Cherry liqueur: 12 recipes at home

In the old days, cherry was prepared in almost every house for holidays and receptions. Family recipes for making cherry liqueur were kept secret and passed down from generation to generation. By the way, the berries remaining after straining the liquid were traditionally used as a snack. Drunk cherry under the liqueur emphasized the richness of the natural notes of the drink.

They also cook from cherries: liqueurs, tinctures, wine

classic cherry

Recipe proportion: 12 kg of cherries to 4 kg of honey.

Method of preparation

  1. Ripe and clean cherries (pitted) fill the barrel, leaving 15-20 cm unfilled on top.

  2. Honey is poured into a barrel over cherries. Honey must be poured slowly so that all the space between the cherries is filled.

  3. Then the barrel is carefully closed and placed in the cellar for 3 months, during which time fermentation takes place. It should be noted that if the barrel is fragile, without metal hoops, then very often it breaks.

  4. After 3 months, the cherry is filtered through a clean “waffle” towel and poured into bottles that are corked.

  5. The prepared liqueur can be stored for several years.

Cherry Ukrainian

Method of preparation

  1. Half of the cherries prepared for tincture are pitted, and the other half is left with pits.

  2. Cooked cherries are poured into a bottle for 1/4 of its volume, filled with vodka to the neck and set for 4 weeks to ripen.

  3. The ripened liqueur is poured into a clean bottle, granulated sugar (~ 200 g per 1 liter) is added and placed in a warm place so that the sugar dissolves. If desired, the liqueur can be made sweeter. To do this, they take twice as much sugar and prepare a thick syrup and, while it is hot, pour it into a cherry.

  4. The chilled liquor is filtered, bottled and corked for 6 months. After this period, the liqueur is ready for use. The older the cherry, the tastier it is.

Vishnevka Starosvetskaya


  1. Vodka – 400 ml (for 1 kg of cherries)

  2. Cherry – 1 kg

  3. Cinnamon and nutmeg – 1 g

  4. Granulated sugar – 250 g

Method of preparation

  1. Prepared cherries are kneaded with seeds, placed in a bottle and kept for 3 days to ripen.

  2. Then add all the ingredients, mix and put for 8 days in a warm place.

  3. When the liqueur becomes transparent, it is drained, filtered and, if desired, a thick sweet syrup is added, stirred well and bottled.

Alternative recipe for cherry liqueur

Proportions are for a 10 liter bottle.


  1. Cherry – 6,5-7 kg

  2. Sugar – 2,5 kg

  3. Sugar for secondary fermentation – 650 g

  4. Vodka – 2 l

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the ripe cherries peeled from the stalk, remove the seeds, let the water drain, pour into a large bottle.

  2. Add granulated sugar, tie the neck with gauze and put in a warm place for 2 days for fermentation.

  3. The juice released from the cherry should cover the fruit, for which the bottle is shaken from time to time.

  4. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear, the gauze from the cylinder must be removed, a water seal installed and kept until the fermentation stops completely.

  5. At the end of fermentation (after 30-35 days), filter the liquor through gauze and cotton wool placed in a funnel or colander. Pour the filtered liquor into prepared bottles and cork well.

  6. To extract the largest amount of extractives, the cherries remaining after filtering the liquor are placed in bottles and poured with 30% sugar syrup (3 liters of syrup are needed for a 2-liter bottle).

  7. Install a water seal and hold the mass for 20-25 days until fermentation stops. The resulting wine-type juice is filtered through cheesecloth, bottled and corked.

Cherry liqueur on vodka

Preparation time – 10 days.

For a drink, if desired, you can use pitted or pitted berries. It must be remembered that after 6 months, hydrocyanic acid will begin to saturate the product. Usually, cherry does not stagnate in the bins, and before this period the bottles are already empty. Cherry liqueur on vodka with stones will please with almond notes, sugar neutralizes the effect of hydrocyanic acid during the ripening of the drink.

List of ingredients

  1. A jar of ripe cherries – 1 l

  2. Sugars – 100 g

  3. Vodka – 0,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. We clean the berries from the cuttings, throw out the spoiled ones and rinse with cold water.

  2. We pierce them with a toothpick or a pin, put them in a container with a wide neck in layers, alternating them with sugar layers, while filling 3/4 of the jar.

  3. Fill the contents to the top with vodka.

  4. We cover the neck of the vessel with gauze and tie it (the mixture should breathe).

  5. We put the container with the liquid to ripen in a dark place at room temperature.

  6. Every 3 days we shake off the bowl with the contents so that the sugar dissolves.

  7. After 10 days, strain the mixture.

  8. We take clean bottles and put intoxicating berries in them.

  9. Pour the drink itself over the fruits, after which we tightly cork the bottles.

  10. Keep the drink refrigerated.

Cherry liqueur on alcohol

Preparation time – 6 weeks.

If you have a lot of frozen berries and the time is not summer at all, but you really want to treat yourself to a delicious drink, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Frozen cherry filling is not inferior in quality. Do not forget to add the liquid remaining after defrosting to the container.

List of ingredients

  1. Frozen or fresh cherries – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 2 cups

  3. Alcohol – 1,2 l

Method of preparation

  1. Wash and sort the berries, separate the cuttings.

  2. Place cherries in a wide-mouthed jar.

  3. Pour food alcohol into the container, close tightly with a nylon lid and place in a dark, cool place.

  4. After 2 weeks, drain the liquid into another jar, close and set aside in a cool place for storage for 2 weeks.

  5. Pour the remaining cherries in the first jar with sugar and pour spring water (0,5 l) to obtain syrup, hide in coolness and darkness.

