Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

This drink, familiar from childhood, attracts with its beautiful dark ruby ​​color, pleasant aroma and taste. Cherry compote can not only be drunk freshly prepared, but also prepared in various ways for the winter. In this article, every housewife will find affordable recipes for cherry compote.

General rules

Berries fit not overripe and elastic to the touch? without any damage on the surface. Compotes made from raw materials with seeds are best drunk in the first year after preparation. If conservation is planned, the jars should be washed with soda and steamed or sterilized in the oven. Convenient containers with a volume of 3 liters are usually used. Lids are subject to boiling, before use they need to be wiped.

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

It is customary to cook compotes without syrup, with filling the berries with water and sugar and seaming, as well as with syrup. In the latter case, the raw material is poured with boiled water, which must be drained to prepare the syrup itself. They poured a cherry drink before seaming.

Video “Cherry compote for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to make delicious and healthy cherry compote for the winter.

Compote from CHERRY for the winter. SUPER SIMPLE RECIPE

fresh drink

Fragrant compote is ideal for strengthening immunity, which is especially important in winter. Many housewives tend to cook compote from fresh or frozen berries, with apples or lemon, in a slow cooker, but such that it can be drunk immediately.

The classic way

For this drink, you will need filtered water in the amount of 2,7 liters, fresh cherries – about 650 g, and 1 cup of sugar.

The berries should be washed and boiled in a pot of water that has already boiled for 5 minutes, add sugar and cook for another 2 minutes. The finished drink is poured into a jug or jar, and after cooling it is drunk and stored in the refrigerator.

With apples

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

For the next drink, prepare 600 g of frozen berries, from which the stones have been removed, 900 g of fruit and 300 g of granulated sugar.

Washed and peeled and core apples are cut into pieces and sent to a container of water. When it boils, add cherries and cook over low heat, that is, simmer for about 20 minutes. After insisting, the compote is served chilled, the rest is put in the refrigerator.

With lemon

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

The combination of berries with lemon is also interesting. To do this, take half a citrus fruit, 550 g of frozen cherries, 3 liters of water and 1 cup of sugar.

Water must be poured into a container and put on the stove, adding berries and sugar there, as well as mixing the ingredients with a spoon. Juice is squeezed out of a lemon. When the compote starts to boil, it is removed from the stove and covered with a towel. When infused for about 3 hours, you can try.

From frozen berries

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

If you like only cherries, it is possible to make a drink from frozen berries or fruits. It takes 0,5 kg of cherries, 1 cup of granulated sugar and 3 liters of plain water.

Cherries can not be defrosted beforehand – they are poured with water and set to boil, adding about 6 tbsp. l. Sahara. When the compote boils, you need to wait 5 minutes and turn off the fire. If sugar is not enough, you can add and be sure to interfere. When the lidded drink is infused, it can be poured into a jug or jar and tasted, and the leftovers can be placed in the refrigerator.

In the multivariate

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

The life of modern housewives has become easier thanks to the advent of kitchen appliances. Cherry compote can be made in a slow cooker. To do this, you need 120 g of berries, 1 apple, 70 g of any berries and 130 g of sugar.

All components must be washed, the pits are removed from the cherries, the core and tail of the apple are cut into pieces. Then they are poured into the bowl of the device, adding water. The composition needs to be simmered for about 12 minutes, setting the “Steaming” mode. The finished drink is poured into any clean dish and cooled before serving.


Our recipes for homemade vitamin compote with cherries, which can be prepared for the winter for the whole family, will be useful to every housewife.

The traditional method

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

It will take 1 glass of cherries, the same amount of granulated sugar and 2,5 liters of water.

Berries need to be reviewed and thoroughly washed, placed in steamed three-liter jars, pour boiling water. When at least 5 minutes have passed, the water must be drained into the saucepan through the lids with special holes. Add sugar to it and boil. The syrup is still hot poured into jars, which are rolled up and turned upside down, placed in an old blanket.


Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

It will take more time to prepare the blank according to the following recipe, since the seeds must first be removed from the fruits. Take 1 kg of berries and 800 g of sugar for 2 liters of water. Rinse the cherries, remove the pits and place in sterilized jars. To fit more, the container should be shaken, then pour hot syrup made from water and sugar. Next, the jars need to be sterilized and rolled up with lids.

With mint

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

An interesting version of compote is obtained from 3 cups of berries, 1 cup of granulated sugar and 2,5 liters of water with the addition of a sprig of fragrant mint.

Washed berries are placed in sterile jars, covered with sugar and boiled water, first half of the total volume. Mint is also put there, covered with lids for 15 minutes, while the next portion of water boils. After taking out the mint, boiling water is poured into the jars and rolled up with lids, sent to a blanket to cool, then stored in a pantry or cellar.

With pears

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

The next blank is called “Stock of vitamins.” For her, take 300 g of cherries, 7 pears, 1 glass of sugar and 2 liters of water.

The fruits must be washed, then a syrup should be made from water and granulated sugar. It is cooked for 5 minutes, at this time the pears are placed in three-liter jars, hot syrup is poured, and after 15 minutes it is poured into a container and boiled. Berries are poured into jars, again poured with syrup. Now the compote can be rolled up.

Without sterilization

Cherry compote: how to cook from frozen and fresh berries, recipes for cooking in a saucepan, preservation of a cherry drink

Prepare 700 g of cherries, 400 g of refined sugar, and 3-4 liters of water.

Banks must be washed with water and soda and held over steam for about 5 minutes, then dried. The cherries, along with the pits, are washed and placed in jars, filling them with syrup made from water and sugar. Next, the banks are rolled up, turned over and wrapped in a blanket.

Fragrant, tasty and healthy compotes can be prepared with raspberries or cherries, with the addition of pectin or rosemary, to immediately taste drinks or drink them on long winter evenings.

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