Chernovar beer: history, overview of types + interesting facts

Despite the fact that Cernovar is a Czech beer, the vast majority of the company’s products are exported abroad.

More than twenty states purchase Chernovar in bulk, and in most states all Czech beer is judged by this particular brand.

Brand history and production specifics

Initially, the leadership of the future brewing company was part of the large-scale enterprise “Russian Tradition”, which was engaged in the export of beer from abroad. They import such popular drinks as Bavaria and Krušovice into the countries.

However, due to internal competition with local production, sales began to fall, and soon the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The company’s management decided to make intoxicating drinks on their own, ordering several unique recipes from the best Czech and German brewers.

Thanks to the involvement of experienced brewers from outside, the owners of the Chernovar brand have established a unique beer production line.

Types of “Chernovar”

Unlike many competitors, the Cernovar brand line is represented by only two types of beer: dark and light.

However, it is thanks to this “limitation” that the plant manages to maintain the uniqueness of the recipe without diluting the recipe with experimental flavors and innovations.

  1. Light

    Classic light craft unfiltered beer.

    The fortress is 4.9%, the density is 11.7%.

    A distinctive feature is the softness of the beer, as well as a pleasant bitterness, which perfectly sets off the malt aftertaste.

    It is used with hot meat snacks or spicy food.

  2. Black

    The color of this lager is very similar to mahogany.

    The strength of the beer is 4.5%, the density is 11.3%.

    Connoisseurs praise this beer over caramel ale for its sweet aftertaste, and well-roasted malt in every sip.

    The best snack for him are classic German pretzels, or other flour products.

Interesting Facts

  1. Beer “Cernovar” is produced in factories that survived during the Second World War. That is why the brewer managed to preserve the technology of open fermentation, which was lost in many places.

  2. For six years (from 2010 to 2016), the company’s sales increased by 8 times. This indicator turned out to be higher than it was in the entire history of the enterprise and the third in the world ranking of increasing production.

  3. In 2010, during the restoration of the plant, the famous Pavel Grigoryevich, the head of Czech brewing, was involved. He established successful production, taking as a basis one of the recipes previously issued to the company – “Chernovar”.

  4. A special uniqueness of Cernovar beer is betrayed by a non-standard recipe – light beer is stronger than its dark counterpart. However, the taste is felt quite the opposite: although the difference in strength is only 0.4%, those who taste dark Chernovar for the first time consider it to be one of the strongest beers.

Relevance: 11.01.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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