Cherry Franz Josef

It is not for nothing that Franz Josef cherries have such an aristocratic name. This unique variety is indispensable in the industry, thanks to a huge list of positive qualities. Many gardeners recommend Franz Joseph because of the unpretentious care and quality of the crop.

History of variety breeding

The history of Franz Josef cherry breeding is unknown, but the fact that the tree is named after the famous Austrian emperor makes one wonder. Historians are sure that the scientist Joseph-Eduard Prokhe, who studied plant varieties, brought out the cherry. He named the culture after himself, modestly associating it with the name of the great namesake. The Franz Joseph variety was brought to Our Country from the Czech Republic, where it began to be actively cultivated in the 1947th century. It was entered into the state register in XNUMX.

Description of the cherry variety Franz Joseph

A large tree with an oval crown of medium density. Large ovate leaves with a pointed end. The fruits are round, with a well-defined groove, bright yellow color and a ruddy side. Sometimes redness covers the entire surface of the berry. Yellowish juicy flesh has a sweet-sour taste.

With success, the variety is cultivated in the western regions of Our Country, in the south of Ukraine, Moldova and Central Asia. Optimum conditions for the growth of Franz Josef cherries on the Crimean peninsula.

Characteristics of a variety

Franz Josef cherries are specially designed for industrial use. The characteristic of the variety is in many ways different from other crops and requires careful study.

Cherry Franz Josef

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The main feature of the Franz Joseph variety is its adaptability to sudden climate changes and severe drought. Even with a lack of water, the sweet cherry will bear fruit abundantly, but for active growth and rapid fruit formation, the moisture level must be maintained by periodically watering. It is worth noting that after winter, sweet cherries need more time to recover, unlike other varieties.

Cherry Pollinators Franz Josef

Flowering begins in early May, as the plant prefers warmth. The variety ripens quite late, only by the end of June. Franz Josef cherries are self-fertile, varieties such as Drogana Zheltaya, Napoleon, Jaboulet, Gedelfingen and other crops with the same fruiting periods are suitable as a pollinator.

Many gardeners use hand pollination technology. The process is troublesome and complicated, but it guarantees the maximum yield, and also protects against pests and diseases.

Advice! To attract bees, it is recommended to spray Franz Josef cherries with a honey solution.

Yield and fruiting

The yield of Franz Josef cherries is at least 2–3 times higher than other varieties. But the number of fruits depends on many factors, mainly on the place of growth, weather conditions, and care.

Franz Josef cherries begin to bear fruit only in the fourth year. At first, there will not be very many fruits, but a 7–8-year-old tree will certainly please with a quantitative, full-fledged, high-quality crop.

Scope of berries

The fruits are endowed with a pleasant delicate taste and are well suited both for eating raw and for preparing homemade preparations for the winter. Dried berries have amazing taste and are much more original than raisins and dried apricots. The Franz Joseph variety is not recommended for freezing, as it loses sugar content and juiciness.

Disease and pest resistance

Sweet cherry rarely gets sick and is practically not affected by pests. But to avoid trouble, it is recommended to regularly carry out preventive work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Grade Franz Joseph gained its popularity due to many positive qualities, which include:

  • impressive yield;
  • long shelf life and excellent transportability;
  • good drought resistance;
  • fruit size and juiciness.

The disadvantages of Franz Josef cherries include the inability to self-pollinate and abundant growth, which creates an urgent need for regular both formative and sanitary pruning.

Features of landing

Cherry planting must be carried out at a certain time according to a special scheme, having prepared for it in advance. In order for the plant to take root, you need to choose the right planting material and the place of its growth.

Recommended dates

It is necessary to plant in early spring so that the tree has time to take root well before the onset of cold weather, and sunny weather affects the rate of growth and development of Franz Josef cherries.

Choosing the right place

It is advisable to plant Franz Josef cherries on higher ground, closer to the south, under direct sunlight. Soil with a lot of sand, stones and clay will negatively affect the development of the seedling and greatly slow down its development. High humidity and excessive fertilization will also adversely affect the condition of the fruit. It is necessary to choose high-quality fertile soil with a normal content of organic and inorganic substances.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

Franz Josef cherries need pollinators, so it is worth planting suitable varieties for this nearby. The presence of nearby fruit trees such as plum, pear and apple will have a bad effect on the growth and development of the culture.

