it is juicy and very tender, it just melts in your mouth. The stone has a round shape, somewhat flattened on the sides, and it will not be difficult to separate it from the pulp.

During the tasting by the experts, it was determined that this beautiful variety of cherries has a pleasant sweet and sour dessert taste, for which it received a high score of 5 points. The content of useful substances in fruits is quite high – about 16% of dry matter is present here, sugars – 8%, vitamin C is about 11 mg per 64 g of wet weight, and organic acids – 7%. The fruit ripening period is average and falls on the third decade of the first summer month. The main advantages of this variety, for which it is highly appreciated by all gardeners, are excellent yields – many kg of cherries can be harvested in a season, large berries with excellent taste, resistance to such troubles that often affect fruit trees, such as coccomycosis and moniliosis, increased immunity to low temperatures (the trees are able to withstand even frosts down to minus 6 degrees), they easily tolerate prolonged drought, the fruits can be transported over long distances without problems.Cherry meeting: description and features of the variety


Almost all varieties of cherry trees are not particularly demanding on the conditions of planting and care. The tree not only can grow in almost any soil, endure weather changes, but also does not require good lighting, as it is shade-resistant. But, despite all this, in order for your garden pet to grow comfortably on the site and delight its owner with an excellent harvest during the season, certain rules should still be followed. Planting varieties Meeting is carried out in loamy, sandy, loose soil, where the culture will definitely develop comfortably.

It is worth noting that sandy loamy soil has an almost neutral acidity index, so it is an ideal place for planting this variety. It is also necessary to focus on the western, southern and southwestern slopes when choosing a place. Such conditions will help the remnants of melt water to freely go into the soil, and cold air will flow around the planted crop. Groundwater at the landing site should be at a depth of at least one and a half meters.Cherry meeting: description and features of the variety

A hole dug for each seedling is made about half a meter in diameter, and it is recommended that the root system be preliminarily kept in water for about 4 hours, because when planted, it loses a quarter of the available moisture. During planting, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the root collar must necessarily be above the soil level, because the earth shrinks, and a special depression is created near the seedling so that when watering, the water does not go beyond the edges of the circle. During the first 3 – 5 days, trees are advised to actively water. Mulching is also carried out with the help of humus or peat.

You should not make common mistakes when growing cherries – do not take into account the peculiarities of the climate, water the seedling a little and plant it too deep, apply mineral supplements at the wrong time in insufficient quantities, do not protect the plant from pests and unpleasant diseases. Proper care of the variety includes feeding the tree before autumn digging with compost, applying nitrogen fertilizers in the amount of 50–70 g (the first is carried out after flowering, the second after a couple of weeks), the application rate of phosphate fertilizers is no more than 200, it is best to replace potash and nitrogen mixtures with complex preparations. Also, the variety does not tolerate loneliness, so it is best to plant several cherry trees of a different species or sweet cherries nearby.Cherry meeting: description and features of the variety

The use of bird cherry as a stock will help prevent the disease of the culture with coccomycosis. Shoots grow quickly on cherries, therefore, in order for the berries to be larger and the foliage to be healthier, the crown should be thinned out in a timely manner. For this purpose, only those shoots that have grown by more than 50 cm are pruned. It is also important to remove the root growth in time, which can be used for rootstocks a little later. If you provide the necessary watering of seedlings and regularly carry out all the recommended manipulations for the care of the Meeting variety, then we can expect the appearance of a strong healthy tree in the future, which will delight its owners with increased productivity.

Video “Cherry Pruning Rules”

On the recording, a man talks about the types of cherries and how to properly cut each of them.

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