Cherry Adelina

Cherry Adelina is a variety of selection. Sweet berries have been known to gardeners for a long time. The tree is unpretentious, but not cold-resistant enough; areas with cold winters are not suitable for it.

History of breeding

Variety Adelina is the brainchild of the famous breeder O. Zhukov. Sweet cherry Adeline was obtained after crossing sweet cherries Zhukovskaya Slava and Valery Chkalov. Adelina was included in the State Register of Our Country in 1998.

Cherry Adelina

Description of the culture

The description of the Adelina cherry variety is as follows – a fast-growing tree, grows up to 4 meters. Crown of medium density. The trunk is covered with smooth brownish bark. The leaves are elliptical in shape with pointed tips. A bouquet of flowers consists of three pieces, pinkish in color, most of the female type.

Vegetation period – 70 days. Fruits weighing 7 g are heart-shaped. The color of the fruit and pulp is red. Its length is 12 mm. The taste of the berries is sweet, the pulp is quite dense. Berries remain intact when harvested.

It is recommended to grow the Adelina variety in a temperate climate, for Our Country these are the central and southern regions.


Further, the characteristics of the Adelina sweet cherry variety are considered in detail.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

Cherry requires watering, the plant does not tolerate drought. In order for the fruits to be juicy and not crumble ahead of time, you need to water monthly. In the absence of rain, this is done more often, not allowing the soil to dry out.

Frost resistance of sweet cherry Adeline is low. This does not apply to the tree itself, but to the flower buds. In frosty winters or late frosts in spring, they can freeze slightly, which will lead to crop loss.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

This variety, like almost all sweet cherries, is infertile without a pollinating plant. Pollinators for Adeline cherries are varieties of cherries Rechitsa and Poeziya.

The plant blooms in mid-May, and in the second decade of July you can eat berries. They do not ripen all at once, so the harvest lasts at least 10 days.

yield, fruiting

Adelina begins fruiting 4 years after planting. At first, the yield does not exceed 10 kg, but the yield of a tree increases over the years, reaching a maximum of 25 kg per tree.

A photo of the Adelina cherry tree can be seen below.

Cherry Adelina

Scope of berries

Adeline is a table variety. It is best and most useful to use fresh Adeline cherries. For long-term storage, they are frozen, jams, jams, candy fillings and marmalade are made. Used to make liqueurs and tinctures.

Disease and pest resistance

Sweet cherry Adelina has an average resistance to moniliosis and coccomycosis. The same can be said about the pests of this plant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Adeline cherries include the following qualities:

  • Good yield.
  • Annual fruiting.
  • Early maturity.
  • Delicious juicy berries.
Attention! The disadvantages of Adeline cherries include self-infertility, the need to select a pollinator to obtain a crop.

Cherry Adelina

Features of landing

Growing Adeline cherries, first of all, requires the implementation of the rules for planting crops. What you need to consider in order to get a healthy plant that gives a high yield.

Recommended dates

Following the recommendations of experienced gardeners, Adeline cherries are planted in the spring. The upcoming summer season makes it possible for the plant to take root well, by the onset of cold weather it will give an increase in shoots and increase the root system.

The seedling is planted when it is in hibernation, and the buds have not yet hatched. The soil should just thaw, the temperature should become positive.

In autumn, you can get a larger selection of seedlings, but planting should be taken responsibly. Autumn plantings of sweet cherries do not always remain viable by the next spring.

Choosing the right place

Adeline cherries require high, flat areas lit by the sun. It should not be planted in low places where cold fogs are possible. A layer of groundwater close to the surface will also not be beneficial for cherries, its roots will get wet and freeze slightly. The best are the southern or eastern zones of the garden.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries

Apples and pears, and other pome trees, pull out all the useful elements from the soil, which will take away the nutrition from the sweet cherry. Linden, birch, as well as conifers – spruce and pine should be excluded from the environment.

From garden plantings, the plant does not tolerate tobacco, nightshade crops nearby. The neighborhood of blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries has a bad effect. The best neighbors are cherry and plum, honeysuckle.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The Adeline cherry seedling should be two years old, have a root length of about 25 cm. They should be healthy, not damaged, and have a height of about a meter.

