Cherry liqueur at home – 4 recipes

We continue to find a use for the cherry harvest. We will not cook jams, as you guessed, but we will make delicious cherry liqueurs at home, as it should be for devoted readers of the Rum Diary. Liqueurs are fragrant, tasty and beautiful, with a taste of summer on the lips.

In the last article, recipes for cherry tinctures were told. In general, if you add sugar to them, you get something similar to liquor. But today’s recipes are prepared using a different technology, and some of them use other ingredients. So, you will learn how to make a mint-cherry liqueur or a drink that contains both vodka and cognac at the same time (something similar is found among cherry liqueurs).

Let’s go back to hydrocyanic acid. It is very dangerous for the human body and it is also contained in the cherry stone (more precisely, it contains amygdalin glycoside, which turns into a dangerous poison in the stomach). I personally recommend not removing the pits in order to improve the taste and aroma of the liquor (up to the almond flavor). However, only you manage your health, and you will have to make a decision on your own. In favor of my conclusions: the content of hydrocyanic acid in the seeds of cherries is negligible, according to unverified data – sugar neutralizes cyanides, from a good book – hydrocyanic acid passes into an alcoholic drink only after 6 months of aging on the bone.

All recipes have been tested by real people. None of the tasters were harmed. In recipes, you can use both fresh and frozen berries.

Simple cherry liqueur “Vishnyak”

There is no sugar syrup added in this recipe, so the alcohol content will be felt more. Any fresh fruit can be used instead of cherries.

  • 225 g ripe fresh cherries
  • 225 g sugar
  • 480 ml of vodka or brandy

How to cook:

Wash the cherries and remove the cuttings. Pierce each berry with a toothpick, but it is better to cut it with a knife until the bones are exposed. Pour the prepared berry into a liter jar, pour sugar on top. Do not stir or shake! Pour in vodka or brandy, rinsing off the sugar. Close the jar with a tight lid and put the drink on the top shelf for 3 months. During insisting, do not touch the jar at all. After three months, filter the liquor through several layers of gauze and pour into bottles.

Cherry liqueur recipe for alcohol

  • 1 kg ripe fresh cherry
  • 1 liter of edible alcohol
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 0,5 liters of water

How to do it:

Wash the cherries, separate from the seed, knead and put in a jar. Detail the bones (not all is possible) and add to the cherry. Pour alcohol, stir, close the jar tightly and keep in a cool dark place for 2-3 weeks. Strain through cheesecloth and add simple syrup: dilute the sugar in water and stir over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup and mix with the cherry tincture. It is advised to be patient and let the drink sit for at least a couple of months for a balanced taste.

Cherry Mint

  • 600 g ripe fresh cherries
  • 10 cherry pits
  • 10 fresh mint leaves / 2 tbsp l. dried / 1 tbsp. l. extract
  • 500 ml of vodka / alcohol / moonshine 40-50%
  • ½ lemon zest
  • 120 g sugar


Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, cut them in half and knead them a little. Crush a dozen seeds by placing them in a cloth bag and beating with a hammer. Place the crushed cherries and pits in a jar. Add sugar, zest of half a lemon (no white skin), mint leaves and vodka. Infuse the liquor for 7 days in the sun, and then transfer to a cool dark place for 4 weeks. Strain and filter, pour into a clean bottle. Drinking cherry liqueur according to this recipe is recommended after 2 months of aging.

Liqueur “Cherry Sour”

  • 700 ml by volume cherry (sweet cherry)
  • 550 ml by volume sour cherries (dried or dried *)
  • 500 ml of vodka / alcohol / moonshine 40-50%
  • 300-350 ml cognac (any fruit brandy)
  • 250-350 ml simple sugar syrup

* – you can make slightly dried cherries, which will give you a more noble taste, by keeping the berries in the sun for 3-4 days or simmering them for 3-5 hours in an oven preheated to 60-80 ° C

Sort cherries or sweet cherries, rinse, dry and crush with sugar syrup in a jar of suitable size with a wooden spoon. Add dried or dried sour cherries, vodka and brandy, mix well. Close the jar tightly and leave in a cool dark place for a week. After a week, drain the finished liquor through a sieve or several layers of gauze, if necessary, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters. Pour the drink into clean bottles and store in a dark cabinet for up to 1 year. Excerpt is appreciated.

Cherry liqueur “Duet”

  • 600 g ripe fresh cherries
  • 2 Art. l. icing sugar
  • ½ lemon zest
  • 480 ml of cognac
  • 240 ml vodka/alcohol 40-50%
  • 120 ml of sugar syrup

How to cook:

Wash the cherries and tear off the cuttings from half of the berries, and cut off the rest to the very bone (cut off the stems so that the bone is exposed). Cherries with torn cuttings prick with a toothpick (4-5 holes). Pour the berries into a liter jar, sprinkle with powdered sugar and let it dissolve (2-3 hours). Shake the jar, add the zest of half a lemon, cognac and vodka so that they completely cover the berries. You need to insist the drink for 6 weeks in warmth (+23-25 оWITH). Strain and squeeze the berries well. Add chilled sugar syrup (cook 1:1 or 1:2 to taste). Mix well and put the liqueur on exposure. You can drink it after a week.

By the way, you can still make amazing wine from cherries, the recipe of which you will find in this article.

Cherry liqueurs are also delicious, but this is strictly in season, so don’t miss it!

As you can see, making cherry liqueur at home is not difficult, but you will have to acquire self-control and endurance. It is strongly not recommended to drink prepared liqueurs immediately after infusion or adding syrup. Every day the drink will become more tasty and balanced. We hope our readers are patient!

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