Cherry Meeting

Dwarf cherry has a compact size and brings a high decent yield. One of the best is the Meeting variety, which brings delicious fruits and has high immunity.

History of breeding

Cherry Meeting was bred by Ukrainian breeders Nikolai and Valentina Turovtsev. When working on it, a cherry-cherry hybrid Kyiv-19 and late-ripening cherry Lyubskaya were used.

The hybrid was obtained in 1966. Since 1995, information about the Meeting has been included in the State Register of Varieties of Ukraine.

Description of the culture

Hybrid Features Meeting:

  • bushy type of tree;
  • height from 2 to 2,5 m;
  • wide dense crown in the form of a ball;
  • drooping escapes.

Variety Meeting is a natural dwarf. The advantages of dwarf varieties are compactness, easy care and high yields. The cherry bush has a lush crown, quickly takes root and grows after planting.

Characteristics of the fruit variety Meeting:

  • large sizes;
  • weight 15 g;
  • rounded, slightly flattened shape;
  • thin burgundy skin;
  • juicy and tender red flesh;
  • medium sized bone.

The fruits have a dessert taste. One of the parent varieties is a hybrid of cherries and sweet cherries, so there are cherry notes in the taste. Taste is rated 5 out of 5.

Cherry pulp has a high sugar content (11,6%). In terms of commercial and taste qualities, the fruits are close to the reference varieties Chudo and Shokoladnitsa.

Variety Meeting is recommended for planting in the steppe regions. In a temperate and cool climate, the tree develops slowly and does not bear fruit.

Cherry Meeting


When choosing cherries, take into account its resistance to drought, frost, diseases and pests. If necessary, select a pollinator variety.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

Hybrid Meeting has good drought resistance and is able to tolerate the absence of moisture. To increase productivity, it is recommended to water the tree during flowering and at the beginning of fruiting.

Winter hardiness varieties Meeting is quite low. The tree tolerates winter frosts down to -25 °C.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Flowering varieties Meeting occurs at the end of April or beginning of May. The variety is partially self-fertile. Planting pollinators is required to obtain a high yield.

The best pollinators for the Encounter hybrid are dwarf varieties that bloom at the same time. Cherries are planted next to the tree: Lyubskaya, Primetnaya, Samsonovka, Naughty.

Harvesting begins at the end of June. The fruits stay on the branches for a long time after ripening.

yield, fruiting

The fruiting of the variety The meeting begins from 3-4 years after planting the seedling. The crop ripens on one-year-old shoots.

The yield of the variety is high – about 25 kg of fruit per bush. Fruiting is stable from year to year. The average life of a tree is 20 years, after which the plantings are replaced.

Scope of berries

Cherry Meeting due to its dessert taste is suitable for fresh consumption and preparation of desserts. Fruits tolerate transportation and freezing well. A variety of homemade preparations are obtained from it: jam, compotes, juices, marshmallows.

Disease and pest resistance

Cherry resistance The meeting to diseases and pests is estimated at an average level. The tree is immune to moniliosis and coccomycosis.

An obligatory stage of care is the implementation of preventive treatments. Fungal diseases that spread at high humidity are especially dangerous for wood.

Cherry Meeting

Advantages and disadvantages

The main benefits of Cherry Meeting:

  • high yield;
  • simple care due to the short stature of the cherry;
  • quickly comes into fruition;
  • commercial and taste qualities of fruits.

The disadvantages of the Meeting variety include:

  • the need to plant a pollinator;
  • average frost resistance;
  • demands on climatic conditions.

Features of landing

Cherries are planted on a prepared site. Be sure to take into account the composition of the soil and crops growing in the immediate vicinity of the hybrid.

Recommended dates

For planting, the period from mid-September to October is suitable. When planting in the autumn, the cherry will have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

It is allowed to transfer planting work to spring (mid-April or early May). Planting begins after the soil warms up, but before the buds swell.

Choosing the right place

A place for growing cherries must meet a number of requirements:

  • good lighting;
  • lack of wind loads;
  • drained fertile soil.

Cherry prefers flat areas where its roots are not exposed to moisture. Therefore, lowlands and slopes are not suitable for landing.

Light fertile soil is best suited for planting: loam or sandstone of neutral reaction. Lime is added to acidified soil in 2-3 weeks of work.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Hybrid Meeting well tolerates the neighborhood of other varieties of cherries and various shrubs:

  • cherries;
  • thorn, plum, cherry;
  • grapes;
  • elder;
  • hawthorn;
  • honeysuckle;
  • Rowan.

