Cherry Kharitonovskaya

When creating new varieties of cherries, great importance is given to resistance to low temperatures and coccomycosis. Of course, the yield should be good, and the berries should be appropriate for their purpose – dessert ones should have a large size and good taste, technical ones should have a high content of nutrients. One of the best universal varieties is Kharitonovskaya cherry.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

History of breeding

Institute. Michurin in 1992 filed an application for registration of the Kharitonovskaya variety. In 1998, cherry was accepted by the State Register. Its authors are E. N. Kharitonova and O. S. Zhukov. Cherry Kharitonovskaya was created by crossing Almaz with Zhukovskaya. The first variety originates from the base hybrid Padocerus-M, the second – Duke (cherry-cherry).

Reference! Padocerus is a hybrid of the steppe cherry of the Ideal variety and the Japanese bird cherry Maaka (growing in the Primorsky Territory), in which the bird cherry is the mother species.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Ivan Michurin was the first to cross these species. Modern cerapadus (mother tree – cherry) and padocerus are very different from the first varieties. They are characterized by good taste, increased resistance to coccomycosis. All hybrids, regardless of the parent species, are classified as cherries. Variety Kharitonovskaya is considered one of the most successful.

Description of the culture

The height of the Kharitonovskaya cherry tree reaches 2,5-3 m. Straight brown-brown, medium leafy branches form a sparse spherical crown. Large, smooth leaves with a sharp tip and a rounded base are painted in dark green. The leaf blade is straight, with medium-sized stipules, with a serrated edge.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

The flowers of the Kharitonovskaya cherry are white, large. The berries are large, one-dimensional, each weighing about 5 g. The color of round fruits is dark red, when fully ripe – almost black. The pulp of Kharitonovskaya is orange, the juice is coral. The taste of cherries of this variety is estimated at 4,7 points, sweet and sour. The fruits are firmly attached to the stalk, but easily and cleanly come off. The stone is large, oval, easily separated from the pulp.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Kharitonovskaya is recommended by the State Register for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region. Often the variety is used as a rootstock for other cherries.

Brief description of the variety

Cherry Kharitonovskaya is an excellent variety for the southern and central regions. It can be grown in amateur gardens and farms.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Drought resistance, winter resistance

Variety Kharitonovskaya is resistant to drought. This does not mean that in the hot summer the variety does not need moisture at all – watering is carried out 1-2 times a month. The frost resistance of Kharitonovskaya is rated as average; it is unsuitable for growing in cold climates.

Pollination, flowering period, ripening period

The ripening period of Kharitonovskaya cherries is average. It blooms in late spring, the ovaries are formed on bouquet branches or last year’s shoots. The variety is partially self-fertile. This means that without pollinators, 5 to 20% of the flowers turn into berries. To get a good harvest, you need to plant Vladimirskaya or Zhukovskaya varieties nearby. The first berries ripen in mid-July.

Comment! Kharitonovskaya cherry blossoms extremely abundantly.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

yield, fruiting

The first harvest of Kharitonovskaya cherries is carried out 5 years after planting – it does not belong to early-growing ones. But then the variety gives berries annually.

With good agricultural technology, the yield of Kharitonovskaya cherry is 15-20 kg per tree. After ripening, the berries do not fall off the tree, but they are separated from the stalk cleanly, easily. The transportability of Kharitonovskaya is average.

Scope of berries

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Despite the fact that not everyone likes the light aroma of bird cherry, reviews about the taste of Kharitonovskaya cherries are high. Its purpose is universal – the berries are eaten fresh, they are used to make juices, preparations for the winter, wines.

Comment! Due to the light taste of bird cherry, alcoholic drinks made from this cherry have a spicy aroma.

Disease and pest resistance

Variety Kharitonovskaya is highly resistant to coccomycosis. This makes it attractive for growing in areas where cherry trees are heavily affected by the disease. Pest infestation is average.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

The Kharitonovskaya variety is a hybrid in which the genes of cherries, sweet cherries, and bird cherry have successfully combined. He took the best qualities from these species and has:

  1. High resistance to coccomycosis.
  2. Partial self-fertility.
  3. Large berries.
  4. fruiting stability.
  5. High yield.
  6. The compact size of the tree.
  7. Good taste of berries.
  8. The crop does not crumble after ripening, but is separated from the stalk with a dry separation.
  9. The versatility of using berries.
  10. Drought tolerance.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted:

  1. Average frost resistance.
  2. Large bone.
  3. Average transportability of fruits.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Features of landing

In the Central Black Earth region, reviews of summer residents about the Kharitonovskaya cherry characterize it as an undemanding culture. The main thing is to choose the right place and plant a tree.

Recommended dates and selection of a suitable location

The place where Kharitonovskaya cherry can be planted should be sunny, groundwater should not come closer to the surface than 2 meters. A tree can be planted on the south side of the fence or on the western slope with an angle of inclination of no more than 15⁰ (ideally 8⁰).

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

The optimal soil is light loam with a neutral reaction. You can improve the soil by adding humus, sand, lime, fertilizers.

