Cherry berry tincture on cognac – the best recipe

With proper preparation, even from cheap cognac and ordinary cherries, an excellent alcoholic drink is obtained. Homemade cherry cognac tincture is much better than store-bought counterparts, often made from chemical additives. The taste and smell of berries are felt in every sip, and the beautiful ruby ​​​​color complements the pleasure of tasting.

For tincture, you need fresh or frozen (pre-thaw) ripe berries of any variety. In extreme cases, dried cherries will do (half the amount in the recipe). You use inexpensive, but real cognac – a distillate aged in a barrel or infused with oak chips can be homemade.

Cognac drinks made by imitating the taste of prunes, burnt sugar and other additives are not suitable. The taste of the tincture will be completely different and much worse.


  • cherry berries – 0,5 kg;
  • cognac – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar – 50-200 grams;
  • cherry leaves (optional) – 5-7 pieces;
  • cloves (optional) – 2-4 buds.

Add sugar to taste and depending on the variety. Since most berries are sour, I advise you to sweeten the drink with at least a minimal amount. The more sugar, the lower the strength of the tincture. Cherry leaves enhance the aroma, cloves add a spicy flavor note.

Cognac cherry recipe

1. Peel the stalks and wash the cherries. Pierce each berry with a needle.

In the classic version, the stones are not removed, with them the aroma is brighter, and the taste is richer. But if you are afraid for your health (cherry pits contain a small amount of hydrocyanic acid and cyanide, theoretically, in large quantities these substances can cause poisoning), first remove the pits without crushing, then make tincture only on the pulp.

2. Put the pierced cherries (or pulp) into a container for infusion, for example, a jar. Add sugar. Shake well several times to mix the berries and sugar, you can immediately fill the jar in layers. Add leaves and cloves (optional).

3. Pour in cognac. Close the jar tightly with a lid. Shake several times.

4. Infuse in a dark room (or cover) at room temperature for 30 days. Shake every 3-5 days.

5. Strain the finished tincture through gauze, pour into bottles, close tightly. Before tasting, keep the drink for 2-3 days in a dark, cool place to stabilize the taste.

In some cases, when cooked on the pulp, the tincture turns out to be cloudy (sometimes the turbidity appears due to the low quality of sugar). Filtration through cotton wool solves this problem. The remaining “drunk cherries” can be used for baking.

Cherry berry tincture on cognac – the best recipe

When stored away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of homemade cherry brandy tincture is up to 5 years. Fortress – 29-35% (depending on the amount of sugar).

Tincture “Cherry on cognac” – a recipe at home

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