Cherry is an early berry, the crop is not stored for a long time, as the drupe quickly releases juice and can ferment. Therefore, processing of fruits is required. The recipe for “Five Minutes” of cherries with pits will help you cope with this task quickly and without any special material costs.

Cherry Five Minute (5-minute) with pits: quick and tasty jam recipes

The classic version of the jam “Five minutes”

How to cook cherry jam “Five minutes” with a stone

A few recommendations to get tasty and high-quality jam:

  1. To make jam, use dishes made of stainless steel, copper or aluminum, in enameled sweet fruit mass can burn.
  2. Berries are taken fresh, without the smell of fermentation and without damaged areas.
  3. Before processing, place for 15 minutes in cold water with the addition of citric acid and salt. The measure is necessary so that the pests leave the fruit.
  4. Wash cherries, remove petioles and leaves, dry.
  5. During the boiling process, foam is removed from the surface, its presence in the jar reduces the shelf life.
Attention! For winter harvesting, sterilized lids and jars are used.
Fast sterilization of jars in the microwave

Classic cherry jam “Pyatiminutka” with pits

At the exit, the Pyatiminutka jam will not have a thick consistency, but the berries will be whole and fragrant. In the process of rapid hot processing, more vitamins and nutrients are retained. Cherries and sugar are taken in equal quantities. Cherry pulp contains a rather high concentration of acid, if you take less sugar, the jam will turn out sour.

The sequence of preparation of “Five minutes”:

  1. The raw materials are washed and dried, placed in a wide bowl and covered with sugar.
  2. Leave the workpiece for 6 hours, every 2 hours the mass is stirred.
  3. When the drupe gives a sufficient amount of liquid, and the sugar is completely dissolved, the container is placed on the stove.
  4. In the process of heating, mix the jam several times and be sure to remove the foam.
  5. When the mass boils, reduce the temperature and cook for 7 minutes.
Cherry Five Minute (5-minute) with pits: quick and tasty jam recipes

Foam must be removed from the surface

Advice! To find out the degree of readiness of the Five Minute jam, syrup is dripped onto a flat surface, if the drop has retained its shape (did not spread), the process is completed.

Dessert is laid out in jars and insulated for a day.

The simplest jam “Five minutes” from cherries with a stone

The simplest recipe for a “5-minute” cherry jam with stones does not require proofing. Dessert is cooked in one go. The finished product is suitable for single use and as a winter preparation. Berries and sugar are taken in equal proportions.

Algorithm of technology “Five minutes”:

  1. The fruits, along with sugar, are placed in a container. You can wait until the juice appears naturally or immediately boil with the addition of a small amount of water (100 ml).
  2. When heated, juice will begin to stand out. The mass is constantly stirred so that the crystals dissolve faster.
  3. Foam constantly appears on the surface, it is collected. The bubbles contain oxygen, if the foam gets into the jar, the product may ferment.
  4. When the mass boils, reduce the temperature and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Dessert is poured into jars to the very edge and rolled up, turned over.

Winter harvesting of Pyatiminutka cherries differs from other recipes in minimal heat treatment, so it should cool down gradually. A batch of the finished product is insulated and left for 36 hours.

Jam “Five Minute” from cherries with pits: a recipe with spices

To give cherry jam astringency and additional flavor, use:

  • nutmeg;
  • fennel;
  • cloves;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon.

All spices harmoniously complement the cherry smell. You can choose any combination or use one, the spices should add a touch of flavor to the dessert, and not crowd out the natural taste of the berries. The easiest option is to purchase a ready-made set of spices.

Ingredients for Five Minute Jam:

  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • a package of spices or any combination to taste;
  • cherry – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 glass.

The sequence of preparation of jam “Five minutes”:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar.
  2. Heated to the state of syrup, pour fruits and spices.
  3. The workpiece boils for 5 minutes.
  4. Allow the jam to cool and repeat the procedure.

Dessert can be included in the menu. If the goal is harvesting for the winter, boil the mass for 10 minutes and pack it in jars.

How to cook 5-minute jam from frozen pitted cherries

When laying in the freezer, the fruits undergo complete processing. Therefore, it is not necessary to sort and wash the berries for the preparation of the Five Minutes. Water is not added to the fruit mass, because during the defrosting process, the cherry will give enough juice.

Important! Immediately from the freezer, the fruits are not processed.

They must be thawed before use. They are placed in a wide bowl and left until the cherry becomes soft. It is better to use a berry prepared in this way for jam along with a bone, then the dessert will not turn out to be liquid.

Cherry Five Minute (5-minute) with pits: quick and tasty jam recipes

Berries must be thawed before processing.

The sequence of the recipe “Five Minute” from cherries with pits:

  1. The berries, together with the resulting juice, are placed in a saucepan and covered with sugar 1: 1. If desired, the amount of sugar can be increased.
  2. Put on the stove, while boiling the mass is mixed several times. When the jam boils, the temperature is reduced and kept for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave to cool completely, repeat the boiling procedure. If there is too much syrup, it is taken into a clean bowl. The liquid can be boiled separately for 10 minutes and put in the refrigerator to use for baby food or baking.
  4. For the third time, the jam is boiled for 7 minutes and packed in jars.

In total, the preparation of the “Five Minutes” will take place in 3 stages, the time interval between boiling is approximately 3 hours.

Jam “Pyatiminutka” from pitted cherries with lemon

Jam according to this recipe is rich in color with a pleasant aroma of citrus. After cooling, the consistency of the dessert is thick with whole berries.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon – 2 pcs .;
  • sugar – 1,8 kg;
  • cherry – 1 kg.

To make the jam sweet, the amount of sugar is increased to 2 kg. The preparation will take several days. Dessert is cooked in stages:

  1. Cherries are washed, laid out in an even layer on a cloth so that moisture is absorbed and evaporated, only dry fruits are processed.
  2. Lemon for dessert is used with zest, it is also washed and wiped with a clean napkin.
  3. Fruits with seeds and sugar are poured into the cooking container, the lemon is crushed with a meat grinder and added to the workpiece.
  4. The mass is stirred and allowed to brew for several hours.
  5. Put the dishes with the workpiece on the fire, gently stir so that the crystals dissolve with gradual heating, let the mass boil, turn off the stove.
  6. Cherries with lemon are left for 12 hours, then the mass is heated to a slow boil, removed from the stove. Let it brew for the same amount of time.
  7. Bring to a boil a third time. For 4 times (after 12 hours), the jam boils for 7 minutes.

The finished product is poured into jars and rolled up with lids.

Storage Rules

The shelf life of pitted cherry jam is shorter than that of the refined product. There is toxic hydrocyanic acid in the bones, if the workpiece has not been used for a long time, there is a risk that the substance will begin to be released into the product. Jam is stored for no more than 2 years in a dark room with a temperature of 4-8 0C. A basement or storage room without heating is suitable for this purpose.


The recipe for “Five Minutes” from pitted cherries is one of the most common ways to prepare for the winter. Due to the seeds, the product is obtained with a pronounced aroma and whole berries, the consistency of syrup is in the form of jelly. They use jam for baking, as a dessert for tea and as an addition to pancakes or pancakes.

Cherry jam, five minutes

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