Cherry juice is a natural remedy for insomnia

Drinking cherry juice daily helps with insomnia and accelerates falling asleep, according to a study published by the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Scientists suspect that cherries may benefit in part from their content of melatonin, a natural antioxidant that regulates the rhythm of activity and sleep.

A team of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, University of Rochester and Canandaigua VA Medical Center conducted a pilot study of a group of 15 elderly people who drank about 225 grams of cherry juice in the morning and evening for two weeks and a different fruit juice for the next two weeks.

It turned out that during the period of drinking cherry juice, the problem of insomnia was significantly reduced, and the subjects fell asleep on average 17 minutes earlier than when they drank other juice.

One of the most recognized experts on the effects of melatonin, Dr. Russel Reiter of the University of Texas, notes that while melatonin supplements are widely promoted as an aid to insomnia sufferers, fruit may be a healthier alternative, which is available in various forms throughout the year. . Currently, it is estimated that Americans spend over $ 84 million a year on sleeping pills.

Consuming cherries on a regular basis can help regulate the body’s natural activity cycle and increase sleep efficiency. And because cherries are also very rich in other antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, the health benefits are multiplied, says Dr. Reiter. (PAP)

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