Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

Cherry Bogatyrka is a hybrid culture (Duke), bred by crossing cherries with cherries. You can meet this fruit tree in many personal plots. The variety attracts gardeners with its compactness, high characteristics and decorativeness throughout the growing season. The tree not only pleases with large and juicy berries, but also decorates the garden with lush flowering.

Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

Description of the cherry variety Bogatyrka

According to the type of growth and fruiting, Bogatyrka belongs to the bushy type of cherry. An average of 3 to 5 straight trunks branch off from a short trunk, which form a lush crown. Bogatyrka is suitable both for growing on personal plots and in farms. The variety is adapted for growing in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Arkhangelsk, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Krasnodar and Vladivostok.

Comment! In appearance and quality of berries, the hybrid is similar to ordinary cherries. The density of the leaves and their size resembles a sweet cherry.

Height and dimensions of an adult tree

Cherry variety Bogatyrka forms a lush and sprawling crown. The bush reaches a height of 2 m, about 1,6-2 m in diameter. The shoots are straight, vertically directed.

Description of fruits

The berries of Bogatyrka are large. The average weight is 4-5 g. The shape of the fruit is oval-elongated, with a pointed elongated tip. The color of the berries is maroon. The taste is sweet and sour, with slight wine notes. Fruit tasting score – 4,5 points. The pulp is dense, juicy cream color. Separation of the berry from the stalk is dry. The bones are easily separated from the pulp.

Comment! Bogatyrka cherry is not baked in the sun. The formed fruits are stored on the branches for a long time, improving their taste. When overripe, the berries do not crack.

Cherry Pollinators Bogatyrka

Cherry Bogatyrka is a partially self-fertile horticultural crop. To obtain a full-fledged annual harvest, several cherry or cherry bushes of a different variety should be planted next to the tree, but with similar flowering periods. Suitable as a pollinator cherry varieties Zhelannaya. The flowering time of the Bogatyrka cherry differs in different climatic regions. In the southern latitudes, flowering begins in May, in the middle lane – in June.

Attention! Cherry-cherry hybrids are weak pollinators for each other.

Main characteristics

Cherry Bogatyrka is a mid-season cherry-cherry hybrid. Vegetation period – 147 days. Duke inherited the best varietal characteristics from his parents.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Cherry Bogatyrka is a frost-resistant variety that practically does not suffer from spring-autumn temperature drops with short-term frosts. The hybrid belongs to the 4th winter hardiness zone. Trees can easily withstand significant frosts – up to 20-35 ° C. Bogatyrka is a drought-resistant hybrid. Mature bushes do not require special watering.


Bogatyrka cherry ripens in the middle of summer – in the first half of July. The variety is productive, about 5-8 kg of berries can be collected from one bush. Bogatyrka is a fast-growing culture, so the first (trial) fruiting begins already 2-3 years after planting the seedling. Productivity is directly dependent on the availability of pollinators.

Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

The first fruiting of the Bogatyrka cherry, the harvest is insignificant, but sufficient to feast on and appreciate the taste of the berries

Bogatyrka is a universal-purpose cherry. You can use it both fresh and use it to prepare various preparations (compotes, juices, jams). Berries can also be frozen. The pulp of the fruit is quite dense, due to which they are distinguished by good keeping quality and can be transported over long distances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry Bogatyrka has a number of advantages that favorably distinguish it from other varieties:

  • high and stable yield;
  • winter hardiness;
  • drought tolerance;
  • excellent separability of bones from the pulp;
  • separation of the berry from the stalk dry;
  • good transportability;
  • long shelf life of fresh berries;
  • immunity to coccomycosis and moniliosis;
  • practically not affected by the cherry fly.

Disadvantages of Cherry Bogatyrka:

  • the need for pollinators on the site;
  • sometimes affected by diseases and pests.
Duke. Landing

Rules of landing

Bogatyrka cherry planting is best done in the form of small groves, separately from other garden crops. Thus, it will be easier to take care of the trees. Also on personal plots, such plantings will look much more decorative. In order for a tree to grow strong and bear fruit every year, it is necessary to responsibly approach its planting.

Recommended dates

It is best to plant Bogatyrka seedlings in early spring, as soon as the soil warms up. It is necessary to have time to carry out planting work before bud break. The optimal landing time is April. You can also plant Bogatyrka in autumn.

Site selection and soil preparation

When choosing a place to plant a seedling, it must be taken into account that Bogatyrka, like other varieties of cherries, loves warmth, light and light soil. Poorly tolerates wind and drafts. It is also recommended to choose a place for planting, protected from direct sunlight. Do not plant bushes in swampy and waterlogged areas. The best place for landing are hills that are not flooded.

Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

Cherry Bogatyrka feels comfortable in sunny areas

Bogatyrka is undemanding to the composition of the soil. The main thing is that the soil has a neutral acidity (pH 7) and is well-drained. The best option is light sandy or loamy soils.

Advice! It is recommended to prepare the soil for planting in the fall.

Preparatory work includes digging the soil, followed by the application of lime fertilizers. Organics are added after 3-4 weeks.

