Cherry French Black

Cherry French Black is a well-known variety that is grown in the southern regions. Its main advantages are disease resistance and high fruit quality.

History of breeding

The exact origin of the variety has not been established. It is believed that it was brought from Western Europe. Information about the variety has been present in the state register since 1959.

Description of the culture

Description of the cherry variety French Black:

  • great strength of growth;
  • the crown is wide, sprawling, rounded;
  • shoots branch well, hang slightly to the ground;
  • annual branches are light brown with a gray bloom;
  • leaves are oval, about 16×78 mm in size;
  • the leaf plate is smooth, oval or elongated, dark green;
  • the tips of the leaves are pointed.

Cherry produces white flowers of medium size. Flowers bloom in inflorescences of 2-4 pcs.

The fruits are large, the average weight is 6,5 g, the maximum is 7,5 g. The shape is elongated-oval, with a small funnel, size 24×23 mm. The color is dark red, when ripe it becomes more saturated, almost black.

Pulp of saturated red color, juicy, high density. Taste qualities are estimated at 4,5 points. The juice is sweet, dark red.

The fruits have high commercial properties, do not crack, the peduncle is easily torn off. The composition of the pulp includes dry matter (13,3%), sugars (18,5%), acids (0,8%), ascorbic acid (7,7 mg / 100 g).

According to its characteristics, the French Black cherry variety is suitable for planting in the North Caucasus and other southern regions.


When choosing a cherry variety, attention is paid to its characteristics: resistance to drought, winter frosts and diseases, flowering period and fruit ripening.

Cherry French Black

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The variety French Black has a high resistance to drought. The tree receives moisture after rains or from deep layers of the soil.

Sweet cherry shows high winter hardiness of buds and wood. With an early drop in temperature at the end of autumn, fruit buds suffer. According to reviews of French Black cherries, fruit buds are not subject to frost.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

The variety is self-fertile, pollinators must be planted to obtain a crop. The best pollinators for French Black cherries are varieties Melitopolskaya, Large-fruited, Krasa Kuban, Napoleon black, Ramon Oliva, Prestige.

Flowering occurs in May. The fruits ripen late. Harvested at the end of July.

yield, fruiting

Cherry French Black comes into fruiting for 6-7 years. Trees bear fruit for a long time for 25 years.

Sweet cherry stands out for its high and stable yield. The largest yield (about 65 kg) gives a tree at the age of 15 years. The maximum recorded yield is 184 kg.

Scope of berries

Fruits have a universal purpose. They are used as a dessert and decoration of confectionery. Cherries are frozen or processed to obtain homemade preparations (jam, juice, compote).

Disease and pest resistance

The variety is not susceptible to the main fungal diseases of the culture: coccomycosis, moniliosis, perforated spotting. Medium pest resistance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages:

  • high winter hardiness;
  • stable yield;
  • large fruits;
  • high commercial and taste qualities of cherries.

Disadvantages of the French Black variety:

  • exposure to early winter frosts;
  • tree vigor.

Cherry French Black

Features of landing

Cherries are planted on time, depending on the weather conditions in the region. Pre-choose a place, prepare a seedling and a planting hole.

Recommended dates

In warm regions, work is carried out in the fall after leaf fall. The seedling has time to take root before the onset of cold weather. In the middle lane, planting is transferred to the spring, before the buds swell.

Choosing the right place

For cherries choose a sunny warm area. The culture is not planted in the lowlands, where moisture and cold air accumulate. The permissible level of groundwater occurrence is more than 2 m.

Cherry prefers loamy or sandy soil. Coarse sand is introduced into clay soil, organic matter into sandy soil.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Cherries are planted in groups of 2-4 varieties. Next to the culture, it is not recommended to grow raspberries, currants, hazels. Cherry is removed from apple, pear and other fruit crops by 3-4 m.

Selection and preparation of planting material

One- or two-year-old seedlings are suitable for planting. Before buying, inspect the shoots and root system. Healthy planting material does not have cracks, mold and other defects.

2 hours before planting, the roots of the seedling are lowered into clean water. If the root system is dried, it is kept in water for 10 hours.

Landing algorithm

Planting order:

  1. Dig a hole with a diameter of 1 m and a depth of 70 cm.
  2. Compost, 150 g of superphosphate, 50 g of viburnum salt and 0,5 kg of ash are added to fertile soil.
  3. Part of the soil is poured into the pit and waiting for shrinkage.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, the remaining soil is poured, a seedling is placed on top.
  5. Cherry roots are covered with earth and the plant is watered abundantly.

Cherry French Black

Culture aftercare

Cherries are watered three times during the season: before flowering, in the middle of summer and before winter. Each tree requires 2 buckets of water.

Cultivar French Black is fed in early spring. 15 g of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are embedded in the soil. After harvesting, the tree is sprayed with a solution containing 10 g of phosphate and potash fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

When growing French Black cherries, pruning is carried out annually. The conductor and skeletal branches are shortened. Dry, frozen and thickening crown shoots are pruned.

Only young trees need shelter for the winter. They are covered with agrofibre and spruce branches. Roofing material or mesh is used to protect the trunk from rodents.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The main diseases of the culture are shown in the table:

Name of the disease


Methods of struggle

Preventive measures


Uniform yellowing of leaves ahead of time.

Spraying the tree with Bordeaux liquid.

  1. Fungicide treatments in spring and autumn.
  2. Disinfection of wounds and cracks in wood.


Small reddish spots on the leaves.

Treatment with a solution of the drug Abiga-Peak.

Cherry pests are listed in the table:


Signs of defeat

Methods of struggle

Preventive measures


Leafworm caterpillars eat leaves, buds and fruits.

Spraying with Koragen insecticide solution.

  1. Spraying the tree with insecticides.
  2. Digging the soil in the near-stem circle.
  3. Burning fallen leaves.

Cherry Pipe Roller

The larvae feed on the core of the stone, as a result, the fruits fall off, lose their commercial and taste qualities.

Treatment with Aktara.


The French Black Cherry is a proven variety suitable for planting in warm climates. The high commercial and taste qualities of the fruits were appreciated by gardeners and farm owners.

Cherry French Black


Marina, 56 years old, Krasnodar
French Black is an excellent late cherry variety. If you wait until the fruits become almost black, you can get a high yield. The tree is not susceptible to diseases and pests. Proven old variety, very common in our region. The fruits are good fresh and after processing for juice.
Stanislav, 41 years old, Moscow region
Variety French Black has been growing on the site for more than 10 years. The seedling was purchased in the Tula nursery. The tree bears fruit steadily and tolerates winters well. The fruits are large and sweet, do not crack in rainy weather. I harvest in July. Due to late ripening, the variety is not attacked by the cherry fly.
How to get a big crop of cherries in the middle lane?

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