Cheremsha: where it grows in Our Country and in what area

Ramson, bear’s onion, victorious onion – this perennial plant has many names. Useful properties, the appearance of wild garlic attracts the attention of many. Where does wild garlic grow? You can meet this plant in the forest, however, it is quite easy to confuse it with lilies of the valley due to the similar shape of the leaves. It tastes like young garlic, which is why it is often eaten as an ingredient in salads or hot dishes.


Ramson consists of four parts: an elongated bulb, a triangular stem, oblong sharp leaves and a spherical triangular box with seeds. The bulb is often no thicker than 1 cm, splits into parallel fibers, not attached to the rhizome. The stem reaches a height of up to 50 cm, densely entwined with leaves at the base.

Two narrow leaves are usually shorter than the stem, with a narrow petiole. The top of the stem is crowned with a tufted, few-flowered umbel with white leaves. A box with seeds inside is spherical, with valves of a back-core shape. Seeds are spherical. The flowering period of the plant is May-June.

Cheremsha: where it grows in Our Country and in what area

Bear and victory bow is one of the first suppliers of vitamins. It is usually harvested before flowering, because after flowering it loses most of its nutritional properties. Fresh shoots are stored wrapped in cellophane and hidden in the refrigerator.

Video ” How to collect a plant»

Video review of the intricacies of collecting plants in natural conditions. Description of its useful and medicinal properties.

How to collect wild garlic. Cleanses the stomach, intestines and blood, like wild garlic.

Where grows

If you are interested and want to know where to run for such beauty, then everything is simple – it grows almost everywhere, from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. Usually the victory bow is located near rivers, streams, swamps or in flood meadows, where it is humid and warm. And you will definitely find it in broad-leaved, alder forests, of which there are plenty in the Leningrad and Moscow regions, as well as the Moscow region. However, most of all, literally, thickets, wild garlic can be found in Siberia. And now we have considered only the habitat in Our Country.

On the territory of Our Country, there is a bear bow and a victory bow. Don’t let the names fool you – it’s still wild garlic, just two kinds. The first is mainly found in the European part of the country, for example, in the Moscow region, since it is less whimsical to habitat conditions. The second – adorns Kamchatka, Siberia, the Urals, the Caucasus and the Far East.

Cheremsha: where it grows in Our Country and in what area

Useful Properties

The value of wild garlic is amazing: 100 g of water, 89 g of proteins, 2,4 g of fats, 0,1 g of carbohydrates per 7,1 g of the plant; at the same time, the plant is low-calorie, 100 kcal fit in the indicated 36 g of the product. The plant is rich in vitamins of groups A and B, essential oils, minerals, organic acids and fats.

Since ancient times wild garlic has been used as a medicinal plant. Onion juice has a beneficial effect on appetite, the secretory function of the stomach, and enhances bowel function. Ramson perfectly copes with the function of a bactericidal, anthelmintic and antiscorbutic agent. It is known for certain that the plant prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, stimulates and normalizes the work of the heart. It is also suitable for cleaning the stomach, lowering pressure, stabilizing metabolism. Our ancestors used the color of wild garlic to prevent epidemics.

In folk medicine, the use of bear onion tinctures for the treatment of bronchitis, rheumatism, and fever is widespread. The plant can be chewed, rubbed gruel applied to the skin, make compresses. The first shoots of wild garlic are suitable for harvest after the May holidays. Most often, the juicy bases of the leaves are used, and the main part is canned.

Cheremsha: where it grows in Our Country and in what area

In addition to the methods listed above, to use wild garlic, there are many others. For example, the use of this plant stimulates the genitourinary system, tones the body, relieves a person of fermentation and putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract. In the spring, while the greens are just about to hatch, onion leaves are already asking for a salad to saturate you with vitamins and energy. The main thing is to season the salad with sour cream or butter to reduce the burning effect of the juice on the gastric mucosa. Drowsiness as a hand will remove.

They use not only fresh plant sprouts – they make alcohol tinctures, brew teas, and make inhalation mixtures. If you want to treat yourself to such a useful plant in late autumn or winter, store the bulbs like regular garlic. Or diversify the supply of pickles and ferment wild garlic according to the same recipes as cabbage. And the victorious onion will be a wonderful seasoning for homemade sausage, cottage cheese or cheese. If you are scared off by the pungent smell of wild garlic, pour boiling water over it.

It is important to remember that despite all the beneficial properties of the plant, you need to know the measure in use. It is absolutely impossible to eat wild garlic: pregnant women, patients with gastritis, ulcers and polyps of the stomach, epilepsy. In order not to get a “bouquet” of insomnia, headaches, diarrhea, eat the plant a little.

Cheremsha: where it grows in Our Country and in what area

If hiking in forests or meadows does not appeal to you, plant wild garlic in your area. A shady spot, such as under trees, will do. The main thing is that it was quite humid there. The result will be an aesthetically beautiful flower bed, as well as access to the plant almost all year round.

Video “Ramson – a source of vitamins in early spring»

Recommendations for the use of wild garlic for culinary, medicinal and health-improving purposes. Determination of wild garlic during its collection in natural conditions. Tips on how to distinguish wild garlic from poisonous plants.

More about CHERESHE / Ramson

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