
Useful properties and application of Chernobyl

Botanical characteristics of Chernobyl


Chernobylnik – perennial herbaceous medicinal plant from the Compositae family. The grass stems are erect, branched in the upper part, purple-gray, reach a height of 65–150 cm. Chernobyl leaves are pinnatipartite, alternate, pubescent. The lower surface of the leaves is light, the upper is dark green. Chernobyl flowers are small, reddish, appear in July-August and form long panicle inflorescences, located in oblong baskets.

Seeds ripen in achene fruits from August to September. Chernobyl grows in the western and eastern regions of Siberia, in the European part of Russia, in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Her favorite places are forest edges and glades, it grows among various shrubs, chooses moist soils of river valleys. For medicinal use, leafy tops of stems with flowers are harvested. Chernobyl is dried in a natural way in rooms with sufficient ventilation.

Useful properties of Chernobyl

This medicinal plant does not have a bitter taste and a characteristic wormwood smell. The herb has calming and tonic properties. taking funds from Chernobyl has an anthelmintic, choleretic and laxative effect. Chernobyl contains essential oil, flavonoids, mucus, coumarins. Also in the plant there are phytosterols, ascorbic acid, carotene.

The use of Chernobyl

Chernobyl in folk medicine is recommended to be taken for digestive disorders that occur in case of insufficient secretion of the pancreas, gastric juice and bile. The herb effectively helps in the treatment of various female diseases: menstrual disorders and amenorrhea are excellently cured with infusions and decoctions of Chernobyl.

Chernobyl infusions


Recipe #1: for the treatment of cystitis, you need to brew 2 teaspoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter, squeeze out the raw materials and drink 0,5 cups 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Recipe #2: boil 0,5 liters of water with 1 tablespoon of herbs, leave for 2 hours, filter, drink 0,5 cups 3 times a day 1/2 hour before meals. The remedy is used for delayed menstruation.

Recipe #3: it is required to brew 1 glass of fresh grass 2,5 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then filter and squeeze the raw materials. This infusion is suitable for external use.

Decoctions of the plant are used for neurasthenia, epilepsy and other nervous disorders, as they have anticonvulsant and sedative effects. Chernobyl has long been used to expel parasites and worms from the body.

Chernobyl decoction: 1 cup of boiled hot water should be poured over 1 tablespoon of herbs and heated for 0,5 hours in a water bath, then insisted for 15 minutes, filtered, squeezed out the raw materials. Drinking such a decoction is recommended for 0,5 cups 2 times a day.

Chernobyl tincture: Pour 1 tablespoon of grass with 0,5 liters of vodka, leave for three days, shaking occasionally, filter and squeeze out the raw materials. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Chernobyl root

In September, Chernobyl roots are harvested. With the help of decoctions and infusions of medicinal raw materials, it is possible to treat kidney stones, inflammation of the digestive tract, cancer of the rectum, uterus and stomach. Possessing anticonvulsant properties, Chernobyl root is used as an effective remedy for neurasthenia, epilepsy, meningitis, fright. The diaphoretic action of the root of the herb allows it to be used to treat colds. The antibacterial characteristics of the substances contained in the root help with tuberculosis. Decoctions from the root of Chernobyl calm the nerves and eliminate insomnia, cleanse the body of parasites and worms.

Chernobyl root decoctions

Recipe #1: 30 grams of the crushed root of the plant is poured into 0,5 liters of beer, boiled for 5 minutes, then filtered. The resulting remedy is used for various convulsions and convulsions.

Recipe #2: 3-5 dry Chernobyl roots need to be crushed and boiled in 10 cups of boiling water. Take a decoction of 1/2 cup 2 times a day with heavy periods.

Recipe #3: it is necessary to pour 50 g of dry Chernobyl root 2 liters of dry white wine, cook in a sealed container for 10 minutes, add a glass of honey to the boiling broth, cool the composition and strain. Take the medicine in a glass in the morning on an empty stomach or 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Recipe #4:take 1 tablespoon of roots per 0,5 l of dry red wine, bring to a boil, boil for 15-20 minutes, insist 2 hours. Take the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals with the threat of miscarriage.

Chernobyl root infusions:

Recipe № 1: with scanty menstruation and amenorrhea, 1 tablespoon of crushed roots must be poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted in a sealed container for 4 hours, strained. It is recommended to take the infusion half a cup 2 times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of Chernobyl

Chernobyl can not be used for a long time, you need to take a break and not exceed the dosage. Caution should be treated with infusions and decoctions of children and pregnant women. If symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, liver pain occur, treatment should be discontinued.

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