Cherry Annushka

Cherry Annushka is a variety of fruit crop that is used on a farm. It has a special taste. Easily transported, considered high yielding and disease resistant. Pests cannot spoil the crop, render the fruits and the tree itself unusable.

History of breeding

Sweet cherries of this variety are planted by private enterprises and farms. Anyone can plant Annushka on their own and achieve good fruiting. This is a mid-early variety that represents the Ukrainian breeding school.

For the first time the variety was bred at home – at the Donetsk Institute of Horticulture UAAS. The author is L. I. Tatarenko. In her work, she used cross varieties with the help of pollination, and took the cultures of Donchanka and Valery Chkalov as a base. Unlike its “predecessors”, the Annushka sweet cherry is more resistant to frost, which makes it possible to harvest even in late autumn.

Cherry Annushka

In 2000, the Annushka cherry variety was entered in the State Register of the Federation for the North Caucasus region of the country. There were endurance tests. Annushka proved to be an ideal culture, especially in climatic zones with unstable weather conditions.

Description of the culture

The cherry variety Annushka has large fruits – up to 10 grams. This feature allows you to compete with world varieties. The tree of the variety is tall, and its height reaches almost 5 m. The shoots have a straight, thickened shape. They form a spherical crown, which is characterized by medium density.

Kidneys – mixed, mostly located on growth shoots. The leaves are also different from other varieties of cherries. In shape they are large, slightly clarified. The oblong egg-shaped structure of the plate ends with a point, and has teeth on the sides. The leaf itself is attached to the trunk due to a one and a half centimeter petiole.

Cultivation of sweet cherry Annushka is distinguished by its process, or rather, the sequence of the appearance of inflorescences. White flowers have five petals, but they are combined into umbrella inflorescences, usually 4-5 pieces. But on the shoots, the flowers come out earlier than the leaves, which is not typical for other varieties of sweet cherries.


Cherry Annushka

Cherries have great nutritional value. Annushka fruits contain many vitamins. In more detail, it is worth considering the indicators of the fruits:

Taste qualities of cherries

Above average sweetness, dessert flavor

fruit coloring

Dark, shimmering burgundy

Cherry color and flesh

Juicy flesh with a dense structure, crunchy surface of a reddish hue

Annushka fruit shapes

Round shape with a pressed base at the tail

Structural element

The drupe is ordinary, the core with the stone is easily separated from the pulp. The bone is small, takes up less volume compared to other varieties

In the industry, the Annushka sweet cherry variety is very much appreciated, because after separating the stone, the integrity of the appearance and pulp does not suffer, the shape and inner shell are preserved. Harvesting work is accelerated due to this, which makes harvesting simple. With an increase in speed, the presentation is preserved. Also, the characteristic of the sweet cherry variety Annushka is distinguished by a tasting score of 4,9 points on a 5-point scale.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

Variety Annushka is characterized by high frost resistance. It withstands up to -35 0C. Also, Annushka is able to survive even a severe drought. Due to the plasticity of the crown, the sweet cherry is self-fertile, retains its taste under any climatic changes.

Cherry Annushka

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

The flowering period most often affects mid-spring. The fruits ripen within a short period of time. It is important to harvest quickly, because in 1-2 weeks everything will go bad. The tree does not tolerate stagnant groundwater, so planting and harvesting should be in an area where water does not come close to the soil.

Cherry Annushka blooms faster with enough light. It is necessary to place it for fast ripening on the southern slope. If it rained in the summer, it is important to provide the berries with a stream of warm air. To do this, plant trees in open areas. Suitable pollinators for Annushka cherries are those trees that are considered the best for flowers:

  1. The pistil and stamen of Spanka’s cherry are placed on the same level. She will bear great fruit.
  2. They also use chocolate and baby cherries. They will give an attractive appearance and a large harvest of cherries.
  3. Drogana yellow and Donetsk ember will give the ability to withstand drought.
  4. Donetsk beauty will allow the cherry to grow even in winter.

There is no need to resort to special methods of pollination, since the Annushka sweet cherry is self-fertile.

Cherry Annushka

yield, fruiting

Trees give a rich harvest when cherry seedlings are bought in the fall and managed to survive the cold. “Hardened”, they will only need to moisten the soil only three times a year. It is enough to pour only 35 liters of water into the moat around Annushka’s seedling. One-year-old and two-year-old cherry trees need to be tied up, and placed 3-4 m apart. Then the harvest will be in 2-3 years. Sweet cherries bear fruit for a long time, as a rule, several decades. The first berries appear in May, although it blooms even in March-April.

Scope of berries

Annushka’s berries are used in industry by farming companies – for spins for sale. Various dressings, drinks and preservatives are also made from cherries. Variety Annushka is often used in cosmetic medicine.