Before planting, cherry seedlings are kept in water for 4 hours, the roots will be saturated so that they germinate more easily.

Landing algorithm

Planting cherries begin with the preparation of a suitable place. Pre-prepare the soil, which should not be acidic. To reduce the pH, ash or lime is added to the soil, dolomite flour can be used. The soil is fertilized with superphosphate, humus, potassium sulfur, wood ash.

They dig a hole with sides of 70 cm. Fertile soil is poured in the center, adding 60 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfur to it. They form a mound on which the seedling is placed, straighten the roots, preventing their interlacing.

Water is poured into the hole and the roots are covered with earth. The root neck is left, without falling asleep, at the level of the soil. The soil is lightly compacted. A layer of peat or dry grass mulch is poured around the seedling.

Plant plants at a distance of at least 3 meters. Between the rows leave a gap of 4-5 meters. Pollinating varieties are planted for pollination of Adeline cherries.

Cherry Adelina

Culture aftercare

Sweet cherry requires enough moisture for growth, especially in spring when flowering, fertilizing, pruning. Drying soil will serve as a signal for mandatory watering of cherries; it should not be brought to such a state.

Seedlings need nitrogen fertilizer for the growth of shoots. To do this, add 100 g of urea per 1 m2. Under mature trees, complex mineral fertilizers, compost or humus are applied. Be sure to add ash, it enriches the soil with potassium and reduces its acidity.

Advice! Be sure to do the formation of the crown. Of the large branches, one main shoot is left; if it is damaged, a replacement is given the opportunity to develop.

After winter, damaged branches and thickening crowns are removed. This is the so-called sanitary pruning. The cut point is disinfected with copper sulfate and covered with garden putty.

Adeline’s cherry does not require winter shelter. Young seedlings shelter from rodents and cold. In November, the roots are mulched. The trunk is covered with lutrasil or spruce branches.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Diseases of culture


Ways to get rid

perforated spotting


Brown spots appear on the leaves, then holes in their place. Shoots crack, gum flows from them

Cut out all diseased parts of the plant and burn. Dig up the soil around the trunk. They spray the tree and soil with a Bordeaux mixture of 3%

Gray rot (moniliosis)

Appears at high humidity. Brown spots appear on the leaves. The fruits are covered with a rotten coating

The branches are cut 10 cm below the damage level. The tree is sprayed with fungicides: Azocen, Topsin, Horus


Description of the pest

Ways to destroy them

Cherry slimy sawfly

The pest are larvae resembling slugs. They eat leaves, leaving bare skeletons of them.

For prevention, digging of the near-stem space is carried out. The larvae are destroyed by spraying “Aktara”, “Confidor”.

Apply an infusion of chamomile or ash

Cherry weevil


Beetle with a long proboscis, green-red. Winters in the soil. Gnawing holes in fruits and ovaries, causing them to shed

Autumn digging of the soil, arrangement of trapping belts, treatment with Inta-vir, Fufanon

black aphid

Small black bugs colonize the reverse side of the leaves, causing them to curl and dry out.

Ants are killed for prevention. Folk recipes are used – spraying with infusion of garlic, ammonia, showered with tobacco dust. A good remedy is the biological preparation “Fitoverm”

Cherry Adelina


Adelina cherry and its sweet early berries will bring pleasure to children and adults in summer, and in cold weather it will warm tea with fragrant jam and jam. A blooming spring garden will give a feeling of a holiday of awakening after a long winter.

TRIMPED CHERRY. How to form a young tree.


Maria Petrovna, Belgorod
The Cherry Orchard has always fascinated me with its beauty. With the advent of her own acres, she planted cherries at home. Next came the cherry. Cherry Adeline is a good choice for the Belgorod region. In our warm climate, this cherry is the first to please with its berry. I don’t cover the trees with anything, I do water-charging watering for the winter, I also pour superphosphate into the soil.
Valery Pushkov, g. Not worth it
I love cherries more than cherries. It can always be enjoyed fresh before other fruit species. Cherries are slightly sour. Cherry Adeline was chosen by me for a long time, as a child I ate its berries. No hassle in growing. It grows slowly. I only trim in time so that it does not grow too high.

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