The exception is sea buckthorn, gooseberries, raspberries and currants. The hybrid is removed from other shrubs by 1,5-2 m.

Cherry Meeting

Cherry Meeting is planted away from the following crops:

  • apple tree, pear;
  • peach, apricot;
  • oak, maple, linden, birch;
  • coniferous trees;
  • tomato, pepper and other nightshade.

Shade is created from tall trees, and their roots take a lot of nutrients from the soil. The permissible distance between cherries and other trees is from 5 to 6 m.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Two-year-old seedlings 50-60 cm high are chosen for planting. The seedling must have healthy roots and shoots without damage.

4 hours before the start of work, the roots of the seedling are lowered into clean water, where a root growth stimulator is added.

Landing algorithm

The sequence of work on planting a variety Meeting:

  1. The soil in the selected area is dug up.
  2. Then a hole is prepared with a size of 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm.
  3. The pit is left for 3-4 weeks for the soil to shrink. For spring planting, it is better to prepare a hole in the fall.
  4. Add to the fertile soil: 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 1 kg of wood ash. The components are thoroughly mixed, part of the soil is placed in a pit.
  5. Cherries are planted in a hole, its roots are straightened and covered with the remaining earth.
  6. The soil is well compacted.
  7. The seedling is watered abundantly.

Culture aftercare

Dwarf cherries are cut before or after the start of sap flow. For each bush, 5-10 of the strongest shoots are left. Be sure to eliminate dry, broken and frozen branches.

Hybrid Encounter is enough to water 3-5 times per season. Moisture is required by the shrub at the flowering stage and at the beginning of fruiting. 2-3 liters of water are poured under the bush.

Advice! Watering can be combined with top dressing. In early spring, the tree is watered with slurry, during and after flowering – with potassium-phosphorus solutions.

To prepare the Meeting cherry for winter, its trunks are spudded, and the soil is mulched with humus. A young seedling is covered with a net or roofing felt to protect it from rodents, and in winter a snowdrift is thrown on top.

Cherry Meeting

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Despite the resistance of the Encounter hybrid to diseases, under certain conditions, signs of damage may appear on the tree.

Common diseases that cherries are susceptible to are shown in the table:



Control measures



First, the shoots and leaves of the cherry dry out.

Then gray growths appear and the fruits rot.

The affected parts of the tree are cut and destroyed.

Cherries are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or Kuprozan.

  1. Timely removal of broken shoots.
  2. Cleaning up fallen leaves.
  3. Soil digging.
  4. Preventive spraying with fungicides.


The appearance of round brown spots on the leaves. As a result, the leaves fall, and the shrub dies.

Spraying with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.


Brown spots on the surface of the fruit that grow rapidly.

Removal of affected fruits and spraying the bush with Polyram.

The table shows the main pests of cherries:


Signs of defeat

Control measures



It feeds on the juice of young leaves. The pest is identified by twisted leaves.

Spraying with solutions of Phosphamide or Fitoverm.

  1. Soil digging.
  2. Preventive spraying in spring and autumn.


Eats ovaries, gnaws holes in leaves.

Spraying with insecticides Fufanon, Aktellik.


The larvae eat the top layer of leaves, which begin to fall off.

Spraying with Kemifos.


Hybrid Meeting perfectly tolerates hot climate conditions. The grade differs in high productivity and dessert taste of fruits.

Cherry Meeting


Vasily, 58 years old, Kursk
Cherry Meeting – a dwarf variety, I grow on seedlings of the Antipka apple tree. The tree reaches a height of 2 m. A very good variety in all respects. Cherries are partially self-fertile, so you can get a crop without a pollinator. A tree with large leaves and fruits weighing 10 g.
Elena, 34 years old, Belgorod
Cherry Meeting has been growing on the site for the fifth year. The tree has grown to a height of 2 m. The berries are very large. To taste, the fruits are more reminiscent of cherries, according to external signs – cherries. The flesh is not dry, but very juicy. I plan to propagate the variety Meeting with cuttings and plant another tree.
Lyudmila, 42 years old Stavropol
Acquired cherry Meeting in a local nursery. I planted a minx variety nearby for pollination. Harvest ripens early. The fruits are very large compared to ordinary cherries. The taste is excellent, the cherry is suitable for canning and freezing for the winter.
CHERRY. EASY CARE – NO RADICAL CUTTING. Low-growing cherry without pruning.

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