Disease and pest resistance

Cherry Annushka

Annushka’s variety tolerates diseases quite well. If care is poorly performed, the following difficulties arise:

  1. Fungal diseases – occur due to improper landing. Soil and soil can be contaminated with acid rain, which is what the tree suffers from.
  2. Cherry coccomycosis – manifests itself on leaves that become stained and then dry. To cure a tree, use “Topaz” 2 ml per 10 liters of liquid. It is necessary to process the plant during flowering.
  3. Moniliosis Annushka – manifests itself in the form of gray growths. For treatment, Nitrafen is required during the flowering period. Dilute 300 g per 10 liters of water.
  4. Cherry perforated spot – You can heal a tree with the help of “Horus”.

Also, the cherry tree can suffer from various pests. Compared to other varieties, Annushka rarely suffers from damage to the bark and leaves, but it is important to carry out prevention for the longevity of the tree.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite all the advantages of Annushka, the cherry variety has some disadvantages, although, compared to the advantages, they are almost invisible. It will never grow in swampy areas and zones with a humid climate. For example, in the north of Our Country, sweet cherries will grow better than in the south, and it is quite difficult for her to endure coccomycosis.

Features of landing

Cherry Annushka

Before planting, cherry seedlings should be stored in the basement, in the cold. Landing is carried out in the fall, when the trees are still young, able to withstand cold down to -3 0C. For the rest of the recommendations, all the details are discussed below.

Recommended dates 

It is best to plant in late autumn, but if this fails, Annushka’s sweet cherry can be buried in a snowdrift.

Advice! It should be located on the northern slope, where the sun practically does not fall.

Choosing the right place 

Cherry Annushka

For a successful landing, you need to choose a place where there will be cherries nearby. They are supposed to serve as pollinators. Other plants can be planted only 5-7 meters away. It is advisable to dig deep holes for backfilling with sawdust and grass.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Next to the cherry, which is a pollinator, you can plant cherries of those varieties that are considered early in flowering. It is not recommended to plant cherries of a light red variety, late and winter. You can not engage in the cultivation of flower plants near the fruit tree.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Cherry Annushka

Young seedlings are used as planting material. Fertilizer is also purchased, which is poured into a hole for a tree. The pit should have parameters up to half a meter deep and almost a meter wide.

Landing algorithm

Immediately after digging the hole, fill the bottom with manure (20-25 kg). During the winter, the fertilizer shrinks. The tree can be planted in early spring. Planting and caring for Annushka cherries also include the choice of nitrates. Agronomists choose the necessary substances separately for each region.

The distance between seedlings is 3-4 m. For growth, a stake is inserted 1 m in height. The hole around the tree should hold up to 8 liters of water.

After a year or two, Annushka’s long branches are shortened to the length of medium ones. Thus, the fruiting of the cherry will be better. The algorithm is described in detail in the video:

Planting cherries (biennial) Valery Chkalov

Cherry Annushka

Culture aftercare

After planting, it is important not to forget to care for cherries:

  1. Watering Annushka should be carried out three times in a drought, 30 liters of water each time.
  2. The first watering is done in the spring after frost, the second in the heat. Third optional.
  3. Cherries do not need to be fed. It only needs a little fertilizer in the winter.
  4. To form a flat cherry crown, you need to stop the growth of the tree at around 4 m, for this, the conductor is cut off at the prescribed height.

Next comes preparation for winter. In October, cracks in skeletal branches are cleaned with a garden knife. Cherry trunks are treated with a 3% solution of copper sulphate. Wounds are covered with garden pitch.

Attention! In winter, rodents often spoil Annushka’s trees. To prevent it, you need to tie a net around the trees.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Cherry Annushka

Most often, agronomists face the following problems:

Weevil – a beetle that eats leaves and gnaws through fruits

It infects the plant with a fungus

One and a half months before harvesting, you need to process the leaves with “Decis”. It is important to remove fallen leaves and rotten fruits in time.


The stalk gnaws through the fruit

It contributes to the drying of fruits and infection with fungal diseases.

It is necessary to remove the damaged cherry and process the remains with Metaphos


Cherry shoot moth is very dangerous for its effects

Because of it, the tree dries up, buds and leaves fall. It damages the entire “green” part of the cherry

You can get rid of it only with the help of “Karbofos”


Advice! If the gardener does not know how to overcome the disease, it is better to trust the agronomist, who will tell you exactly how to treat the tree, how to bring it back to life and avoid relapses.


Cherry Annushka

Sweet cherry Annushka is really the best variety for private traders and farmers. It is useful, the pulp is crispy, sweet. Dessert taste allows you to cook many delicacies from it. Undemanding to care, climatic conditions make it in demand in almost any region and the private food sector.


Antipov Alexander Ivanovich, 42 years old, Izhevsk
Reviews of the Annushka cherry in the Urals speak of its unpretentious behavior in variable climate conditions. It grows in any weather, which is very pleasing.
Yakov Boris Antonovich, 37 years old, Astrakhan
The pulp is very dense, crispy, well suited for twists and various homemade dishes. I grow my own in my garden.
Verko Lidia Andreevna, 52 years old, Perm
The most delicious variety from the selection, but not very resistant to coccomycosis. It may be worth stocking up on drugs in advance to prevent the disease. Pests have not yet spoiled the trees. In general, very satisfied with the results.

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