Cherry Duke Spartanka is a representative of hybrids that has received the best properties of its predecessors. Bred as a result of accidental cross-pollination of cherries and sweet cherries. It happened in England in the 17th century. The hybrid was named the Duke of May May-Duc, but in Our Country the cherry is known under the short name “Duke”.

Description of Spartan boots

Variety Duke Spartan was developed by A. I. Sychev. The tree is medium-sized, but has a wide spreading crown. From the stem, skeletal branches are directed almost vertically. Leaf plates are oval, dark green in color, larger than those of cherries.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

In appearance, the Spartan cherry is similar to a cherry, but its fruits are very similar to cherry berries.

The variety is intended for cultivation in Western Siberia, but you can get a crop in other regions if you provide it with competent care.

Height and dimensions of an adult tree

Cherry Spartanka gives the impression of a large tree due to its spreading crown. The height of the variety reaches 2-3,5 m.

Description of fruits

The variety is known among gardeners for its exquisite taste: the fruits are not only sweet, but also juicy, deep maroon color. The berry of the Spartan cherry is round, with a shiny skin. The pulp inside is tender, but wine-colored, slightly crispy. The mass of one fruit is from 5,5 to 8 g. Ripe berries have a pronounced cherry flavor.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

According to the tasting assessment, the Spartanka variety was awarded 4,4 points

Pollinators for Duke Spartanka

Cherry cherry Spartanka is self-fertile, therefore, in order to obtain a crop, it is necessary to plant other varieties of cherries or cherries in the area next to it.

Iput variety can be used as a pollinator. Cherry is frost-resistant and suitable for cultivation in many regions of Our Country. The tree is medium-sized, blooms in May, the first fruits ripen in June. The berries are sweet, each weighing from 5 to 9 g, rich in vitamin C.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

Cherry Iput begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting

Among various cultures, the Glubokskaya cherry is suitable as a neighbor for the Spartan cherry. The tree is medium-sized, blooms in May, begins to bear fruit in July. The berries are sweet and sour, but the pulp inside is juicy. Fruiting begins 4 years after planting.

Important! With a well-chosen pollinator, the ovary on the Spartan cherry is formed on more than 1/3 of the flowers, which will ensure a bountiful harvest.

Among small trees, Lyubskaya cherry is often planted as a pollinator. The tree is medium-sized, reaches a height of 2-2,5 m. Flowers appear at the end of May, and berries in July-August. The taste of the fruit is mediocre, so they are often used for conservation. Cherry Lyubskaya is frost-resistant.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

The tree begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting.

The main characteristics of the Spartan cherry

Studying the characteristics is one way to select a variety that meets all requirements. Cherry cherry Spartan is valued among gardeners for showing the best qualities of its parents.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Cherry Sartanka safely survives weather disasters, but prolonged drought adversely affects the yield of the tree. With a constant lack of moisture, the tree gradually weakens, which can lead to the development of various diseases. Cherry Spartan is demanding on moisture.

The frost resistance of the sweet cherry is amazing: it tolerates a drop in temperature to -25-35 ° C. Strong spring return frosts are not dangerous for the kidneys, which allows you to maintain the yield of the variety when grown in regions with a cold climate.


Cherry Spartanka has an average ripening time, flowers appear in April-May, and ripe fruits can be tasted in July. The variety is considered one of the most fruitful: up to 15 kg of berries are harvested from one tree.

The fruits of the Spartan cherry, although they do not crumble from the branches, are soft and juicy, therefore they are not subject to long-term transportation. The impossibility of storage forces gardeners to immediately process the crop: preserve compotes and preserves, jams. Berries are also consumed fresh, if necessary, dried or frozen.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

If the cherries are properly frozen, washed, dried and spread in a thin layer on a tray, the berries will retain their appearance and properties, which allows them to be used in the future for baking.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry Spartan lives up to its name: it is resistant to low temperatures. This is one of the main advantages of the variety.

The positive qualities of culture include:

  • high yield;
  • the possibility of growing in regions with cold winters;
  • appearance and taste;
  • immunity to disease.

Among the shortcomings of Spartan cherries, the need for a pollinator and the spreading of the crown, which requires shaping, are distinguished.

Rules of landing

The productivity of the Spartan cherry and its viability depend on how well the site for planting is selected and the tree is cared for. And although sweet cherry is undemanding to agricultural technology, gross neglect of its basics leads to premature death of the seedling or the absence of berries in the future.

Recommended dates

Despite good frost resistance, the Spartan cherry seedling needs time for the root system to become well strengthened. The recommended time for planting is spring, when the snow melts and warm weather sets in.

Site selection and soil preparation

Cherry will take root well if a lighted place is allocated to it on the site. The sun’s rays should fall on the tree all day. Shade is allowed. The site should be protected from winds.

