Cherries: health benefits and harms
This bright berry is a real symbol of summer. Cherry is not only tasty, but also extremely useful for the body, while it has a low calorie content.

Sweet cherries are called bird cherries, apparently because of the love of birds for this berry. She is also a close relative of the plum.

The CP, together with a gastroenterologist, understands the benefits and harms of cherries for human health.

The history of the appearance of cherries in nutrition

Cherries became known at least 8000 BC. in Europe. The origin of the name is related to the Romans. They discovered a sweet cherry near the city of Kerasunt, and called the berry “Kerasunt fruit” – “cerasi”. Other languages ​​then developed similar-sounding derivatives, including the English “cherry” and the “cherry”.

The seeds of this berry contain an oil that is used in industry, and the essential oil is used in the manufacture of liqueurs and perfume compositions.

The bark and roots of the tree were used to dye cloth and wool, and to tan leather. Cherry pipes and mouthpieces are popular.

The composition and calorie content of cherries

Although sweet cherries seem sweeter than cherries, they are lower in calories. The berry contains sugars, organic acids, many vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, E, PP), as well as flavonoids.

Caloric value on 100 g52 kcal
Proteins1,1 g
Fats0,4 g
Carbohydrates10,6 g

The benefits of cherries

Sweet cherries have a high content of vitamin C – only 100 grams of these berries cover 20% of the daily requirement of the body. There is even more vitamin C in cherry leaves, so tea with their addition will be useful for colds.

The fiber in the sweet cherry helps digestion, nourishes beneficial bacteria, thereby normalizing the microflora and fighting constipation. In terms of fiber content, cherries are ahead of apricots, which are traditionally considered leaders. Cherry will not greatly damage the figure of those who follow the weight, since it has a relatively low calorie content.

Sweet cherries contain a lot of flavonoids – anthocyanins. These substances give the plants a red and blue color, cherries are very saturated with them. Anthocyanins are needed by plants to protect against ultraviolet radiation, in relation to humans, the use of a large amount of anthocyanins reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases. They also fight oxidative stress of cells by protecting them from free radicals.

Sweet cherries contain a lot of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes the pulse. The coumarins in this berry prevent blood clotting, reducing the risk of thrombosis.

Cherry damage

– Cherry is an extremely healthy product, however, people with food allergies should be careful about it. White berries are considered hypoallergenic, but you should still know when to stop and not eat too much of them. Refusing to eat cherries is for people with diabetes and exacerbation of gastritis, advises gastroenterologist Olga Arisheva.

The use of cherries in cooking

This berry has a delicate sweet taste, and is well suited for various dishes, both fresh and processed. Although sweet cherries are not as fragrant as cherries, they are larger and hold their shape better.

Cherry casserole

It can be served warm, but a cool dish is much tastier as a light summer dinner.

Cherries (pitted)400 g
Curd600 g
Chicken egg2 large or 3 small
Sugar90 g
Saltto taste
Cream100 g
Corn starch30 g

You can use a small detachable form (20 cm) or glass and ceramic (then you should line the bottom with parchment).

Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and salt with a blender or by hand until smooth. Mix the pitted cherries with starch. Put half of the cottage cheese in a greased form, then half of the sweet cherry. Put the remaining cottage cheese on top, cherries again and pour sour cream.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes. Cool, put in the refrigerator. Serve after a few hours.

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cherry biscuit

Crispy shortcrust pastry and plenty of juicy toppings

Butter100 g
Water150 ml
Flour300-350 g
Baking powder1 hours. Spoon
Salt1 hours. Spoon
Sugar55 g
Cherry500 g

Melt butter. Mix sugar (25 g), salt, baking powder with flour. Boil water, pour flour, add oil and quickly knead the dough. If sticky, add a little more flour. Roll into a ball and put in the refrigerator.

At this time, remove the pits from the cherries.

Take out the dough, roll it very thinly on a sheet of parchment. Put the cherry in the center of the circle, stepping back from the edge 5-10 cm. Sprinkle the berry with a spoonful of sugar, wrap the edges, partially covering the cherry. The middle remains open.

Bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

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How to choose and store cherries

It is better to buy cherries in large markets where laboratory control of products is carried out. Good cherries have smooth, shiny, blemish-free skins. Haze, dents and a bitter smell indicate that the berry has stale. It is better that the berries have green stalks – such cherries are fresh and will be stored for a long time.

The color varies depending on the variety – cherries are yellow, pink and dark red. The latter is usually the sweetest and richest in taste. Cherry season – the end of June-mid-July, at this time the berries are as healthy and tasty as possible.

Cherries are stored in the refrigerator in a paper bag, the stalks are not removed. In the refrigerator in a fruit box, cherries will lie for up to 10 days, light-colored varieties and early berries are the worst stored. Cherries are washed only immediately before use.

Popular questions and answers

We will analyze the popular questions of readers about cherries together with the nutritionist Olga Arisheva.

How many cherries can you eat per day?

The best use option is fresh berries from the tree, but always washed beforehand. Cherry is first and foremost a dessert and should be treated accordingly.

The optimal amount is 200-300 grams of berries per day. When overeating cherries, problems with stools may occur, gas formation and diarrhea may begin.

What can be dangerous cherries?

Despite the low calorie content, there is quite a lot of sugar in the sweet cherry, so diabetics should be more careful with it.

Pregnant and lactating mothers should slightly limit themselves in the use of cherries: 100-150 grams will be enough and the risk of allergies will be less. Otherwise, there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

Can you eat cherries on an empty stomach?

It is undesirable to eat these berries on an empty stomach, but the reason for this is that breakfast should be complete and consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cherries can be a small addition. While eating, along with, for example, cottage cheese, a little cherry will not harm healthy people.

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