Cherries: health benefits and harms, facts and videos

😉 Greetings, dear readers! The article “Cherry: health benefits and harms, facts” contains basic information about cherries, their benefits and contraindications. Video.

Cherry is the oldest plant. It is believed that this fruit tree was known 8000 years BC in Anatolia. The cherry is a relative of plum, peach and apricot. Sweet cherry is a type of cherry.

Cherry chemical composition

In terms of composition, cherries are close to pomegranate and black currants and are healthier than their friend cherries in many respects.

In 100 grams:

  • calories – 52;
  • proteins – 0,8 g;
  • fats – 0,2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10,6 g;
  • vitamins – A, C, E, B1, B2, PP;
  • potassium – 256 mg;
  • Calcium – 37 mg;
  • magnesium – 26 mg;
  • iron – 0,5 mg.


  • folic;
  • lemon;
  • salicylic;
  • amber.

Cherries: health benefits and harms, facts and videos

Cherries: beneficial properties

  • is an antioxidant (flavonoids);
  • a wonderful remedy for insomnia (contains melatonin);
  • useful in cardiovascular diseases;
  • affects blood clotting (coumarin);
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • removes bad cholesterol from the body;
  • supports the function of hematopoiesis;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves the condition of the body for colds (vitamin C);
  • has anti-inflammatory effects;
  • reduces the risk of thrombosis;
  • in the treatment of gout, enhances the effect of drugs;
  • improves the condition of the joints;
  • diuretic;
  • leaves and stalks are brewed for diuretic tea;
  • antipyretic;
  • antitumor effect;
  • slows down the growth of malignant tumors;
  • helps with weight loss;
  • relieves headaches (anthocyanins and bioflavonoids);
  • cherry juice helps athletes recover from active workouts;
  • dark cherries are rich in iron, help increase hemoglobin;
  • indicated for gout – reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood;
  • the norm for a healthy person is 200-300 gr. fresh berries a day.

Cherries: contraindications

  • acids contained in berries have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, you should rinse your mouth after eating berries;
  • it is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach. The presence of many acids can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • with diabetes mellitus, a doctor’s consultation is necessary;
  • the poisonous substance in the pits of the fruit is dangerous to humans. When it breaks down, hydrocyanic acid is formed in the body.


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Cherry benefits and harms

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