Cherry Julia

History of breeding

The scientists of the Rossosh experimental station in the Voronezh region were engaged in breeding the variety. The author is the breeder Voronchikhina A. Ya. The hybrid Julia was obtained by crossing Gini red cherries and Denissena yellow. Entered into the State Register in 1992

Description of the culture

The description of Yuliya cherry was compiled by the originators of the variety. The tree is vigorous and grows quickly. As an adult, it reaches a height of 8 m or more. The crown of the variety is sprawling, pyramidal, but not too thick. The branches are strongly leafy, the lower ones are slightly lowered. The bark on the shoots is smooth, gray-cherry color. The shoots themselves are medium-sized, the internodes on them are long.

Lots of leaves. Leaf blades are long, oval, with pointed tips. Along the edges of the notch, at the bottom of the sheet there is a small edge. Petioles are long and thin. Inflorescences consist of 2-3 white flowers. The pride of the variety is the fruits.

Cherry Julia

The berries of the Yulia sweet cherry are large (5-6 g) in the shape of a heart. The skin on the fruit is shiny, yellow-pink. The color intensity depends on the illumination of the tree. The pulp is dense with fibrous inclusions. The color of the pulp is cream, so the juice from the berries is colorless. The taste is usual – sweet with an admixture of sourness. Gardeners give a tasting score of 3,5 points out of 5. At the end of the description is a photo of the Julia cherry tree.

Cherry Julia

It is recommended to grow a variety in the Lower Volga and Central Black Earth regions. The most important activities for a gardener are planting and caring for Yulia cherries.


When choosing a tree for their site, gardeners try to get acquainted with the main characteristics of the Julia cherry variety.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The frost resistance of Yulia cherries is above average. Perfectly withstand frosts down to -30 ° C and a little more all parts of the tree – flower buds, wood, root system. If grown in regions with severe frosts, then in severe winters, the buds freeze out strongly (up to 70%).

The drought resistance of the variety is high. It tolerates heat well and lack of moisture in a reasonable amount of time.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

The tree blooms in early or mid-April. Julia is a self-fertile cherry variety. Therefore, it is useless to plant a tree on the site alone – there will be no harvest. To enjoy the fruits, you need suitable pollinators for the Yulia sweet cherry. They are planted side by side in the same area. The best pollinating varieties of sweet cherry Julia according to the recommendations of breeders:

  • Ovstuzhenka;
  • Radica;
  • Bryansk pink;
  • Ипуть;
  • Revna.

The tree belongs to the average ripening period. In regions with a warm climate, the berries are ready for picking in mid-July. For the middle lane, the harvest time falls on the last decade of August.

yield, fruiting

The Yulia cherry variety is distinguished by a gradual increase in yield. The first time collection is possible on the 4-5th year after planting. The average is 25 kg per tree, such a crop is harvested in the 8-9th year of the tree’s life. In the southern regions, the yield continues to increase, while in the Moscow region it remains at this level. The maximum value is 35 kg from a 12-year-old tree and 65 after 15 years of life.

Cherry Julia

Scope of berries

Cherries are equally actively used for fresh consumption and for making jam or jam.

Disease and pest resistance

The sweet cherry variety is highly resistant to fungal infections. Subject to the terms of preventive treatments, the defeat of coccomycosis and gray rot is not observed.

Advantages and disadvantages

With the help of a description of the yellow cherry variety Julia, you can easily compile a list of the advantages and disadvantages of the tree. Among the advantages of cherries are noted:

  • good transportability due to the density of the fruit;
  • high taste and commercial qualities of berries;
  • excellent winter hardiness and heat resistance;
  • high growth rate;
  • the possibility of cultivation in the northern regions.


  • late fruiting;
  • low yield;
  • large tree growth, making it difficult to harvest;
  • self-infertility.

Features of landing

Planting seedlings must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the variety.

Recommended dates 

Grafted seedlings are recommended to be planted in the spring when the ground has already thawed and the buds have not yet blossomed.

Important! The pit for spring planting should be prepared in advance in the fall.