  6. Shake the container every three days.

  7. After 2 weeks, drain the syrup and mix it with the first fraction.

  8. Leave the resulting mixture to settle for the next 2 weeks.

  9. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles.

Cherry liqueur on moonshine

Preparation time – 30 days.

List of ingredients

  1. Ripe cherries – 1,5 kg

  2. Purified moonshine – 0,7 l

  3. Sugar – 0,5 kg

Method of preparation

  1. We separate the cherries from the cuttings, discard the spoiled ones and rinse with cold water.

  2. We slightly dry the berries in the bright sun or in the oven (we lay them out in 1 layer on a baking sheet and simmer for 4-5 hours at a temperature of 70 ° C).

  3. We place the cherries in a three-liter jar, sprinkling them with sugar.

  4. Pour the candied berries with moonshine and close the container with a nylon lid.

  5. We remove the jar in a dark place for 30 days.

  6. Shake the bowl with the mixture every 3 days.

  7. After the required time has elapsed, we filter the liquid through gauze folded in several layers.

  8. Pour into bottles and keep refrigerated.

Cherry leaf pour

Preparation time – 1 month. The drink has healing properties.

List of ingredients

  1. Chopped fresh cherry leaves – 2 cups

  2. Orange peel – 2 tablespoons

  3. Sugars – 200 g

  4. Alcohol or vodka – 0,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Put the crushed leaves in a liter jar.

  2. Cover the leaves with sugar, add lemon zest.

  3. Thoroughly mix the contents of the jar and pour alcohol or vodka.

  4. Remove the container with the contents in a dark place for 1 month.

  5. After the set time has elapsed, strain the liquid through cheesecloth and pour the liquor into a bottle.

  6. Store in a cool, dark place.

Quick cherry liqueur

Cooking time – 1 day. Often in the people such a drink is called “precocious”.

List of ingredients

  1. Cherry – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 1 glass

  3. Vodka – 0,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Wash and clean berries from cuttings.

  2. Place the cherries in a roaster or other ovenproof dish.

  3. Pour the sugar over the berries and mix thoroughly.

  4. Pour the mixture with vodka.

  5. Cover the dish with parchment paper and tie with string.

  6. In several places, make holes with a needle.

  7. Place a bowl in an oven preheated to 120 ° C, while the oven should already be turned off.

  8. The future liqueur ripens in the oven until it cools completely.

  9. Drain the liquid and strain.

  10. We put drunk cherries at the bottom of clean bottles and pour the liquor into them.

Cherry and currant filling

Preparation time – 25 days. For the recipe, we recommend using blackcurrant.

List of ingredients

  1. Cherry – 1 kg

  2. Currants – 0,5 kg

  3. Vodka – 1 l

  4. Sugar – 1 kg

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the berries and remove the leaves and cuttings.

  2. Put cherries and currants in a three-liter jar.

  3. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and mix.

  4. Cover the neck of the container with gauze and tie around the circumference with a rope.

  5. Put the jar on a sunny windowsill to ferment berries with sugar for 3 days.

  6. When the set time has elapsed, pour the contents with vodka.

  7. Put the container with the mixture on the same window sill to infuse for another 3 weeks.

  8. After the required time, strain the liquid and pour the liquor into clean bottles.

  9. Keep cool.

Cherry liqueur on cognac

Preparation time – 40 days.

List of ingredients

  1. Pitted cherries – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 0,5 kg

  3. Ordinary brandy or cognac – 0,5 l

  4. Cloves – 5 pieces

  5. Fresh cherry leaves – 5 pieces

Method of preparation

  1. Washed berries, separate from the cuttings and take out the seeds.

  2. Cherries, together with the juice that has stood out, are placed in a three-liter jar.

  3. Pour in sugar and mix thoroughly.

  4. We put cloves and leaves in a jar.

  5. Pour the contents with cognac and shake.

  6. Expose to the sun for 40 days.

  7. After the required period, we filter the liquid through several layers of gauze and pour the finished liquor into the bottle.

  8. We keep it cool, and use cherries for home baking.

Homemade pitted cherries and vodka

Preparation time – up to 2 months.

Please note: washed or harvested cherries after rain are not suitable for this recipe. There should be wild yeast on the skin of the berries. Sterilize the jar beforehand. Wash your hands with soap before starting work. When creating a cherry liqueur, keep the proportions.

List of ingredients

  1. Ripe cherries – 2 kg

  2. Sugar – 0,8 kg

  3. Water – 0,25-0,3 l

Method of preparation

  1. Free the berries from the seeds.

  2. At the bottom of the jar, pour 0,2 kg of sugar.

  3. Pour the sugar with the extracted cherry juice.

  4. Arrange cherries and remaining sugar in alternating layers.

  5. Pour spring water up to the shoulders of the jar.

  6. Close the neck of the container with a water seal.

  7. Place the container with the contents in a warm (18-29°C) dark room.

  8. After 18-36 hours, the water seal will begin to bubble and foam will appear.

  9. Fermentation, depending on the temperature regime, can last for 25-55 days.

  10. We filter the liquor, defend it for 2 days, filter it again through gauze folded in several layers.

  11. Pour into bottles and keep refrigerated.

Questions and Answers

  1. Question: Sterilize the jar, wash your hands with soap. What for? To put unwashed cherries in it and pour ordinary raw water over it?

    Answer: Unwashed cherries contain wild yeast on their skins. In turn, unwashed hands carry a lot of bacteria and fungi, which can destroy wild yeast or react with them, spoiling the whole wash. Read more about water here.

Relevance: 18.08.2020

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes

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