The land should be fertile, sandy, but not swampy. If the soil is clayey, then it needs to be replaced with a mixture of sand and fertile soil. With increased acidity of the earth, chalk should be added to it at the rate of 1,5 kg per 1 m2.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

The location of groundwater is allowed no higher than 2 m

When placing a seedling, the distance between pollinators should be taken into account: no more than 5 m.

Important! Spartan Cherry Cherry cannot be planted in the lowlands: it is colder in winter and too humid in summer.

How to plant

Autumn planting is possible only in the southern regions. In other cases, all work is carried out in the spring:

  • a month before planting, they dig holes, keeping a distance of 4-5 m between them;
  • the dimensions of the hole should be such that the root system of the seedling is completely straightened;
  • along the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer consisting of broken bricks and stones should be distributed, and on top of it a mixture of manure and soil;
  • the soil that was obtained when digging the hole must be mixed with superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ash, adding 300 g of each of the substances;
  • the seedling is transferred to the pit, all the roots are straightened and sprinkled with soil, leaving the neck flush with the ground;
  • at the end of work, moisten the soil by pouring 2 buckets of water under each tree.

If the soil on the site is depleted, then 1 bucket of compost should be poured into the pit, then it should be evenly distributed along the bottom.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

Excessive deepening of the seedling increases the risk of developing rot on it, which will not allow the cherry to take root

Features of care

Cherry Duke Spartanka is a very unpretentious variety. With minimal care, the gardener is provided with a good harvest.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Young seedlings need weekly watering. For the procedure, you should take settled and not cold water. As the tree matures, it should be watered less and less.

One adult cherry has 20-40 liters of water. During a dry period, the displacement should be increased. Like any stone fruit, cherries can die when waterlogged: the roots begin to rot, and the bark on the trunk and branches cracks.

Important! Regular watering should be provided to seedlings for 5 years, after which soil moistening is carried out taking into account weather conditions.

Duke cherry Spartanka does not need top dressing, which is its advantage. Fertilizers should be applied to the soil only at planting. As the tree grows, it gets enough nutrients from the ground.


The first procedure is carried out immediately after planting: the top and skeletal branches are cut. The distance from the ground surface to the cutting point should be at least 0,6 m.

In 2-year-old seedlings, the side branches are shortened by 1/3. This will not harm the tree: it grows rapidly during the first 4-5 years, or until the first berries appear.

The crown should be thinned out so that the yield does not decrease. The shoots are harvested taking into account the angle: the sharper it is in relation to the trunk, the shorter the cut off shoot should be.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

Old trees are rejuvenated pruned at intervals of 5 years: during the procedure, all sprouts are removed, up to the level of 4-year-old trees

Preparation for winter

Cherry Spartanka is frost-resistant, so special preparation for the winter period is not required. It is enough to mulch the trunk circle. To do this, prepare hay or foliage in advance.

Young seedlings under the age of 5 are recommended to be insulated: cover the crown with polyethylene, and cover the trunk with snow.

Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

Often gardeners prefer to wrap trunks with burlap to protect the tree not only from low temperatures, but also from rodents.

Important! Hares are repelled by coniferous aroma, so it is advisable to spread spruce branches around the cherry.

Diseases and pests

A common cause of the appearance of signs of various diseases is illiterate care or prevention.

Existing diseases and pests:

  1. Perhaps the appearance of fruit rot on the Spartan cherry. May develop after hail or pest attacks.
    Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

    As a therapeutic measure, the tree should be sprayed with a fungicidal solution of drugs such as Topaz or Previkur

  2. Among the pests, the leafworm attacks the cherry. As a result of its activity, the leaf plates curl up and fall off.
    Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

    To destroy the pest, the leaves should be treated with the insecticide Lepidocid or Bitoxibacillin

  3. The cherry fly causes great damage to the crop. Its larvae damage the pulp of the berries, forcing gardeners to dispose of the fruits.
    Cherry (duke, VChG, cherry) Spartanka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators, planting and care

    To kill the fly, the tree is treated with Fufanon or Sigmaen


Cherry Duke Spartanka is a frost-resistant variety known among gardeners. Cherry berries are large and sweet, well suited for preservation and other culinary dishes. Fruits are not intended for transportation. The variety is characterized by high yield.

Reviews about cherry Spartanka

Belogubova Valentina Fedorovna, 59 years old, Kemerovo
It is difficult to grow most crops in Western Siberia: frosts kill both young seedlings and mature trees. Cherry Spartanka is a variety that is not afraid of low temperatures. The tree takes up a lot of space in the garden, but pleases with a bountiful harvest. Berries can be eaten fresh, they make good liqueurs and compotes.
Ognev Sergey Ivanovich, 51 years old, Omsk

My grandchildren love cherries, but none of the usual varieties have taken root in my garden. Duke Spartanka began to bear fruit 4 years after planting, pleased with large and sweet berries. It is unpretentious to the soil and temperature, but if you plant it in a sunny place and water it abundantly, then the berries ripen sweeter.

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