It is also permissible to plant at the end of the growing season. At this time, the leaves are necessarily cut off and the roots are qualitatively spudded, the trunk is insulated.

Choosing the right place 

Variety Julia makes the following requirements for the landing site:

  1. Soil condition – fertile, light, with a neutral pH.
  2. Moderate humidity – no stagnant moisture and drying out.
  3. Adequate lighting, it is possible to allow light partial shade.
  4. Good wind protection.
  5. The occurrence of groundwater is not closer than 2,5 m to the surface. Otherwise, land on a hill.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Sweet cherry feels good next to stone fruits – plum, cherry plum, blackthorn. The only condition is that you need to maintain the optimal distance between the trees. It is equal to 4,5 m. And the neighborhood with pome fruits (apple, pear) is permissible only at a distance of at least 5-6 m.

Selection and preparation of planting material

There are criteria for the selection of seedlings of the yellow cherry variety Julia. The main attention is paid to:

  1. Roots. The length of the roots must be at least 30 cm, and the root system is well developed.
  2. Bark. Optimal – smooth, shiny, uniform. The bark signals about the overdrying of the seedling by wrinkling.
  3. Kidneys. The presence of several buds in the zone of crown formation.

Buy planting material before planting – in spring or autumn.

Landing algorithm

According to the reviews of summer residents about Yulia cherry, the seedlings of the variety take root quite well. But this does not mean that there are no landing rules for Julia. Main points:

  1. Prepare a pit with parameters 70 cm x 89 cm.
  2. Add a nutrient mixture of organic fertilizers (compost, humus, ash).
  3. Put the seedling on a mound of soil, place a peg for a garter next to it.
  4. Cover with earth, tamp a little, water and mulch.
Important! For irrigation, at least 2 buckets of water are used, and the near-stem circle is mulched with compost.

Cherry Julia


Planting cherries – how to plant cherries

Culture aftercare

Growing cherries Julia requires the implementation of actions that can be safely attributed to standard activities:

  • Watering sweet cherry Julia needs moderate. This means that it should be done as needed. Mulching helps regulate the frequency of watering.
  • Top dressing. Nutrition is introduced in the fall, while it should be complex – organic compounds are combined with mineral ones. In the spring, Cherries of the Yulia variety are fed with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Pruning. It is necessary, especially after the tree reaches 5 years of age. This procedure increases the yield of cherries, facilitates the process of harvesting fruits, forms a crown, reduces thickening and the spread of diseases.
  • Preventive treatments are performed on time, and therapeutic treatments at the first sign of disease.
  • Preparing for winter. Before the onset of cold weather, the bark is whitened and insulated.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention


How to fight


Spraying according to the instructions with preparations “Horus” or “Topaz”


Removal and burning of affected parts.

Treatment with Horus


Cleaning and removal of diseased parts of the tree from the site.

Regular implementation of measures to prevent pest attacks.

Processing sweet cherries with copper sulphate, “Nitrafen”, whitewashing boles with garden whitewash

Feathered pests

The use of scaring materials – tapes, rattles, sound signals


Cherry Yulia does not cause much trouble with growing gardeners. High winter hardiness allows you to plant a variety even in regions with a cool climate.


Reviews about Julia’s sweet cherry cannot be called completely the same. This is due to the fact that the variety has its pros and cons.

Tatyana Smirnova, 38 years old, Voronezh
very fast. Therefore, we are already thinking about harvesting fruits in the coming years. We make jams and preserves from berries – very tasty. But first we eat fresh cherries. We do only preventive treatments, our Yulia does not get sick.


Igor Vladimirov, 46 years old, Saratov
I got acquainted with the variety when I saw a photo of Julia’s sweet cherry during the fruiting period. Attention was drawn to the appearance of the fruit. Planted two trees. The yield is average, but it is enough for harvesting. Juice just does not like its shade – muddy and colorless. I tried to combine two varieties of cherries – Julia and Ugolyok. I liked the result a lot more. The only negative for me is the height of the tree, it is not at all suitable for industrial cultivation. And I would like cherries to endure frost.

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