Cherry Franz Josef

Selection and preparation of planting material

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a quality cherry seedling, you should ask the seller if there are documents for the plant. The seedling should be three years old and have many branches. If dark spots or dry patches are noticed on the sections of the roots, you should not purchase a seedling. During transportation, the root system should be wrapped in a damp cloth.

Landing algorithm

The speed of growth and development of the seedling depends on the correct planting, so you should carefully study the sequence of actions when planting Franz Joseph cherries:

  1. In autumn, fertilize the soil with a bucket of compost and ash, if desired, you can use chemical fertilizers.
  2. Dig a hole 80 cm wide, 50 cm deep and loosen the bottom using a crowbar.
  3. Place the seedling, straightening the roots gently.
  4. Carefully tamping each new layer of earth, cover the root system of the cherry.
  5. Shorten the branches by a third.
  6. Water the tree well.

The main thing is to plant a tree with love, and it will surely thank you with juicy and tasty fruits.

Aftercare for cherries

To stimulate the growth of shoots, formative pruning should be carried out, shortening the branches by 1/5. After shaping, clean the cuts with a knife or cover with special paint.

A large amount of water can only harm the tree, so in rainy weather it is worth refusing to water. Only with prolonged drought and obvious drying of the soil should a couple of buckets of water be added. It is important to accelerate the development of the tree to apply organic and mineral fertilizers, but not exceeding the dose.

Cherry Franz Josef

Franz Josef cherries do not tolerate frost well, so you need to carefully prepare for winter. In spring and autumn, it is necessary to whitewash the trunk and bases of skeletal branches, as well as cover them with durable material from the effects of rodents. A good preparation for cold weather is the application of phosphorus fertilizers.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

In wet and humid weather Franz Josef cherries can pick up many diseases. But with proper care and preventive maintenance, their development can be excluded.

MoniliasisLeaves and flowers turn brown and dry. The flesh darkens and rots.Plant in a well-ventilated area, prune regularly, loosen the soil and fertilize.Cut off dead branches and burn. Treat with Bordeaux liquid.
KlyasterospirosisDark spots appear on the leaves and other vegetative parts of the plant, which turn into holes. Over time, the cherry will die.Feed the plant and remove weeds.Treat the cherry with Bordeaux liquid or another fungicide.
KokkomikozSmall brown spots appear, which increase over time. The plant withers and dies.Remove fallen leaves and loosen the soil. Before whitewashing, add copper sulfate to the funds.Spray with a solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water).
PestPreventionmary wrestling
black aphidTimely remove weeds and loosen the soil.Use any insecticidal preparation or plant nearby plants that can repel dangerous insects.
cherry flyRemove fallen fruits and loosen the soil.Apply special traps or insecticide.
Pipe envelopeGet rid of weeds, and fertilize cherries.Use a chemical cleaner or crush insects by hand.

If pests or similar symptoms of diseases have been noticed, you should get rid of the problem as soon as possible so as not to start the development of the disease and the reproduction of the pest.


The Franz Josef cherry is a fertile and resistant variety with a noble name. If you carefully study the planting algorithm and tips for caring for the variety, you can get a delicious high-quality harvest.


Antipin Sergey Alexandrovich, 33 years old, Moscow region
Franz Josef planted cherries on the advice of his neighbor, who often treated children to delicious berries. The tree took root well. I think that this is due to suitable climatic conditions. Even though I mistakenly planted a light-loving tree in the shade, already in the fourth year we tried the first harvest. At first it was small, but it was enough for us. Now the fees are so impressive that you have to deal with the sale.
Korneeva Marina Stanislavovna, 40 years old, Voronezh
I decided to plant Franz Josef cherries. This variety quickly took root and lived. The next day after planting, I found out that the tree cannot be pollinated on its own, so I purchased two more cherry seedlings Zhabule and Elton. Due to being busy at work, I did not have time to constantly monitor the development of trees. Despite this, the harvest is still not overjoyed. And blanks from summer berries have become a popular delicacy in the winter.
Planting cherries – how to plant cherries

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