How to plant

Duke seedlings are recommended to be purchased at horticultural farms that sell planting material or in specialized stores. When choosing a seedling, special attention must be paid to the root system. It should be well branched and without signs of damage. The distance between trees should be at least 3 m.

Step by step boarding process:

  1. They dig up the soil and apply fertilizer if preparation has not been carried out in the fall.
  2. They dig a planting hole 0,6 m deep, 0 m in diameter. The lower, infertile soil ball is replaced with compost or a fertile layer mixed with organic matter.
  3. The roots of the seedling are cut to living tissue and placed in water for several hours.
  4. In the center of the hole, a hill is formed and a strong wooden peg is fixed in it, which will serve as a support for the young cherry.
  5. A seedling is placed on an earthen rampart.
  6. The roots are straightened.
  7. Fill the hole with earth, while making sure that the root neck is not deepened. It should be level with the ground.
  8. Tamp the soil.
  9. Pour 2 buckets of water into the trunk circle.
  10. Mulch the soil.
Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

Autumn planting of a young seedling

Attention! Cherry seedlings do not like transplants, especially at 3-4 years of age. It is recommended to plant them immediately in a permanent place.

Features of care

Cherry Bogatyrka does not need special care. The main thing is to correctly and timely carry out activities that affect the development of the tree, the formation of the crown and fruiting. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of cultivation and take into account the varietal characteristics of the crop.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Young Bogatyrka bushes are watered several times a month, pouring at least 2 buckets of water into the trunk circle. Watering continues until their root system is fully developed.

It is recommended to feed seedlings 2 times per season:

  1. Until the end of June, nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 root.
  2. In autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

An adult tree has a powerful root system, which is able to independently provide it with moisture and nutrients. Therefore, Bogatyrka’s cherry, which has come into fruition, does not need additional watering and top dressing. As the tree grows older, they are reduced or completely stopped.


Cherry Bogatyrka needs crown formation. It is recommended to carry out the procedure annually to prevent excessive thickening, which can lead to a decrease in yield. In spring and autumn, damaged, infected or dead branches should be removed.

The first pruning is carried out immediately after planting – the Bogatyrka seedling is shortened at a height of 0,65-0,7 m. The central trunk should be 0,2-0,25 m higher than the side branches. Strong, fully developed side branches are cut by 1/3, for creating a balance between the aerial part and the root system. Weak shoots are also subject to removal.

Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

Pruning cherry Bogatyrka as it grows, crown formation

Attention! The fewer small and weak branches on the bush, the less the leaves will be affected by fungal diseases, and the berries will be larger.

Preparation for winter

Pre-winter preparation of young trees involves their protection from rodents (hares and mice). For this purpose, you can use a special protective grid. In a cold climate zone, in particular in regions with a changeable autumn-spring period, seedlings up to 5 years old should be insulated, protecting them from significant temperature changes. During the onset of the first frost, the trunk must be wrapped with straw or burlap.

Advice! In winter, it is necessary to ensure that the snow cover at the base of the tree does not exceed 1 m.

Disease pests

The most common diseases affecting cherry trees are coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

In case of their occurrence, the following methods of struggle are used:

  1. Branches and fruits affected by monilial burn are removed and burned. The near-stem circle is loosened, while removing fallen berries and foliage. Preventive treatment with chemicals is carried out at the beginning of flowering.
  2. The fight against coccomycosis is carried out with the help of systemic and contact preparations. For example, use “Speed”. The first treatment is carried out immediately after flowering. Then 1-2 treatments during the growing season with an interval of 2 weeks. And a few sprays after harvest.

The main pest of Bogatyrka is the cherry fly. The fight is carried out with the help of such insecticides as “Confidor”, “Aktellik”. Process trees with a frequency of 14 days.

Cherry Bogatyrka: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators


Cherry Bogatyrka is a promising unpretentious variety. Even gardeners with minimal practical experience can grow a hybrid. The basis of a good harvest is the correct and timely implementation of all care related activities.

Reviews of summer residents about Bogatyrka cherry

Olga, 53 years old, Moscow region
There are several cherry trees in my garden. The most beloved is Bogatyrka. Firstly, it is very beautiful, and secondly, it surpasses all other varieties in terms of size and taste of fruits. Berries are very similar in taste to cherries. Also, it should be noted the high winter hardiness of the variety and unpretentiousness in care.
Svetlana, 39 years old, Norilsk
I saw a description and photo of Bogatyrka cherries on the Internet, on a gardening website. I immediately wanted to have such a tree in my garden. I have been looking for a frost-resistant variety for a long time, as I live in a region with cold and harsh winters. Winter hardiness at Bogatyrka was on top. Cherry is also resistant to most diseases.
Peter, 61 years old, Krasnodar
Fully satisfied with cherry Bogatyrka. The variety is productive, undemanding in care. Berries do not crumble and do not crack. Harvest is always on top, just have time to collect. An ideal cherry for compotes and juices, which are unusually tasty and fragrant. The pulp of the fruit is easily separated from the stone, which allows you to make excellent jams. I recommend this cherry to everyone.

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