In the southern regions, Kharitonovskaya can be planted in the fall, after leaf fall. In the north of the region, cherries are placed on the site in early spring. Earthwork must be completed before bud break. Therefore, it makes sense to dig a tree bought in the fall until spring, dig a planting hole, and as soon as the snow melts, move it to a permanent place.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Any variety of cherry should be planted next to pollinators. For Kharitonovskaya, Zhukovskaya and Vladimirskaya will be good “neighbors”. You can place the seedling not far from other stone fruit crops. The main thing is that the trees do not shade each other, and the crowns are well ventilated.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

It is impossible to plant shrubs with a strong, rapidly spreading root system next to cherries. Raspberries, sea buckthorn, blackberries will quickly “master” the site. Their roots will compete with cherry trees for water and fertilizer. Maple, linden, birch, oak emit substances that inhibit the development of the fruit tree. Nightshade crops – tomato, eggplant, potatoes, themselves will suffer from a lack of light in the shade of a cherry. In addition, they will “share” their sores with the latter.

The root of an adult cherry can be covered from overheating or, to preserve moisture, plants that develop only the upper layer of soil – tenacious, hoof, periwinkle, boudra.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Selection and preparation of planting material

Cherries need to be bought from trusted producers who grow planting material in your area or a little further north. Southern trees do not take root well in areas whose climate is noticeably cooler than their homeland.

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to:

  1. to the root system. It should be well developed, intact.
  2. To the height of seedlings. The normal growth of a one-year-old is about 80 cm, a two-year-old is 110 cm.
  3. For the color of the bark. A greenish color indicates that a lot of nitrogen was used in the cultivation of the cherry. This means that the seedling will almost certainly die in the first winter.

Landing algorithm

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Before planting, the cherry root is soaked for at least 3 hours. It is good if root or heteroauxin is added to the water. Landing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The pit is prepared so that the root of the seedling is freely placed in it. Standard sizes – depth from 40 to 60 cm, diameter about 80 cm.
  2. A bucket of humus is added to the top layer of the earth removed during the preparation of the pit, starting fertilizers – 50 g of phosphorus and potassium each. If the soil suffers from an excess of clay, add sand. Sour is improved with lime.
  3. A strong cherry garter peg is driven in near the center of the pit.
  4. The seedling is set in the center and gradually covered with fertile soil, ramming it with a shovel handle so as not to damage the root. The neck should rise above the surface by 5-7 cm.
  5. A roller is formed from the remaining earth, the seedling is watered with 2-3 buckets of water.
  6. When moisture is absorbed, the trunk circle is mulched.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Culture aftercare

Regular watering, which does not allow the soil to dry out, is needed in the first growing season. Subsequently, cherries are watered only if there is no rain for a long time. In the autumn, moisture charging is necessarily done, allowing the tree to safely overwinter.

Cherries can be fertilized with mineral supplements, given that nitrogen and potassium are needed a lot, and phosphorus is low. The culture responds well to manure. Instead of the mineral complex, you can mulch the trunk circle with the waste products of cattle by adding a jar of ash. These organic fertilizers contain just a large amount of nitrogen with potassium, while there is little phosphorus, but enough for cherries.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya

To get a good harvest, the culture needs not only sanitary, but also shaping pruning. They need to be carried out from the first years of life. They will not only allow you to form a crown convenient for harvesting, but also improve the quality of berries, reduce the susceptibility to pathogens of fungal diseases.

The Kharitonovskaya variety grows in areas where there is no need to cover a tree for the winter. To protect against hares, the trunk is wrapped with burlap or other material.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The characteristic of Kharitonovskaya cherry as a variety resistant to coccomycosis does not allow to do without preventive treatments.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya


External signs




Dark spots appear on the upper part of the leaf, and a grayish-brown coating appears on the lower part. Then the sick part falls out. By the middle of summer, the entire leaf falls off

When buds open, cherries are treated with copper chloride, after leaf fall they are sprayed with iron sulphate

Fallen leaves are removed from the site, sanitary and shaping pruning is carried out regularly.


The cherry appears to have been damaged by fire. Entire branches dry up, starting with flowers and young leaves.

The affected branches are cut out, capturing part of the healthy tissue. The tree is treated with preparations containing copper


Fluffy red spots appear on the upper part of the leaf plate

Treatment with copper-containing preparations

Of the pests, the tree is affected by aphids, cherry sawfly. Their invasion will stop spraying with appropriate insecticides.

Variety Kharitonovskaya is a promising cherry for cultivation in warm and temperate climates. It has large tasty berries for universal use, rarely suffers from coccomycosis. 


Cherry Kharitonovskaya

Olga Efimovna Pocheptsova, 57 years old, Leski
We meticulously chose cherries for summer cottages. We stopped at Zhukovskaya and Kharitonovskaya – both are delicious, they can pollinate each other. And the universal purpose of berries is ideal for a small area – you can eat fresh or cook jam. I don’t really like the taste of fresh Kharitonovskaya, but the jam and juice are excellent. True, the husband and children eat with pleasure right from the tree. So it’s a matter of taste.
Vasily Danilovich Tsarikov, 63 years old, Tambov
I live on the ground, the plot is large, there is a lot of work. In recent decades, the trouble with cherries is coccomycosis, how many good trees have disappeared. And I don’t want to get addicted to chemicals. The alternative is resistant varieties. I recommend Kharitonovskaya cherry to everyone – you can get by with preventive treatments with copper chloride as soon as the buds burst, and after leaf fall with iron sulphate. It is not necessary to poison the ovary after flowering.

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